Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1433 luglio 13 |
Allocation of funds for supply of lumber with deadline for the consignment. |
Text: a Benedicto de Decomano de conductura dicti |
1421 aprile 18 |
Guaranty for promise to repay money with supply of lumber. |
Text: Angeli Brutti de Decomano comitatus Florentie, pro |
1421 novembre 21 |
Payment to creditors of lumber supplier. |
Text: Angeli Brutti de Decomano conductore lignaminis Opere |
1420 maggio 22 |
Payment for lumber conveyed and to be conveyed from the forest. |
Text: Angeli Brutti de Decomano conductori lignaminis de |
1419 giugno 2 |
Payment for supply of lumber and correction of error of registration. |
Text: Angeli fabri de Decomano in summa trainorum |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Guaranty for debt for new gabelles and forced loans. |
Text: Bartolo Giani de Decomano, constitutus personaliter coram |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera. |
Text: Bartolo Rigoglie de Decomano incidendi seu incidi |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Bartolus Giani de Decomano satisdederit de solvendo |
1422 ottobre 24 |
Guaranty for debt for gabelle on persons of the parish of San Jacopo of Frascole. |
Text: Benedicti Buoni de Decomano fideiussit etc., promixit |
1419 giugno 2 |
Payment for supply of lumber and correction of error of registration. |
Text: Benedicti Buoni de Decomano pro tredecim trainis |
1423/4 gennaio 12 |
Balance of payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Beneditti Buoni de Decomano conductori ligniaminis pro |
1416/7 febbraio 11 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Checchus Salvadoris de Decomano fideiussit etc. promictens |
1416/7 febbraio 5 |
Arrest for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Checchus Salvadoris de Decomano pro prestantiis tertii |
1432 giugno 13 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to organize the removal and the transport of lumber from the forest and for three summons. |
Text: cogat homines de Decomano consuetos ad extrahendum |
1418/9 febbraio 3 |
Contract for cutting and transport of lumber. |
Text: de Bonamichis de Decomano presenti et conducenti |
1421 novembre 21 |
Conditional release of arrested guarantor of debtor. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano captus ad petitionem |
1422 aprile 29 |
Balance of payment for the purchase of lumber. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano conductori lignaminis quos |
1420/1 gennaio 23 |
Payment for the purchase of lumber of fir. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano conductori lignaminis quos |
1421/2 febbraio 12 |
Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano continente qualiter vigore |
1421 agosto 9 |
Guaranty for unspecified debts for the parishes of San Bartolo di Castello and of Santa Croce di Dicomano. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano predicto et quilibet |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Guaranty for supply of lumber. |
Text: del Brutto de Decomano qui mutuo recipere |
1417/8 marzo 8 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: dicti Operis de Decomano ad ianuam Sancti |
1417/8 gennaio 19 |
Term for payment for a debt and corresponding guaranty. |
Text: Francischus Ghoccii de Decomano et Bartolomeus Bernardi |
1418 settembre 2 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to give the harvest of a debtor to his guarantor. |
Text: Francisco Goccii de Decomano totum frumentum et |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: Guiducci Chelis de Decomano in florenis tribus |
1417/8 gennaio 19 |
Term for payment for a debt and corresponding guaranty. |
Text: heredes Balduccii de Decomano, prestantes fideiussiones de |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano conductori legnaminis Opere |
1425 maggio 31 |
Order to the treasurer to pay a lumber supplier only after having received attestation from the guard of the forest. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano conductori lignaminis libras |
1425 maggio 16 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano conductori lignaminis libras |
1422 settembre 1 |
Payment for supply and transport of fir lumber. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano conductori lignaminis pro |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano conductori lignaminis pro |
1425 giugno 1 |
Order to the administrator to debit rotten lumber to the lumber suppliers. |
Text: Iacobo Angeli de Decomano pro vigintiquinque traynis |
