Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1420/1 marzo 15 |
Detention of the messenger of a confraternity that meets in Santa Maria Novella for missing restitution of logs. |
Text: ab ipsa societate capiatur et personaliter detineatur |
1434 agosto 12 |
Arrest order following failure to answer summons. |
Text: ad ipsorum instantiam capiatur e recommendetur penes |
1435 agosto 27 |
Order to arrest a debtor and to inscribe his guarantors in the debtors' registry of the Commune if a legal counsel holds them bound. |
Text: Andreas de Spinellis capiatur et ducatur ad |
1418 aprile 5 |
Incarceration and removal from the rolls of a stonecutter who offended an officer. |
Text: Antonius Cionis scarpellator capiatur et mittatur in |
1429/30 febbraio 19 |
Arrest for debt. |
Text: de Castro Florentino capiatur ad petitionem eorum |
1421 giugno 26 |
Obligation to the substitute treasurer to consign the money in his possession within a day under penalty of detention. |
Text: dicti eorum officii capiatur et detineatur penes |
1432 giugno 21 |
Summons. |
Text: eorum mandatis, alias capiatur et detineatur ad |
1428 giugno 15 |
Order for arrest and subsequent incarceration of Florentine notary, guilty of protesting a canon. |
Text: et eorum offitii capiatur ser Alessus Niccolai |
1435/6 febbraio 6 |
Release of arrested person for debt of the baptismal parish of Remole di sotto and order to arrest another richer person. |
Text: et loco sui capiatur quidam alius dictior |
1419 giugno 22 |
Order to arrest a master who has worked outside the Opera without permission. |
Text: extra dictum (Opus) capiatur ad petitionem dictorum |
1417/8 gennaio 26 |
Arrest for the debts relating to the new gabelles. |
Text: Guadagnus Benedicti Buoni capiatur pro debitis Communis |
1429 giugno 3 |
Arrest of coal maker and his consignment to the officials of the Wool Guild. |
Text: instantiam prefatorum operariorum capiatur et captum ducatur |
1432 giugno 13 |
Order of arrest. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod capiatur Antonius Tomaxi Mazetti |
1435/6 febbraio 8 |
Order of arrest for debt for a (debtor) of the Commune of Gangalandi. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod capiatur unus de Communi |
1417 maggio 4 |
Order for arrest and detention of debt collector. |
Text: Karolus exactor Operis capiatur ad petitionem dictorum |
1421 maggio 30 |
Term for consignment, under penalty of detention, for money received for transport of lumber. |
Text: lignamina (non) satisdet, capiatur et detineatur ad |
1421 agosto 20 |
Order to arrest a messenger. |
Text: Mancinus ... nuntius capiatur et personaliter recommendetur |
1421 agosto 26 |
Order to arrest a debt collector who has not paid for hire of horse to go to attach pawns. |
Text: nomine dicti officii capiatur Cola ... exactor |
1419 aprile 12 |
Injunction of restitution of pawn. |
Text: non restituerit sibi capiatur ad petitionem dictorum |
1421 maggio 29 |
Detention of a unskilled worker at the Wool Guild. |
Text: operariorum et Opere capiatur et penes officium |
1418 agosto 9 |
Detention of a debt collector. |
Text: operariorum et Operis capiatur ad petitionem dictorum |
1433 ottobre 18 |
Order to arrest a boy guilty of have stolen hardware. |
Text: Opere hiis diebus capiatur et conducatur ad |
1432 giugno 6 |
Order to arrest whoever has set a debtor free. |
Text: per eorum exactores capiatur ille qui fecit |
1421 marzo 27 |
Order of arrest and detention of a messenger. |
Text: petitionem dicti officii capiatur et personaliter detineatur, |
1425 agosto 22 |
Occupation of piece of land in the Pisan countryside for dotal rights and right of recourse to Pisan citizen. |
Text: petitionem prefatorum operariorum capiatur tenuta et corporalis |
1435 luglio 5 |
Order to the master builder to go with some masters to Nicola for the construction there and the arrest, at his instance, of his son. |
Text: preces dicti Batiste capiatur Antonius eius filius |
1418/9 febbraio 11 |
Denial of right of recourse to carpenter under penalty of imprisonment. |
Text: predictorum de facto capiatur per exactores dicti |
1434 maggio 15 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. |
Text: rectores accipiatur et capiatur nisi eo modo |
1436 aprile 23 |
Arrest order in case of nonobservance on the part of the Commune of Cortona. |
Text: Redulfus de Cortonio capiatur in casu quo |
1428 novembre 29 |
Reduction of debt for the Commune of Romena and arrest of the guarantor for the part remaining. |
Text: residuo dicti debiti capiatur ser Marcus Tomasii |
1418 agosto 19 |
Announcement of competition for the model of the cupola, that is to say for its armature, scaffolding and other things concerning construction. |
Text: suus modellus non capiatur etc. Et sic |
1432 settembre 19 |
Confiscation of mortar from two kilnmen. |
Text: tota pro Opera capiatur et conduci faciat |
1426 aprile 21 |
Fines of the masters of Lastra if they do not complete the work on the castle; election of masters for work on the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: unius medii blachii capiatur unum blachium extra |
1418 ottobre 26 |
Detention of the guardian of the pawns of the Commune of Florence for not having delivered the pawns to the Opera. |
Text: venditione vel alibi, capiatur ad petitionem dictorum |
1432 giugno 6 |
Order to arrest whoever has set a debtor free. |
Title: Quod capiatur ille qui facit |
1429/30 febbraio 19 |
Arrest for debt. |
Title: Quod capiatur Iohannes de Castro |
1425 agosto 22 |
Occupation of piece of land in the Pisan countryside for dotal rights and right of recourse to Pisan citizen. |
Title: Quod capiatur tenuta cuiusdam terre |
1433 ottobre 18 |
Order to arrest a boy guilty of have stolen hardware. |
Title: Quod quidam puer capiatur qui furatus fuit |