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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1425 settembre 25 |
Authority to the master builder and one of the wardens for the destruction of a wall of the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: et in eundum illuc expensis dicte Opere. |
1426 agosto 8 |
Letter of thanks for favors received. |
Text: presentes destinant Bertinum illuc cum omnibus necessariis |
1429/30 gennaio 31 |
Information on the state of the marble lying in the ports of Carrara and Avenza and dispatch of a master for the recovery of a stone altar slab. |
Text: qua littera vadat illuc Chechus Andree alias |
1432 agosto 14 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for payment of the towing of lumber. |
Text: eorum caputmagister ibit illuc hinc ad otto |
1435 maggio 12 |
Letter to the Commune of Nicola asking for information, though a special deputy, on whether the supplies of building materials are adequate to permit construction. |
Text: et destinetur unus illuc et pro expensis |
1435 agosto 12 |
Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. |
Text: de scharpello vadant illuc pro dicta de |
1435/6 febbraio 23 |
Letter to the Captain and to the Podestà of Pisa instructing them to take no measures, without permit of the wardens, on stones and bricks of two ruined towers, before the site inspection for the fortification of the Parlascio gate. |
Text: et quousque eatur illuc per eorum offitium |
1436 luglio 24 |
Loan of rope to the communities of Colle val d'Elsa and permit to masters to travel there to help to hoist some bells. |
Text: magistris Opere eundi illuc ad dandum et |