1425 maggio 26 |
Approval of assignment of allocated funds to other parties. |
Text: Iacobus Angeli de Decomano fuit contentus quod |
1419 settembre 20 |
Term of payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans. |
Text: magistri Pauli de Decomano debitor Operis tum |
1420/1 gennaio 31 |
Term of payment for forced loans. |
Text: magistri Pauli de Decomano debitor sub suo |
1420/1 febbraio 8 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans or gabelles. |
Text: magistri Pauli de Decomano debitore dicte Opere, |
1419 settembre 20 |
Guaranty for debt. |
Text: magistri Pauli de Decomano debitore etc. Filippus |
1422 agosto 7 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: Martinus Fey de Decomano debitori dicte Opere |
1419 giugno 2 |
Correction of account entry of towloads of lumber. |
Text: Papii Benedicti de Decomano ponantur et scribantur |
1417 giugno 22 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Papio Benedicti de Decomano conductori lignaminis Operis |
1418 dicembre 5 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Papio Benedicti de Decomano conductori lignaminis Operis |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Payment for rafting of firwood. |
Text: per aquam a Decomano ad civitatem Florentie |
1417 giugno 16 |
Guaranty for unspecified debt. |
Text: Piero Mami de Decomano fideiussit Benedictus Bernardi |
1416/7 marzo 12 |
Guaranty for debts for new gabelles, forced loans and pardons. |
Text: Piero Mami de Decomano fideiussit Simon Andree |
1417 giugno 9 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle, forced loans and tax on testaments. |
Text: Pierus Mami de Decomano et recommendatus Potestati. |
1416/7 marzo 11 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles or forced loans with obligation of guaranty and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: Pierus Mami de Decomano habeat terminum ad |
1417 giugno 16 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: Pierus Mami de Decomano habeat terminum ad |
1416/7 marzo 5 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: Pierus Mami de Decomano pro bonis omnium |
1418 aprile 5 |
Term of payment for the new gabelles. |
Text: Pierus Manni de Decomano satisdando ydonee habeat |
1421/2 febbraio 12 |
Concession of right of recourse to parishes of the communes of Dicomano and Castello that are debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: Sancte Crucis a Decomano pro parte solutionis |
1422 novembre 24 |
Term of payment for debt for property and milling gabelles. |
Text: Sancte Crucis de Decomano debitori dicte Opere |
1421 agosto 9 |
Guaranty for unspecified debts for the parishes of San Bartolo di Castello and of Santa Croce di Dicomano. |
Text: Sancte Crucis de Decomano debitoribus dicte Opere |
1417 novembre 19 |
Arrests for debts. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Decomano pro resto bonorum |
1416/7 marzo 5 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle. |
Text: Santi Iohannis de Decomano recommendatus Potestati. Die |
1416/7 marzo 12 |
Guaranty for debts for new gabelles, forced loans and pardons. |
Text: Santi Iohannis de Decomano, hinc ad per |
1430 maggio 19 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with release of arrested person. |
Text: ser Guidoni de Decomano, debitori Opere in |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Release of arrested guarantor and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for information about the possession of properties, their registration and the examination of witnesses with request for reply. |
Text: ser Niccolai de Decomano qui captus est |
1417 aprile 21 |
Guaranty for balance of debt for property gabelle of the parish of Santa Maria of Dicomano. |
Text: Sante Marie de Decomano, fideiussit Guiglielmus Pieri |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Title: Bartolo Giani de Decomano |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera. |
Title: Bartolus Rigoglie de Decomano possit incidere in |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Release of arrested guarantor and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for information about the possession of properties, their registration and the examination of witnesses with request for reply. |
Title: Benedicti Buoni de Decomano |
1423 marzo 30 |
Term of payment and release of an arrested debtor. |
Title: ser Guido de Decomano |
1430 maggio 19 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and property gabelle with release of arrested person. |
Title: ser Guidone de Decomano |