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1-150 A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-690 





Context of query
o0201070.002vd 1416/7 gennaio 5 Term of payment to the clergy of Montepulciano. Text: ut constat in libro capturarum a c...
o0201070.003a 1416/7 gennaio 7 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: qualibet libra. In libro segnato SS a
o0201070.003d 1416/7 gennaio 7 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: sue conducte in libro SS a c...
o0201070.004h 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for supply of soft stones. Text: decem f.p. in libro SS a c...
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: foliorum misso in libro conductarum et vendit(arum)
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: et pro uno libro foliorum mediocrium pro
o0201070.004vf 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of paper for office use. Text: d. 4 In libro SS a c...
o0201070.005vf 1416/7 gennaio 26 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: stantiamenta sunt in libro SS a c...
o0201070.007vf 1416/7 febbraio 17 Payment for the purchase of tools and hardware. Text: tres f.p. in libro SS a c...
o0201070.013g 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for the purchase of fir. Text: ut constat in libro RR a c.
o0201070.013vd 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro SS a c...
o0201070.013ve 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for rafting of firwood. Text: quinque f.p., in libro SS a c...
o0201070.013vf 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera. Text: denarios quinque in libro SS a c...
o0201070.013vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for work in a house of the Opera. Text: decem f.p. in libro SS a c...
o0201070.014a 1416/7 marzo 24 Commission on the money of the rector of Santa Cecilia. Text: domini Benozi in libro PP a c.
o0201070.014b 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: otto f.p., in libro SS a c...
o0201070.014c 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for supply of white marble. Text: centum auri, in libro SS a c...
o0201070.024b 1417 giugno 3 Payment for the purchase of flat bricks and bricks. Text: 5 et in libro SS a c...
o0201070.024vc 1417 giugno 14 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: dicta lignamina in libro SS a c...
o0201070.024vd 1417 giugno 14 Payment for cutting and trimming of lumber. Text: sexaginta f.p. in libro SS a c...
o0201070.025vl 1417 giugno 22 Commission of the notary of testaments. Text: ut constat in libro SS a c.
o0201070b.003vc 1416/7 gennaio 25 Partial cancellation of debt for herd livestock gabelle because of double registration. Text: partita in dicto libro a c. 27
o0201070b.004vb 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. Text: constat in dicto libro mandrialium dicti secundi
o0201070b.004vb 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. Text: et in dicto libro sub nomine dicti
o0201070b.004vb 1416/7 gennaio 26 Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. Text: et in dicto libro a c. 27
o0201070b.004vc 1416/7 gennaio 26 Resolution to fix amount of debt for herd livestock gabelle of the third year and relative term of payment. Text: descriptus debitor in libro mandrialium tertii anni
o0201070b.004vc 1416/7 gennaio 26 Resolution to fix amount of debt for herd livestock gabelle of the third year and relative term of payment. Text: partita in dicto libro a c... pro
o0201070b.005f 1416/7 gennaio 27 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for porcine livestock registered in two account entries. Text: scriptis in dicto libro a c. 109
o0201070b.005vg 1416/7 gennaio 29 Partial cancellation of livestock gabelle. Text: partitis etc., in libro mandrialium tertii anni
o0201070b.007vf 1416/7 febbraio 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro et fideiubeat infra
o0201070b.008h 1416/7 febbraio 17 Partial cancellation of debt for property gabelle already paid in forced loans. Text: reducantur in tertio libro et anno et
o0201070b.008ve 1416/7 febbraio 19 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro et postea solverit
o0201070b.010va 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro, ita quod singulo
o0201070b.012a 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested debtor. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum, ita quod
o0201070b.012e 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debet super uno libro prestantiarum et de
o0201070b.012e 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: debet super alio libro prestantiarum; et sic
o0201070b.012f 1416/7 marzo 3 Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested son of the debtor. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum, ita quod
o0201070b.018vc 1417 aprile 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super primo libro prestantiarum hinc ad
o0201070b.018vc 1417 aprile 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: et pro secundo libro hinc ad per
o0201070b.018vd 1417 aprile 26 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: solvendum pro primo libro prestantiarum hinc ad
o0201070b.018vg 1417 aprile 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum et de
o0201070b.020vb 1417 maggio 7 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: maii pro uno libro et pro uno
o0201070b.020vb 1417 maggio 7 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: pro uno alio libro hinc ad per
o0201070b.020vb 1417 maggio 7 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: tertio et ultimo libro hinc ad per
o0201070b.022f 1417 maggio 21 Information on registration of small animals for the gabelle. Text: Puccini in secundo libro, videlicet secundi anni
o0201070b.022vc 1417 maggio 26 Term of payment for herd livestock gabelle with obligation of guaranty. Text: debitor Operis in libro vacche a c.
