Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1418 agosto 12 |
Cancellation of debt already paid for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: bestias septuaginta vaccinas scriptas in secundo libro |
1419 ottobre 11 |
Payment with a piece of fir wood to copyist of the salary regulations. |
Text: tolleravit in faciendo scriptas pro Opere continentes |
1420 marzo 27 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of the treasurer and the syndics. |
Text: alias licteras sibi scriptas continens etiam quod |
1424 novembre 22 |
Order to master builder, administrator and scribe to compile each one a written report about the workers on a daily wage basis, so that the wardens are fully informed and can set their salaries. |
Text: et postea dictas scriptas prefato modo factas |
1427 agosto 20 |
Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered. |
Text: rigistro ZZ tamquam scriptas per eum per |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Authority to master builder, administrator and (scribe) for the salaries of the masters, each reporting to the wardens. |
Text: de Bastariis faciendi scriptas salariorum magistrorum Opere |
1428 aprile 8 |
Salary of masters for the summer. |
Text: et debeant facere scriptas salariorum magistrorum Opere |
1428 maggio 12 |
Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. |
Text: teneantur et debeant scriptas per eos factas |
1429 aprile 5 |
Order to make written reports for the salary of the masters for the summer. |
Title: Pro faciendo scriptas salariorum magistrorum Opere |
1429 aprile 5 |
Order to make written reports for the salary of the masters for the summer. |
Text: aprilis et dictas scriptas dare eorum offitio |
1433 luglio 7 |
Order to the treasurer of the wine gabelle to consign money and papers. |
Text: pecunias Opere et scriptas quas dare tenetur. |
1434 aprile 13 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: quod secundum tres scriptas factas per caputmagistrum, |
1434 ottobre 22 |
Order to prepare the lists with the salaries for masters. |
Text: giornatis Opere faciant scriptas salariorum magistrorum, prout |
1434 ottobre 22 |
Letter to the rectors of the countryside to have the barriers of the fisheries removed so that the marble boats coming from Pisa can pass. |
Text: forma confirmaverunt litteras scriptas rectoribus comitatus de |
1436 aprile 27 |
Salary of the masters for the winter to be determined by calculating the average of the salary lists submitted by the administrator, master builder and scribe. |
Text: martii 1436 secundum scriptas datas per provisorem, |
1436 aprile 27 |
Salary of the masters for the winter to be determined by calculating the average of the salary lists submitted by the administrator, master builder and scribe. |
Text: ministros secundum dictas scriptas. |