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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: predictorum operariorum et scriptus factus et compositus |
1416/7 gennaio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: Communis Florentie et scriptus, factus, compositus et |
1417 maggio 26 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock because of tax exemption of the men of Laiatico. |
Text: in qua est scriptus pro bestiis mandrialibus, |
1417 giugno 22 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock already paid. |
Text: in qua est scriptus in libro mandrialium |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the baptismal parish of San Giovanni a Monterappoli. |
Text: in qua est scriptus debitor ultra dictam |
1416/7 febbraio 11 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: et pro quo scriptus est debitor super |
1416/7 gennaio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: suprascriptorum operariorum et scriptus, factus, editus, compositus |
post 1417/8 gennaio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: operariorum prefatorum et scriptus per me Scolaum |
1417/8 marzo 21 |
Restitution of money overpaid for taxes on cattle. |
Text: quia est ibi scriptus pro 60 bestiis |
1418 aprile 9 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: dictorum operariorum et scriptus, factus et compositus |
1418 aprile 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: Communis Florentie; et scriptus, factus, editus, compositus |
1418 luglio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: dictorum operariorum. Et scriptus, factus, compositus et |
1418 agosto 12 |
Cancellation of debt already paid for livestock. |
Text: cancelletur, quia est scriptus in dicto eodem |
1418 agosto 19 |
Cancellation of a debt already paid for herd livestock. |
Text: pro quibus est scriptus debitor quia pro |
1418 agosto 26 |
Cancellation of a tax on livestock because of exemption in the commune where it is kept. |
Text: in quibus est scriptus quod habeat in |
1418 agosto 31 |
Cancellation of debt already paid for gabelle on a farm. |
Text: in quo est scriptus debitor Operis pro |
1418 settembre 2 |
Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: in quibus est scriptus debitor pro gabella |
1418 settembre 26 |
Cancellation of tax already paid on livestock. |
Text: in qua est scriptus in tertio anno |
1418 ottobre 4 |
Revocation of debt for property gabelle already paid through the forced loans. |
Text: Tommasi de Ianfigliazis scriptus debitor Operis in |
1418 dicembre 23 |
Cancellation of debts for herd livestock and reassignment of the same debts to the true owners. |
Text: in qua est scriptus debitor una cum |
1418/9 (gennaio 4) |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: operariorum factus, editus, scriptus, compositus et ordinatus |
1418/9 marzo 24 |
Release of arrested person following deposit to the treasurer. |
Text: debet et seu scriptus est debitor etc. |
1419 aprile 22 |
Term of payment with release of arrested person. |
Text: recommendatus ibi et scriptus ad petitionem dictorum |
1419 maggio 12 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle erroneously written twice |
Text: quo podere est scriptus debitor in alia |
1419 (luglio 1) |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: Communis Florentie. Et scriptus et publicatus per |
1419 dicembre 2 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: ordinem apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1420 dicembre 21 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1420 dicembre 20 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit; et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1421 novembre 19 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1421/2 febbraio 6 |
Term of payment for debt for gabelle on herd livestock. |
Text: quantitate teneri quam scriptus sit, possit, teneatur |
1422 (luglio 1) |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1423 luglio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit; et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1423/4 gennaio 1 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: inferius apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1424 ottobre 15 |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: ordinem constabit; et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1424/5 (gennaio 8) |
Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. |
Text: ordinem apparebit. Et scriptus, rogatus et publicatus |
1425 aprile 3 |
Cancellation of debt erroneously written in two registers. |
Text: rubeo pro debitore scriptus. |
1425 novembre 23 |
Letter to the Podestà of Vicopisano instructing him to demand payment of debtor for a piece of land located at Cesano, which is the object of litigation with the Opera. |
Text: dicti Cioli et scriptus manu dicti Cini |
1427 settembre 25 |
Term of payment to debtor of new gabelles with restitution of pawn; letter to the vicar of the Mugello for demand of payment of debtors for property gabelle. |
Text: dictus populus est scriptus debitor dicte Opere |
1431 maggio 9 |
Cancellation of debt and release of an arrested person. |
Text: pro quo est scriptus debitor Opere Pierus |
1431 maggio 9 |
Cancellation of debt and release of an arrested person. |
Text: in quo est scriptus debitor in dicta |
1434 ottobre 22 |
Detraction of a debt from salary. |
Text: parte ubi est scriptus debitor dicte Opere |
1435 aprile 26 |
Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. |
Text: pro qua est scriptus debitor Opere in |
1435 giugno 28 |
Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. |
Text: pluri empto fuit scriptus debitor dicte Opere; |