Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1416/7 marzo 11 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: salmis centum duodecim calcis videlicet modiorum viginti |
1416/7 marzo 17 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: salmis quadraginta tribus calcis in duabus taglis |
1416/7 marzo 17 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: viginti octo modiorum calcis habite ab Antonio |
1416/7 marzo 17 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: quolibet modio dicte calcis pro dicto fulcimento |
1417 giugno 3 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: et una salma calcis habita ab Antonio |
1417 giugno 3 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: centum quinquaginta quinque calcis per eum date |
1417 giugno 30 |
Payment for supply of mortar and flat bricks. |
Text: pro salmis sexdecim calcis et pro ducentis |
1417 giugno 30 |
Payment for supply of mortar and flat bricks. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis, videlicet pro quattuor |
1417 giugno 30 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: suprascripta quattuor modia calcis habite ab Antonio |
1418 giugno 17 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: salmis quadraginta novem calcis per eum datis |
1418 giugno 17 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: suprascriptorum duodecim modiorum calcis et uno quarto |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Payment for the transport of mortar. |
Text: salmis nonaginta octo calcis, videlicet modiorum viginti |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Payment for supply of mortar for the model of Brunelleschi and other work. |
Text: salmis quadraginta novem calcis, videlicet modiorum duodecim |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: salmis viginti quattuor calcis, videlicet in modiis |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Payment for supply of mortar in three account entries. |
Text: quartorum alterius modii calcis missa Operi per |
1418 novembre 15 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: modiis decem octo calcis in salmis septuaginta |
1418 novembre 15 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: modiorum decem octo calcis habita ab Antonio |
1418 dicembre 15 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: duabus cum dimidio calcis per eum venditis |
1418 dicembre 23 |
Payment for contract for mortar. |
Text: mutuum super locatione calcis eis facta per |
1418 dicembre 23 |
Payment for contract for mortar with promise of consignment at the conditions fixed. |
Text: anni, quadraginta modia calcis bone pro libris |
1418/9 gennaio 27 |
Price fixed for mortar. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis dando Antonio magistri |
1419 aprile 28 |
Price set for the material supplied by a kilnman for the Pope's residence. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis libras tres soldos |
1419 aprile 28 |
Balance of payment for the purchase of bricks and supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. |
Text: quarto alterius modii calcis ad rationem librarum |
1418/9 gennaio 9 |
Ratification of contract for supply of sand with guaranty. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis extinguendo, et omnibus |
1418/9 gennaio 9 |
Ratification of contract for supply of sand with guaranty. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis et, in casu |
1418/9 gennaio 25 |
Ratification of contract for supply of mortar with guaranty. |
Text: de modiis quadraginta calcis pro quolibet mense |
1419 luglio 19 |
Payment for carriage of stones and mortar for Santa Maria Novella. |
Text: et salmarum 80 calcis extinte per eum |
1419 luglio 19 |
Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. |
Text: et stariorum 18 calcis per eum vendite |
1419 luglio 19 |
Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. |
Text: pretio modiorum 63 calcis per eum vendite |
1419 ottobre 7 |
Payment for supply of mortar for the Pope's residence. |
Text: pro quattuor modiis calcis per eum datis |
1424 novembre 22 |
Election of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: portarum et totius calcis et sollicitandi, providendi |
1424 novembre 7 |
