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 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1422 maggio 20 |
Revocation of tare on the price of the marble ordered for the cornice of the cupola. |
Text: provisor et alii taraverunt et reduxerunt ipsam |
1423 giugno 18 |
Reduction of tare on marble for the cornice of the cupola. |
Text: provisor et alii taraverunt et reduxerunt ipsam |
1427 aprile 8 |
Tare on price due to masters for 44 corbels made at the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: et obtento partito taraverunt dictas quadraginta quattuor |
1428 giugno 15 |
Tare on supply of undersized broad bricks. |
Text: operarii servatis servandis taraverunt omnes mattonos seu |
1428 agosto 16 |
Tare on three pieces of white marble conveyed from Pisa, because veined and black. |
Text: Item taraverunt tria petia marmoris |
1428 agosto 31 |
Order to the administrator of make tare on piece of white marble. |
Text: conductam et sic taraverunt esse minus debito. |
1428 agosto 31 |
Tare on mortar. |
Text: Item taraverunt calcem missam ad |
1428 ottobre 12 |
Tare on pieces of white marble previously refused by the consuls and wardens, to be conveyed to the Opera. |
Text: Item taraverunt certa petia marmoris |
1428 dicembre 23 |
Order to make tare on marble before its acceptance. |
Text: Item taraverunt marmorem non acceptatum |
1429 aprile 5 |
Tare to kilnman for two cartloads of broad bricks. |
Text: Item taraverunt Gherardo Canneri fornaciario |
1429/30 febbraio 10 |
Tare for marble judged unacceptable. |
Text: Item taraverunt marmorem totum conductum |
1432 giugno 6 |
Tare for supply of broad bricks fired badly. |
Text: et iatturam Opere, taraverunt dictos quadronos solvendos |