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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 23 |
Guaranty for debt for butchering and wine gabelles and pardons of the baptismal parish of Remole. |
Text: Operi tam pro tassa macelli quam vini |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Guaranty for debts for gabelles of the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. |
Text: Operi tam pro tassa macelli quam vini |
1416/7 gennaio 15 |
Arrest for debt for butchering gabelle of the baptismal parish of Santo Stefano in Pane. |
Text: in Pane pro tassa macelli ... recommendatus |
1416/7 gennaio 15 |
Arrest for debt for butchering and wine gabelles of the baptismal parish of Montefiesole. |
Text: de Montefesulis pro tassa macelli et vini |
1417 aprile 22 |
Arrest for debt for wine gabelle of the Commune of Vinci. |
Text: Communi Vincii pro tassa gabelle vini anni |
1418 aprile 11 |
Term of payment for new pardons and for a parish tax. |
Text: novis et pro tassa populi Sancti Cresci |
1418 aprile 13 |
Term of payment for pardon of taxes and for the tax on wine with release of arrested person. |
Text: debitor Operis pro tassa vini 1417 habeant |
1418 aprile 20 |
Assignment of a house to a canon. |
Text: teneatur Operi pro tassa dicte domus. |
1418 aprile 13 |
Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. |
Text: predicte debitore pro tassa vini 1417 fideiussit |
1418 novembre 15 |
Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia instructing him to force the Commune to pay the butchering and wine gabelles. |
Text: ad solvendum pro tassa macelli et vini |
1418/9 febbraio 8 |
Guaranty for debt for the wine and butchering tax of the Commune of Montelupo. |
Text: Lupi debitore pro tassa vini et macelli |
1419 ottobre 7 |
Assignment of house to canon with agreement to pay the tax. |
Text: dummodo solvat pro tassa antequam intret eam |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. |
Text: 35 pro dicta tassa quanto solvi debeat |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Concession of house to canon after consultation of the remaining canons. |
Text: pro quantitate et tassa supradicta et post |
1421/2 febbraio 25 |
Assignment of house to canon and term of payment for the tax. |
Text: solvendum quantitatem pro tassa debitam, satisdando ydonee |
1424 giugno 16 |
Letter to the Podestà of the League of Mangona in favor of the Commune of Santa Reparata to Pimonte for wine and butchering taxes imposed on the Commune and owing to the League. |
Text: libra secundum eorum tassa, quos denarios dicitur |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. |
Text: duobus; item pro tassa vini pro anno |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons and for the wine, butchering, milling and property gabelles to various parishes. |
Text: 1418 et pro tassa macelli pro annis |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi and letter to the Podestà for demand payment of the debtors. |
Text: annis pro eorum tassa ad rationem denariorum |
1428 luglio 14 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. |
Text: mensium et pro tassa macelli et vini |
1428 novembre 29 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: solvendum quod pro tassa vini et macelli |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Approval of guarantor for tax on house. |
Text: operariis ad solvendum tassa seu tasse Iacobum |
1428/9 febbraio 17 |
Approval of guarantor for tax on house. |
Text: sibi facto pro tassa sue domus, videlicet |
1428/9 marzo 12 |
Extension for the payment of tax on house and stoppage of prebend to canon for the duration of a permission to live outside the cloister. |
Text: non retineatur pro tassa domus eidem per |
1430 settembre 20 |
Assignment of a house to a canon. |
Text: dictorum operariorum cum tassa dicte domus persolvenda; |
1430 novembre 29 |
Term of payment to a debtor. |
Text: debitori Opere pro tassa vini ad minutum |
1431 ottobre 26 |
Assignment of a house to a canon and of part of his previous house to the baptizer at San Giovanni. |
Text: domino Francischo de tassa domus quam ad |
1431 ottobre 26 |
Assignment of a house to a canon and of part of his previous house to the baptizer at San Giovanni. |
Text: hoc quod prima tassa schomputetur in secunda |
1431 ottobre 26 |
Assignment of a house to a canon and of part of his previous house to the baptizer at San Giovanni. |
Text: schomputetur in secunda tassa, habita consideratione quod |
1431 novembre 28 |
Term of payment to the heirs of a canon for house and cope taxes. |
Text: triginta quattuor pro tassa domus assignate prefato |
1431 dicembre 23 |
Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. |
Text: cum hoc quod tassa domus destructe eidem |
1431 dicembre 23 |
Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. |
Text: schomputari debeat in tassa presentis domus de |
1431 dicembre 23 |
Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. |
Text: et si presens tassa esset maior, illud |
1432 dicembre 18 |
Term of payment given to a Jewish moneylender for usurious taxes regarding Pescia and Pistoia with letter to the Podestà of Pistoia. |
Text: quantitatibus pecunie pro tassa fenoris Piscie et |
1433 aprile 3 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Montelupo. |
Text: macelli et pro tassa vini et macelli |
1433 aprile 21 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi. |
Text: macelli et pro tassa vini et macelli |
1434 aprile 16 |
Restitution of the deposit of a canon for a residence. |
Text: eius prebenda pro tassa domus in qua |
1435 aprile 28 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Bibbiena for the wine and butchering tax and letter to the Podestà for demand of payment of the (debtors) with release of arrested person. |
Text: quinquaginta sex pro tassa vini et macelli |