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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417/8 gennaio 19 |
Revocation of tax on properties. |
Text: Prato cancellentur de imposita eis facta super |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: ad unam reductis, imposita quantitas florenorum trium |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: gabella macinatus eis imposita respectu pauperum et |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: dicta summa eis imposita pro dicta gabella |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: gabella fuit eis imposita, tam super bonis |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: et personarum quibus imposita est et seu |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: considerata summa eis imposita annuatim pro dicta |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: super bestiis mandrialibus imposita hominibus dicti Communis |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: De gabella autem imposita clericis et locis |
1419/20 gennaio 31 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and correction of account entry. |
Text: vexillo Ferze fuit imposita gabella pro quadam |
1419/20 febbraio 13 |
Correction of account entry for debt for property gabelle erroneously written twice. |
Text: de Gherardinis cui imposita fuit gabella bonorum |
1419/20 marzo 19 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and forced loans. |
Text: qua dicta gabella imposita fuit tempore impositionis |
1419/20 marzo 21 |
Release of arrested person for debt for livestock gabelle and letter to the vicar of Firenzuola for summons of the debtors. |
Text: suarum bestiarum sibi imposita que asserit alterius |
1420 aprile 24 |
Term of payment to the Podesterias of Ponsacco and Peccioli and to the Commune of Palaia for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: seu habuerunt quibus imposita fuit gabella pro |
1420 aprile 24 |
Letter to the Commune of Cornia for cancellation of debt for new gabelles. |
Text: novarum gabellarum fuit imposita ipsi Communi Cornie |
1420 aprile 30 |
Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. |
Text: prout fuit sibi imposita et mandata. |
1420 maggio 9 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Campiglia Marittima for debt for proprety gabelle with letter to the Captain for demand of payment of foreigners' properties. |
Text: gabella bonorum fuit imposita et pro quibus |
1420 giugno 12 |
Cancellation of a debt already paid. |
Text: novarum gabellarum fuit imposita gabella bonorum in |
1419/20 marzo 8 |
Advance of payment to carpenter for the impost of the door of the Pope's residence. |
Text: mutuo recipiat super imposita porte habitationis domini |
1421 settembre 17 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in the Commune where the same property is located. |
Text: Florentie et quibus imposita fuit gabella pro |
1421 ottobre 30 |
Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. |
Text: qualiter tempore quo imposita fuit gabella bonorum |
1421 ottobre 30 |
Deduction of property gabelle paid in the forced loans in other Commune. |
Text: Communi gabella bonorum imposita fuit et in |
1421 dicembre 5 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Valenzano and Podesteria of Subbiano for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: quibus dicta gabella imposita fuit mortui sunt |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. |
Text: seu delle bocche imposita fuit comitatinis pro |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: Communi Florentie fuit imposita comitatinis gabella que |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: eorum homines quibus imposita fuit pro dicta |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: quantitas et gabella imposita fuit et in |
1421/2 gennaio 29 |
Term of payment to the inhabitants of the suburbs of Arezzo for debt for gabelle on persons. |
Text: prout et sicut imposita et exacta fuit |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. |
Text: inter alias fuit imposita gabella que dicta |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. |
Text: cum aliis fuit imposita pro tempore trium |
1421/2 marzo 11 |
Term of payment to the communes of the Podesteria of Pieve Santo Stefano for debt for milling gabelle. |
Text: dicta gabella fuit imposita pro quolibet anno |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. |
Text: inter alia fuit imposita gabella que dicta |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. |
Text: (c. 19v) debentibus imposita fuit communibus de |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Anghiari. |
Text: inter alia fuit imposita gabella que dicta |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Anghiari. |
Text: bocchis solvere debentibus imposita fuit communibus de |
1422 aprile 20 |
Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. |
Text: ipsa gabella fuit imposita una cum aliis |
1422 aprile 20 |
Cancellation of debt for exemption of milling gabelle to the Commune of Ciggiano and to that of Oliveto. |
Text: ipsa gabella fuit imposita Communi Ciegiani predicto |
1422 giugno 3 |
Prohibition to the treasurer of the forced loans to collect the 6 denari per lira for pardons of forced loans for the Opera. |
Text: vel similia onera imposita vel imponenda cum |
1422 giugno 3 |
Extension of the term of payment for debt of the milling gabelle to the communes of the Podesteria of Chiusi. |
Text: gabelle inter alia imposita fuit gabella que |
1422 giugno 3 |
Extension of the term of payment for debt of the milling gabelle to the communes of the Podesteria of Chiusi. |
Text: bocchis solvere debentibus imposita fuit communibus de |
1422 settembre 16 |
Deduction of part of demand of payment to the Podesteria of Pontedera for a mill, whose owner is uncertain. |
Text: summa comprehenditur gabella imposita super quodam molendino |
1422 settembre 16 |
Deduction of part of demand of payment to the Podesteria of Pontedera for a mill, whose owner is uncertain. |
Text: si super eo imposita gabella fuit. |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle for property located in the countryside of Volterra. |
Text: quo dicta gabella imposita fuit non in |
1422 novembre 6 |
Concession of right of recourse for property gabelle to debtor who is no longer the owner. |
Text: emptor, super quibus imposita fuerit dicta quantitas |
1428 novembre 29 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pontedera for demand of payment of miller and revocation of confiscation of the properties of the superintendent of Pisa. |
Text: dictis temporibus quibus imposita fuit gabella nova, |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: fuissent cum effectu imposita, ut in dictis |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: Iohanni nomine gabelle imposita non ut prestantia |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: quantitas pro prestantia imposita non potest dici |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: nomine prestantiarum est imposita nec aliud credendum |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: ipsi Iohanni fuerit imposita, banita tamen post |