Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Release of arrested persons. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Iohanninus Pieruzzi de Cornachiaia |
1422/3 marzo 4 |
Arrest for unspecified debt. |
Text: Iohanninus Pieruzi de Fiorenzuola |
1429 maggio 6 |
Site inspection of house of chaplain, with deadline for restoration of the same, and injunction to another chaplain to evacuate the corridor. |
Text: qua exivit ser Iohanninus cappellanus ecclesie maioris |
1429 maggio 6 |
Site inspection of house of chaplain, with deadline for restoration of the same, and injunction to another chaplain to evacuate the corridor. |
Text: habitat dictus ser Iohanninus de suis masseritiis. |