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Summary |
Context of query |
1418 aprile 23 |
Contract for tiles to roof the chapels. |
cappelle o cupole - copertura con embrici |
1418 ottobre 12 |
Deadline for presentation of designs for the cupola. |
cupola maggiore - modello o disegno |
1418 dicembre 8 |
Order to the participants in the competition for the model of the cupola to consign their projects. |
cupola maggiore - modello o disegno |
1418 novembre 15 |
Payment for construction work on a shed. |
Tedaldi o Alessandri, casolare |
1421 marzo 31 |
Registration of the daily wages of masters and unskilled workers at Vincigliata on attestation of the scribe of the quarry. |
cava di Vincigliata o di Frassinaia |
1421 ottobre 16 |
Balance of payment for the purchase of sandstone blocks. |
cava di Trassinaia o di Vincigliata |
1422 novembre 13 |
Commission to the administrator and the master builder to purchase two mules or horses to hoist loads up to the main cupola. |
cupola maggiore - acquisto di muli o cavalli |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Choice of the shed of the Alessandri and formerly of the Tedaldi as headquarters of the workforce and officials and authorization to make the wardens' audience hall and the administrator's and notary's office there. |
Tedaldi o Alessandri, casolare - sede Opera e udienza |