Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1417/8 febbraio 17 |
Authorization to the master builder to purchase material for the Opera. |
Text: lignis ulmorum et canapis et de aliis |
1418 giugno 17 |
Authorization to sell old ropes. |
Text: Operis vendant de canapis dicti Operis veteribus |
1419 maggio 31 |
Authorization to lend a rope to the friars of Santo Spirito. |
Text: festo eorum unus canapis quo egent etc. |
1419 giugno 9 |
Authorization to sell old ropes. |
Text: possit vendere de canapis veteribus dicti Operis |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for the purchase, weighing, transport and commission of ropes in Pisa. |
Text: debent pro duobus canapis grossis bracchiorum 720 |
1421/2 gennaio 26 |
Payment for a rope transported from Pisa. |
Text: pro pretio unius canapis grossi librarum 1800 |
1422 maggio 13 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: pro nolo conducti canapis; pro vino et |
1424 aprile 13 |
Payment to bargeman for transport of a rope. |
Text: pro vettura unius canapis per eum conducti |
1426/7 gennaio 31 |
Authorization to the administrator to lend a rope. |
Title: Comodatum unius canapis fiendum Beltoldo de |
1427 aprile 2 |
Permit to leave work and loan of a rope to Brunelleschi. |
Title: et comodatum unius canapis |
1427 aprile 2 |
Permit to leave work and loan of a rope to Brunelleschi. |
Text: tempore comodetur unus canapis. |
1427 settembre 25 |
Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. |
Title: quod ematur unus canapis loco illius sibi |
1427 settembre 25 |
Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. |
Text: ac extimatio dicti canapis non ponatur donec |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Authorization to administrator to buy rope for small windlass used by a (master). |
Text: possibile est unus canapis pro una burburecta |
1427/8 febbraio 5 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa for two ropes, of which one for the cupola and the other for the windlass. |
Title: Capitaneo Pisarum pro canapis fiendis |
1435/6 marzo 6 |
Authority to the master builder to have a platform made for hardware and ropes. |
Title: pro ferramentis et canapis Opere |
1435/6 marzo 6 |
Authority to the master builder to have a platform made for hardware and ropes. |
Text: ferramentis Opere et canapis ipsius Opere. |