Payment for supply of mortar to the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: dimidio alterius modii calcis ad rationem librarum |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: tribus alterius modii calcis venditis et datis |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: triginta quattuor (modiis) calcis per eum missis |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: dimidio alterius modii calcis missis Opere a |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: pro modiis sex calcis missis Opere a |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. |
Text: et uno quarto calcis, prout apparet in |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Payment for the purchase of mortar. |
Text: pro modiis quattuor calcis per eum missis |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of quarry stone mortar. |
Title: centum quinquaginta modios calcis modo ibidem narrato |
1426 aprile 29 |
Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. |
Text: mense sedecim modios calcis bone lapidis de |
1426 aprile 29 |
Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. |
Text: quod pretium dicte calcis per eum ut |
1426 settembre 12 |
Authority to the master builder for tare on mortar full of stones. |
Text: modios triginta unum calcis sassose per ipsum |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. |
Title: faciendum unam cottam calcis pro castro Malmantilis |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. |
Text: faciendum unam cottam calcis ad castrum Malmantilis |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar for Malmantile and letter to the masters instructing them to continue to work. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis et quod scribatur |
1426/7 marzo 8 |
Order to make mortar at the kiln of Malmantile and purchase of up to four bushels of mortar from Lastra. |
Title: Malmantilis modios quattuor calcis |
1426/7 marzo 8 |
Order to make mortar at the kiln of Malmantile and purchase of up to four bushels of mortar from Lastra. |
Text: donec fiat cotta calcis, que debet fieri |
1426/7 marzo 8 |
Order to make mortar at the kiln of Malmantile and purchase of up to four bushels of mortar from Lastra. |
Text: in quattuor modios calcis, unicuique ipsorum modios |
1427 maggio 7 |
Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. |
Text: de certa quantitate calcis pro certo tempore |
1427 maggio 7 |
Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. |
Text: mense quadraginta modios calcis de lapidibus de |
1427 maggio 7 |
Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln. |
Text: in quantum dicta calcis non esset acceptabilis |
1427 giugno 21 |
Contract for mortar with advance on payment to be deducted on consignment. |
Text: mense viginti modios calcis pro pretio librarum |
1427 giugno 21 |
Contract for mortar with advance on payment to be deducted on consignment. |
Text: in quantum dicta calcis sit recipiens et |
1427 agosto 12 |
Advance on payment to kilnman. |
Text: pro una cotta calcis fienda, et ipsum |
1427 agosto 20 |
Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. |
Title: mense decem modios calcis |
1427 agosto 20 |
Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. |
Text: mense modios decem calcis lapidis de chava |
1427 agosto 20 |
Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. |
Text: et maiorem quantitatem calcis, si caputmagister Opere |
1427 agosto 20 |
Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. |
Text: summam quadraginta, que calcis ponatur ad computum |
1427 settembre 19 |
Authorization to credit kilnmen for supply of mortar. |
Text: dimidio alterius modii calcis per eum missis |
1427 ottobre 14 |
Order to the (scribe) to keep, together with kilnman, the account of the mortar to be conveyed to the Opera. |
Text: fornaciario pro computo calcis conducende ad prefatam |
1427 novembre 10 |
Revocation of contract for mortar to kilnman. |
Text: Operam certam quantitatem calcis, presenti Silvestro Dominici |
1427 novembre 10 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. |
Title: Falli certam quantitatem calcis |
1427 novembre 10 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. |
Text: modios viginti quinque calcis bone, recipientis et |
1427 novembre 10 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. |
Text: conduceret dictam quantitatem calcis ad beneplacitum Opere |
1427/8 febbraio 5 |
Injunction to kilnmen for supply of kiln loads of mortar for the great cupola. |
Text: faciat unam fornaciatam calcis pro Opera ad |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Authorization to kilnmen to supply up to twenty bushels of mortar to the Opera without advance on payment. |
