Document |

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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1425 agosto 7 |
Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. |
Text: a c. 28, immarginetur et actetur quod |
1432 novembre 27 |
Precept to make restitution to the heirs of a treasurer. |
Text: a c. 28 immarginetur per notarium Opere, |
1431 giugno 28 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the convent of the Certosa. |
Text: a c. 46 immarginetur, ex eo quod |
1429 novembre 18 |
Cancellation of debit entry, written twice. |
Text: a c. 52 immarginetur et mandaverunt mihi |
1425 settembre 26 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment. |
Text: a c. 72, immarginetur partita dicti Cini |
1419 dicembre 20 |
Letter to the Podestà of Cascia with summons of a debtor and prohibition to demand payment from another property owner. |
Text: bonorum domine Tesse, immarginetur quod ipse Iacobus |
1434 aprile 4 |
Restitution of pawn. |
Text: c. 457; et immarginetur partita eo modo |
1431 novembre 28 |
Declaration of non-prosecutability for a paternal debt. |
Text: cum prefata Opera immarginetur ita et taliter |
1419 ottobre 30 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt of pardons of forced loans because of preceding dotal rights. |
Text: Et quod sic immarginetur dicta partita in |
1425 agosto 7 |
Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. |
Text: et similiter partita immarginetur taliter quod exinde |
1419 maggio 31 |
Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. |
Text: etc.; et quod immarginetur super libris quod |
1419 settembre 6 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. |
Text: florentini, et sic immarginetur super libris ubi |
1418/9 marzo 9 |
Release from demand of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: fuit Pieri Lencionis immarginetur super libro prestantiarum |
1419 ottobre 11 |
Exemption from demand of payment of debt for forced loans or pardons, because of dotal rights and private debt existing at the time of the levey. |
Text: impositam prestantiarum; et immarginetur partita quod dicta |
1432 agosto 30 |
Cancellation of a debt already paid. |
Text: in eius partita immarginetur et non gravetur |
1426 aprile 30 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment of debtor. |
Text: in vexillio Liocornii, immarginetur eius partita et |
1425/6 febbraio 14 |
Term of payment to the heirs of a debtor. |
Text: Opere pro residuo immarginetur eum, quod deinceps |
1433 aprile 29 |
Cancellation of debt for new gabelles. |
Text: Pierutii de Albertis immarginetur ita et taliter |
1418/9 gennaio 11 |
Cancellation of double registration for forced loans. |
Text: pro maiori summa immarginetur in minori summa, |
1433/4 marzo 22 |
Revocation of demand of payment on a house. |
Text: quod dicta partita immarginetur ita et taliter |
1432 agosto 30 |
Cancellation of a debt already paid. |
Text: quod dictus Iohannes immarginetur in eius partita, |
1425 agosto 22 |
Prohibition to demand payment of doublet maker for debt for forced loans. |
Title: Antonii Petrini farsettarii immarginetur |
1426 aprile 30 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment of debtor. |
Title: Duccii ser Cionis immarginetur quod non possit |
1425 agosto 7 |
Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. |
Title: Niccolai Stefani Grazini immarginetur |
1425 settembre 26 |
Cancellation of debt and prohibition to demand payment. |
Title: Quod immarginetur partita Cini Dominici |