o0201070b.023b 1417 maggio 28 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: tenentur super uno libro vel quolibet mense
o0201070b.024g 1417 giugno 15 Payment for restitution of sum overpaid for debt for livestock gabelle. Text: suarum bestiarum in libro vacche a c...
o0201070b.025vb 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. Text: est scriptus in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201070b.025vb 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. Text: sibi in dicto libro etc. et pro
o0201070b.049b 1416/7 gennaio 8 Guaranty by bankers for the Commune of Pisa, the Opera's debtor for pardons. Text: ut constat in libro nigro a c.
o0201070b.049b 1416/7 gennaio 8 Guaranty by bankers for the Commune of Pisa, the Opera's debtor for pardons. Text: promissio apparet in libro ricordorum et mercantiarum
o0201070b.051d 1416/7 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet super primo libro prestantiarum primi anni
o0201070b.051d 1416/7 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet super secundo libro et per totum
o0201070b.051d 1416/7 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tertio et ultimo libro dictarum prestantiarum; pro
o0201070b.052a 1416/7 febbraio 11 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: Treana, debitore in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.052a 1416/7 febbraio 11 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: 129 et in libro nigro a c.
o0201070b.052g 1416/7 febbraio 17 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro et dictum librum
o0201070b.052vb 1416/7 febbraio 17 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock. Text: Piscia, debitore in libro mandrialium primi anni
o0201070b.052ve 1416/7 febbraio 22 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum et postea
o0201070b.052vf 1416/7 febbraio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum et de
o0201070b.052vf 1416/7 febbraio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: aprilis super alio libro et de mense
o0201070b.052vf 1416/7 febbraio 25 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: et super tertio libro etc.
o0201070b.053b 1416/7 febbraio 26 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro et de mense
o0201070b.053e 1416/7 marzo 2 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro et de mense
o0201070b.053vg 1416/7 marzo 3 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro prestantiarum, ita quod
o0201070b.054b 1416/7 marzo 3 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: debet super primo libro prestantiarum et per
o0201070b.054va 1416/7 marzo 4 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super primo libro prestantiarum ad excomputandum
o0201070b.055b 1416/7 marzo 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super secundo libro prestantiarum et inde
o0201070b.055b 1416/7 marzo 9 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tertio et ultimo libro prestantiarum etc.
o0201070b.058b 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: tenetur super uno libro et pro secundo
o0201070b.058b 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: et pro secundo libro inde ad per
o0201070b.058b 1417 maggio 4 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: et pro tertio libro inde ad per
o0201070b.058vc 1417 maggio 10 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super uno libro et per totum
o0201070b.058vc 1417 maggio 10 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tenetur super secundo libro et per totum
o0201070b.058vc 1417 maggio 10 Guaranty for debt for forced loans. Text: tertio et ultimo libro prestantiarum etc.
o0201070b.058vf 1417 maggio 17 Guaranty for balance of debt for forced loans. Text: ut constat in libro signato ricordanze a
o0201070b.060a 1417 maggio 26 Guaranty for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: Iovachini, debitoris in libro vacche a c.
o0201070b.078va 1416/7 gennaio 28 Arrest for debt for herd livestock. Text: Staggie, debitor in libro mandrialium tertio a
o0201070b.080d 1416/7 febbraio 26 Arrest for debt for pardons. Text: pro gratiis in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.080vc 1416/7 febbraio 27 Arrest for debt for herd livestock gabelle. Text: de Bruscoli in libro mandrialium recommendatus penes
o0201070b.080vf 1416/7 febbraio 27 Arrest for debt for forced loans and pardons. Text: recommendatus Potestati in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.081c 1416/7 febbraio 10 Arrest for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: gratiis prestantiarum, in libro nigro a c.