Title: in modios XX calcis |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Authorization to kilnmen to supply up to twenty bushels of mortar to the Opera without advance on payment. |
Text: et socii fornaciarii calcis possint mictere in |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Authorization to kilnmen to supply up to twenty bushels of mortar to the Opera without advance on payment. |
Text: in triginta modios calcis bone, recipientis et |
1428 giugno 4 |
New term for consignment to kilnman for supply of mortar, with threat of demand of payment. |
Text: mensem tantam quantitatem calcis quantam capit pecunia |
1428 luglio 20 |
Authorization to the administrator to credit kilnman for supply of mortar. |
Text: et stariis 21 calcis per eum missis |
1428 agosto 4 |
Order to the mortar kilnmen to fire their kilns. |
Title: Preceptum fiendum fornaciariis calcis |
1428 agosto 4 |
Order to the mortar kilnmen to fire their kilns. |
Text: omnibus fornaciariis Opere calcis quod mictant ignem |
1428 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. |
Text: Operam decem modios calcis bone, recipientis et |
1428 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. |
Text: modios decem dicte calcis et per totam |
1428 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. |
Text: futuri modios decem calcis, quam quidem quantitatem |
1428 agosto 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. |
Text: quam quidem quantitatem calcis mictere teneatur ad |
1428 settembre 24 |
Authorization to contract out supply of mortar. |
Text: locare duobus fornaciariis calcis ad conducendum ad |
1428 settembre 24 |
Authorization to contract out supply of mortar. |
Text: Operam modios viginti calcis ad beneplacitum operariorum |
1428 ottobre 25 |
Authorization to kilnman to convey quarry stone mortar. |
Text: mense quinque modios calcis de lapide de |
1428/9 febbraio 23 |
Authorization to contract out quarry mortar. |
Title: conducendo octuaginta modios calcis per ... |
1428/9 febbraio 23 |
Authorization to contract out quarry mortar. |
Text: quantitatem octuaginta modiorum calcis de chava bone |
1429 aprile 12 |
Prohibition to accept supply of mortar and injunction of guarantors of kilnmen. |
Text: Calenzano aliquam quantitatem calcis deinceps tarandam per |
1429 aprile 15 |
Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. |
Title: Contra conductores calcis |
1429 aprile 15 |
Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. |
Text: acceptare a conductoribus calcis aliquam quantitatem calcis |
1429 aprile 15 |
Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. |
Text: calcis aliquam quantitatem calcis de qua deinceps |
1429 aprile 15 |
Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. |
Text: debeat aliqua tara calcis sine licentia offitii |
1429 giugno 1 |
Renewal of contract for supply of sand to partner of deceased sand digger. |
Text: pro fulcitura modii calcis et considerato per |
1429 giugno 16 |
Authorization to the administrator and the master builder to contract out sand for mortar for the cupola. |
Text: fulcitura cuiuslibet modii calcis. |
1429 agosto 20 |
Authorization to kilnman to send mortar in the amount allowed by the master builder. |
Text: Operam illam quantitatem calcis que videbitur caputmagistro |
1429/30 marzo 15 |
Authorization to kilnman to convey mortar at set price. |
Text: in decem modiis calcis pro pretio librarum |
1430 settembre 13 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: in quindecim modios calcis bone, recipientis et |
1430 settembre 13 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: in XV modios calcis pro minoribus pretiis |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: in quadraginta modios calcis bone ad requisit(ionem) |
1430/1 marzo 14 |
Authorization to have mortar supplied. |
Text: futuri tantam quantitatem calcis quod capiat debitum |
1430/1 marzo 14 |
Authorization to have mortar supplied. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis et non aliter. |
1430/1 marzo 23 |
Authorization to convey mortar when needed. |
Text: viginti quinque modios calcis pro pretio librarum |
1431 aprile 26 |
Letter to the master builder with regard to the work at Staggia. |
Text: quod lapides nec calcis est penes laborerium |
1431 giugno 15 |
Extraordinary rulings pertaining to supplies of mortar and broad bricks in times of particular economic hardship. |
Text: laborerium quadronum et calcis quibus Opera pro |
