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 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Payment for carriage and purchase of soft stones. |
Text: et pretio unius taglie carratarum triginta unius |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: pro vettura unius taglie quingentarum triginta sex |
1417 giugno 14 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: pro vettura unius taglie salmarum quingentarum viginti |
1417 luglio 9 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: pro vettura unius taglie salmarum 321 terre |
1417 luglio 9 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: pro vettura unius taglie salmarum 150 terre |
1419 aprile 12 |
Authorization to lend large tackles and household goods with deposit of security pawn. |
Text: provisorem dicti Operis taglie et certe alie |
1420 aprile 1 |
Prohibition to lend ropes and large tackles without authorization. |
Text: possint canapi nec taglie dicte Opere, absque |
1430 marzo 30 |
Permission to masters to work on the erection of the column of Mercato Vecchio and loan of lumber and equipment that they require. |
Text: commodentur canapi et taglie et lignamina Opere |