o0201070b.081va 1416/7 febbraio 25 Arrest for debt for pardons of forced loans. Text: gratiis prestantiarum, in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.081vg 1416/7 febbraio 26 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: Leccia, debitore in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.082e 1416/7 marzo 1 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: barberii, debitoris in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.082n 1416/7 marzo 3 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: de Piglis, in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.082vi 1416/7 marzo 13 Arrest for unspecified debt of the parish of San Clemente. Text: Clementis debitoris in libro OO a c...,
o0201070b.083a 1416/7 marzo 16 Arrest for debt for pardons of the Commune of Montecatini. Text: pro gratiis, in libro nigro a c.
o0201070b.083b 1416/7 marzo 16 Arrest for debt for property gabelle of the parish of Santa Maria di Vincigliata and for the second installment of Castellina. Text: de Castellina, in libro OO a c...,
o0201070b.083d 1416/7 marzo 18 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: et fratribus, in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.083h 1416/7 marzo 24 Arrest for balance of debt for property gabelle and for debt for pardons. Text: dicti Stefani, in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.083va 1417 marzo 26 Arrest for unspecified debt. Text: Nanni, debitrice in libro rubeo a c.
o0201070b.083ve 1417 marzo 30 Arrest for debt for pardons. Text: pro gratiis, in libro rubeo a c...
o0201070b.084a 1416/7 marzo 1 Arrest for debt for pardons. Text: pro gratiis in libro rubeo recommendatus Capitaneo.
o0201070b.089va 1417 aprile 24 Arrest for debt for pardons. Text: de Antella, in libro rosso a c.
o0201070b.096ve 1417 luglio 2 Annotation of oath of a witness for debtor for herd livestock. Text: scriptum debitorem in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201071.003e 1417 luglio 9 Payment for culling information on those enjoying benefits for forced loans. Text: levando super uno libro pro Opere omnes
o0201072.002a 1417 novembre 24 Promise of payment for forced loans and corresponding guaranty. Text: est debitor in libro rosso a c.
o0201072.002vd 1417 dicembre 22 Deposit for debt for pardons and request of release of the arrested person. Text: ut patet in libro nigro a c.
o0201072.028vc 1417/8 marzo 21 Restitution of money overpaid for taxes on cattle. Text: tertio anno in libro della vacha a
o0201072.029vb 1417/8 marzo 23 Cancellation from the double registration in the books of the new gabelles. Text: cancelletur in uno libro, ita quod Opera
o0201072.032c 1418 aprile 6 Payment for purchase of stationery. Text: patet in dicto libro duorum RR a
o0201072.033a 1417 novembre 10 Arrests for debts. Text: gratiis receptis in libro rosso a c.
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: libris duabus in libro Opere signato due
o0201073.004va 1418 aprile 18 Payment for the compilation of a book about taxes. Text: Opere, in quo libro scripsit dictus Zanobius
o0201073.004va 1418 aprile 18 Payment for the compilation of a book about taxes. Text: et super quo libro registrantur omnes solutiones
o0201073.005vd 1418 aprile 20 Election of a blacksmith. Text: et scribatur super libro giornatarum cum salario
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: et apparet in libro Operis signato sive
o0201073.010b 1418 maggio 13 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: decem f.p., in libro TT a c...
o0201073.010vc 1418 maggio 20 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro TT a c...,
o0201073.022vc 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: ut constat in libro segnato TT a
o0201073b.033c 1418 giugno 2 Guaranty for debt for taxes. Text: gratiis prestantiarum in libro rubeo a c.
o0201074.004a 1418 luglio 21 Term of payment to the Commune of Marti for gabelles registered in Pisa with release of arrested person. Text: debitor Operis in libro gabellarum Pisarum habeat
o0201074.006d 1418 agosto 6 Cancellation of debt already paid for tax on oxen already made. Text: constat in dicto libro mandrialium a c.
o0201074.008b 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for herd livestock gabelle. Text: scriptas in secundo libro mandrialium a c.
o0201074.008b 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for herd livestock gabelle. Text: scriptis in dicto libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201074.008vb 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for livestock. Text: Operis in secundo libro mandrialium a c.
