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 Context of query |
1426 agosto 27 |
Rules for collection and demand of payment for the notary of testaments. |
Text: dictus ser Niccolaus quamquam reperiretur alio notario |
1432 luglio 30 |
Reduction of the rights due to the debt collectors for having distrained a guarantor for a fraction of the debt. |
Text: pretium florenorum viginti, quamquam debitum fuerit florenorum |
1435 ottobre 27 |
Cancellation of debtor from the books of the Opera and from the debtors' registry for failed collection from those pardoned who owed 6 denari per lira, with obligation to reimburse the cost of the legal counsel given in his favor; direct registration of debt to those pardoned. |
Text: dicto ser Filippo, quamquam in contrarium sit |