Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1432 giugno 21 |
Assignment to a (canon) of one of three houses in the cloister of the chapter. |
Text: angulo per quem itur ad stabulum domini |
1417 maggio 13 |
Payment for statues and other work for the portal towards the Annunziata. |
Text: del Fiore qua itur versus ecclesiam Servorum |
1419 ottobre 11 |
Payment for various marble statues. |
Text: del Fiore qua itur versus fratres Servorum, |
1423 settembre 2 |
Order to place the statue of a prophet over the portal towards the Servites and revocation of contract for statue with Ciuffagni. |
Text: et per quam itur a ' Servi |
1430 maggio 2 |
Order to the master builder for the paving of the street of the cloister of the chapter. |
Text: et per quam itur ad domum domini |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Payment for the purchase of dressed stones for a door and a trough. |
Text: generalis per quam itur in camerettam terrazi |
1423 giugno 2 |
Authorization to the master builder to affix crockets over the portal towards the Servites and spiral columns on the chapel windows. |
Text: illam per quam itur a ' Servi, |
1436 aprile 27 |
Order to the master builder to open access to the body of Saint Zenobius and to make a parapet above it. |
Text: locum per quem itur ad corpus Sancti |
1431 novembre 28 |
Authorization to repair the road to the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: pontem per quam itur ad cavam Trassinarie. |
1431/2 gennaio 8 |
Order to the master builder to demolish the bridge between the church and the bell tower. |
Text: pontem per quem itur de ecclesia ad |
1432 aprile 24 |
Authorization to transfer the altarpiece of the Guild of the Masters to another altar and permission to have mass celebrated there. |
Text: portam per quam itur ad Servos, videlicet |
1431 agosto 16 |
Letter to the constable of Rencine to escort the suppliers of sand for the castle of Castellina. |
Text: Rencine quod, quando itur pro rena pro |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Authorization to the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile to contract out the stairs for the castle to a carpenter. |
Text: schalas per quas itur super muris dicti |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Payment for paintings of arms and other paintings for Santa Maria Novella. |
Text: super portam qua itur ad claustrum dicte |
1419 maggio 31 |
Payment for marble figures carved. |
Text: supra portam qua itur ad Santam Mariam |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Renunciation of rental of the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci at the expiration of the contract, prohibition with penalty of transit on the street constructed by the Opera that leads to the quarry and authorization to administrator and master builder to sell stones. |
Text: via per quam itur ad ipsam cavam |
1418 aprile 5 |
Rent of a road of the Opera for a year with agreement for sale of stones. |
Text: viam per quam itur ad quamdam cavam |
1432 maggio 30 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pontassieve to force a lumber supplier to clear the road of the forest. |
Text: viam per quam itur ad silvam Opere, |
1436 aprile 27 |
Order to the master builder to open access to the body of Saint Zenobius and to make a parapet above it. |
Title: locum per quem itur ad corpus Sancti |
1431 novembre 28 |
Authorization to repair the road to the Trassinaia quarry. |
Title: viam per quam itur ad cavam |