o0201074.008vb 1418 agosto 12 Cancellation of debt already paid for livestock. Text: in dicto eodem libro a c. 36
o0201074.009vb 1418 agosto 19 Cancellation of a debt already paid for herd livestock. Text: solvit in eodem libro in quo est
o0201074.009vb 1418 agosto 19 Cancellation of a debt already paid for herd livestock. Text: Est accensus in libro mandrialium tertii anni
o0201074.009vb 1418 agosto 19 Cancellation of a debt already paid for herd livestock. Text: solvit in dicto libro a c. 211.
o0201074.010c 1418 agosto 23 Term of payment for livestock tax and suspension of part of the demand of payment as those interested are not the true debtors. Text: secundo et tertio libro bestiarum mandrialium, habeant
o0201074.012e 1418 agosto 31 Cancellation of a tax already paid for livestock. Text: debitor Operis in libro mandrialium primi anni
o0201074.012e 1418 agosto 31 Cancellation of a tax already paid for livestock. Text: solvit in eodem libro a c. 89
o0201074.019d 1418 settembre 14 Cancellation of one half of a debt for herd livestock to a debtor, since the animals are kept on a farm owned by him. Text: debitor Operis in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201074.019e 1418 settembre 14 Demand of payment for herd livestock and right of recourse in favor of the debtor against the owner of the animals. Text: descriptus in dicto libro a c... in
o0201074.020b 1418 settembre 23 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and release of an arrested person. Text: gratiis prestantiarum in libro rubeo solvat et
o0201074.021c 1418 settembre 30 Cancellation of tax already paid on livestock. Text: debitor Operis in libro mandrialium primi anni
o0201074.021c 1418 settembre 30 Cancellation of tax already paid on livestock. Text: in dicto eodem libro a c. 51
o0201074.021d 1418 settembre 30 Revocation in part of tax for herd livestock on condition that, after the verification of the tolls of the animals at the city gate gabelles, what was declared is found to be true. Text: debitores Operis in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201074.021d 1418 settembre 30 Revocation in part of tax for herd livestock on condition that, after the verification of the tolls of the animals at the city gate gabelles, what was declared is found to be true. Text: Cutigliano in dicto libro a c. 207,
o0201074.021e 1418 settembre 30 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: debet super uno libro prestantiarum, et sic
o0201074.022d 1418 ottobre 8 Term of payment for taxes, release of the arrested person and letter to the Podestà of San Miniato to demand payment from the true debtor. Text: gabella bestiarum in libro tertii anni a
o0201074.022d 1418 ottobre 8 Term of payment for taxes, release of the arrested person and letter to the Podestà of San Miniato to demand payment from the true debtor. Text: ut constat in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201074.023a 1418 ottobre 12 Registration of the protest made to messer Benozzo in regard to the interest on Santa Cecilia. Text: quod scribatur super libro Operis protestatio facta
o0201074.023b 1418 ottobre 12 Partial cancellation of tax on livestock. Text: debitores Operis in libro mandrialium secundi anni
o0201074.031vc 1418 dicembre 14 Restitution of pawn and revocation of tax because already paid. Text: quia solverat in libro rubeo et super
o0201074.031vc 1418 dicembre 14 Restitution of pawn and revocation of tax because already paid. Text: rubeo et super libro nigro non est
o0201074.034b 1418 agosto 9 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro ... a c...,
o0201074.035b 1418 agosto 19 Payment for the purchase of a house. Text: ut constat in libro TT a c...
o0201074.044vc 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro TT a c...
o0201074.044vd 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro TT a c...
o0201074.044ve 1418 dicembre 5 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: ut constat in libro TT a c...,
o0201074.050d 1418 settembre 2 Contract for lumber. Text: ut constat in libro provisoris Operis signato
o0201074.051a 1418 settembre 23 Promise of payment for pardons of forced loans with guaranty. Text: debitor Operis in libro rubeo, tam suo
o0201074.059va 1418 dicembre 23 Restitution of a deposit. Text: ut constat in libro RR a c.
o0201074.059vd 1418 dicembre 23 Payment for petty expenses. Text: ut constat in libro provisoris signato RR
o0201074.064b 1418 dicembre 23 Term of payment for forced loans. Text: debent super uno libro prestantiarum et debeant
o0201074.064d 1418 dicembre 23 Cancellation of debts for herd livestock and reassignment of the same debts to the true owners. Text: Sacco cancelletur in libro mandrialium secundi anni
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