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 Context of query |
1417 giugno 2 |
Letter to the Podestà of Romena to try to reach an agreement with the men of said Commune for the payment of the property gabelle. |
Text: conetur iuxta posse reducere homines dicti Communis |
1418 agosto 31 |
Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. |
Text: conclusionem et summam reducere vigore quo supra |
1419 aprile 12 |
Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia for compromise agreement of discord and term of payment. |
Text: conetur omni modo reducere eos ad concordiam |
1419/20 febbraio 21 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle with correction of error. |
Text: iniustitia ad iustitiam reducere, deliberaverunt quod penes |
1420/1 gennaio 22 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans because of greater payment for pardons. |
Text: 40 et ipsum reducere ad florenos 351 |
1421 aprile 5 |
Contract to three stonecutters to quarry stones for the cupola in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: et ipsos macignos reducere ad mensuram bracchiorum |
1423 aprile 28 |
Correction and reduction of contract with kilnmen. |
Text: et utilem perfectionem reducere et terminare pro |
1423 aprile 28 |
Authorization to correct or reduce contracts of broad bricks. |
Text: minuire, corrigere atque reducere omnes et singule |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Authorization to the notary of the Opera to register all the debts of every debtor in a single book. |
Title: notarius Opere possit reducere debitores Opere ad |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Authorization to the notary of the Opera to register all the debts of every debtor in a single book. |
Text: in pluribus partitis reducere eos ad unam |
1430 aprile 21 |
Authority to the master builder to transfer masters from the Trassinaia quarry to the Opera and vice versa. |
Text: quos voluerit et reducere eos ad laborandum |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Order to unify the expenditures which the supervisors of the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius etc. have had made, under a single heading. |
Text: provisor Opere prefate reducere teneatur sub nomine |
1432 dicembre 18 |
Price fixed for lumber sold to the Sapienza. |
Text: pro quolibet trayno reducere ad rationem soldorum |
1433 giugno 10 |
Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. |
Text: teneatur et debeat reducere rationem ser Niccolai |