Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1417 luglio 6 |
Guaranty for unspecified debt of the baptismal parish of Castelfiorentino. |
Text: auri et unum quartum alterius floreni auri |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: blachium unum et quartum unum alterius blachii, |
1422/3 febbraio 15 |
Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks. |
Text: IIII et unum quartum macigni magni per |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. |
Text: inter tertium et quartum et latitudinis trium |
1428 maggio 12 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans with restitution of the balance of the deposit made to (debtor). |
Text: prestanzones et unum quartum alterius prestanzonis veteres |
1417 giugno 30 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt to the rector of Castelfiorentino. |
Text: undecim et unum quartum alterius floreni hinc |
1421 aprile 16 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: usque ad diem quartum presentis mensis pro |
1421 aprile 16 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: usque ad diem quartum presentis mensis pro |
1421 aprile 16 |
Payment for carriage of stones. |
Text: usque ad diem quartum presentis mensis, retentis |