Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1428 agosto 20 |
Letter to the Podestà and the treasurer of Arezzo regarding the question of testaments. |
Text: Opere expectante non exigitur aliqua quantitas pecunie |
1432 luglio 11 |
Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. |
Text: Opere predicte non exigitur, quod pertransiri non |
1426 dicembre 30 |
Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor. |
Text: quantitas soldorum que exigitur per prefatam Operam |
1430 giugno 22 |
Letter to the rectors to demand payment of debtor at the instance of another debtor and relative deduction of the amount from the debt of the person requesting. |
Text: quod quantitas que exigitur convertatur in utilitatem |