Document |

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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417 maggio 13 |
Letter to the Priors of the Popolo of Castiglione for audit of the debt of the new gabelles with release of two citizens of said Commune. |
Text: prout et sicut scribetur eis per ipsos |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Letter to the authorities of the countryside to proclaim publicly a payment deadline for the debtors of the Opera. |
Text: non solverint ei scribetur et habeat dirictum. |
1419 luglio 5 |
Letter to the podestàs of the countryside of Pisa with summons of the best citizens of each commune. |
Text: de quibus eis scribetur in littera quod |
1430 maggio 29 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for debt and for removal of marble and letter to representative of the Opera soliciting the purchase of hemp and transport of stone slab from Vada. |
Text: de Corbinellis, alias scribetur in eorum libris |
1434 maggio 15 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside against the debtors. |
Text: forma eisdem rectoribus scribetur. |