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DOCUMENT: o0201072.026viview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1417/8 marzo 17
stairSUMMARY: stairLoan to a collaborator to be deducted from his salary.
AOSMF stairII 1 72 stairc. 26v i resolutions
    Item deliberaverunt quod camerarius mutuet qualibet edomoda Zenobio Borghognonis libras duas libere et sine eorum preiudicio vel gravamine quos denarios sibi excomputentur in suo salario alias deliberando.
Transcription: gb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES:  - staircamarlingo
stairZanobi di stairBorgognone
Guided research
stairother ments. - occas.
stairZanobi di stairBorgognone - prestito
Analysis: gb
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