1431 agosto 16 |
Authorization to contract out the monthly supply of mortar for three years, with repayment of loan in installments. |
Text: mense modios viginti calcis quinque de lapidibus |
1431 agosto 16 |
Authorization to accredit mortar supplied by the guarantor of a kilnman who is the beneficiary of a loan. |
Text: quarto alterius modii calcis conductis ad Operam |
1431 agosto 16 |
Credit to debtors for mortar supplied. |
Text: 3/8 alterius modii calcis conductis ad Operam |
1431 settembre 25 |
Authorization to contract out a supply of mortar. |
Title: fieri una locatio calcis pro Nuccium Benintendis |
1431 settembre 25 |
Authorization to contract out a supply of mortar. |
Text: Operam certam quantitatem calcis pro pretiis quibus |
1431/2 febbraio 15 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: in quadraginta modios calcis pro pretio librarum |
1431/2 febbraio 15 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: quod dicta quantitas calcis ad dictam rationem |
1431/2 febbraio 22 |
Authorization to convey mortar, with the agreement to discount from its price the credit of the Opera for the construction of the Sapienza. |
Text: mense modios quindecim calcis de lapide da |
1432 aprile 3 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: et socii fornaciarii calcis possint conducere ad |
1432 aprile 3 |
Authorization to convey mortar. |
Text: modios viginti quinque calcis ad rationem librarum |
1432 aprile 8 |
Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. |
Text: Ciprianus Durantis fornaciarius calcis captus ad petitionem |
1432 aprile 8 |
Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. |
Text: futurum modios quadraginta calcis bone, recipientis et |
1432 maggio 28 |
Price fixed for mortar. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis. |
1432 giugno 13 |
Tare for supply of mortar full of stones. |
Text: saxosa novem modios calcis pro quattuordecim modiis |
1432 giugno 13 |
Tare for supply of mortar full of stones. |
Text: pro quattuordecim modiis calcis sassose, et ad |
1432 giugno 13 |
Tare for supply of mortar full of stones. |
Text: novem modios dicte calcis sassose. |
1432 agosto 23 |
Authorization to contract out sand for mortar. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis. |
1432 settembre 19 |
Confiscation of mortar from two kilnmen. |
Text: teneatur omnem quantitatem calcis existentem in fornace |
1432 ottobre 17 |
Sale of building materials to a canon for a stable. |
Text: florentino certam quantitatem calcis et ciottolorum et |
1432/3 marzo 23 |
Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers. |
Title: Pretium calcis Vannotii ser Iacobi |
1432/3 marzo 23 |
Price fixed for mortar with order to put the extra cost at the expense of defaulting suppliers. |
Text: possit ponere pretium calcis misse per Vannotium |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term to a kilnman for the consignment of mortar. |
Text: viginti quinque modios calcis bone et recipientis |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term to a kilnman for the consignment of mortar. |
Text: ponatur pretium ipsius calcis ad computum dicti |
1434 dicembre 29 |
Ratification of contract for sand. |
Text: fulcitura cuiuslibet modii calcis verbo t(antu)m; et |
1434/5 gennaio 26 |
Payment to a kilnman. |
Text: pro quolibet modio calcis conducte et conducende |
1434/5 marzo 18 |
Contract for kiln load using small brick form at set price for paving. |
Text: Opere unam cottam calcis secundum modonum minorem |
1434/5 marzo 22 |
Authorization to contract out mortar to kilnman in Galluzzo with concession of advance payment. |
Text: Operam modios quindecim calcis pro eo pretio |
1435 agosto 12 |
Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. |
Text: una littera fornaciario calcis quod vadat ad |
1435 agosto 25 |
Contract for supply of mortar in amount equivalent to one florin per month, on penalty of the forfeit of equal monthly sum to the Opera. |
Text: Operam tantam quantitatem calcis que adscendat ad |
1435 agosto 25 |
Contract for supply of mortar in amount equivalent to one florin per month, on penalty of the forfeit of equal monthly sum to the Opera. |
Text: calcem, teneatur loco calcis dare quolibet mense |
1436 luglio 30 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for use of mortar for the Parlascio gate and letter of reply to the administrator of the Opera in Pisa. |
Text: provisori illam quantitatem calcis quam habuerunt pro |