Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417 maggio 7 |
Order to write an order slip to the supervisors of the communal treasury instructing them to withhold money from the salary of the Captain for the debt of the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: fecerit in dictis Stincis ad petitionem dictorum |
1417 maggio 1 |
Arrest for debts of gabelles and pardons of the Commune of Pozzo. |
Text: Vicorati recommendatus in Stincis. |
1417/8 marzo 18 |
Release of arrested person with agreement that he return the pawns of the Opera. |
Text: representare captum in Stincis vel solvere id |
1418 maggio 4 |
Oath of six wardens and release of a person arrested because ambassador. |
Text: et recommendationis in Stincis orator Communis Castilionis |
1418 maggio 2 |
Arrest for debt for gabelles. |
Text: Castilione recomendatus in Stincis. |
1422 agosto 14 |
Loan of cloth hangings to the Stinche prison. |
Title: Presbiteri de Stincis |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Release on grounds of penury of arrested debtor. |
Text: dicte Opere in Stincis personaliter detinetur, gratia |
1428 maggio 12 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine and butchering gabelles to the Commune of San Miniato. |
Text: ad presens in Stincis ad petitionem Iacobi |
1428 giugno 15 |
Order for arrest and subsequent incarceration of Florentine notary, guilty of protesting a canon. |
Text: ecclesie et in Stincis consignetur. |
1428 dicembre 20 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and possibility of release of (debtor). |
Text: representando eum in Stincis ad ipsorum instantiam |
1431 maggio 16 |
Permission to a man to take his father's place in prison. |
Text: possit stare in Stincis loco sui patris |
1431 maggio 16 |
Permission to a man to take his father's place in prison. |
Text: et intrando in Stincis ad petitionem Opere |
1435 aprile 4 |
Notification to incarcerated members of the Ferrantini family to demonstrate their rights regarding coats of arms. |
Text: ad presens in Stincis, quod infra tres |