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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1418/9 febbraio 4 |
Demand of payment and arrest of insolvent debtors upon notification of term of payment to some of them. |
Text: Operis, quorum debitorum tempora solutionis sint elapsa |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Authorization to poor debtors and charitable institutions to discount payment for forced loans from that for property gabelle. |
Text: incursi, quia intra tempora debita non solverunt |
1419/20 febbraio 7 |
Authorization to poor debtors and charitable institutions to discount payment for forced loans from that for property gabelle. |
Text: quod infra debita tempora non solvissent seu |
1420/1 febbraio 17 |
Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine. |
Text: distrectualibus receperat infra tempora debita a camerariis |
1422 dicembre 9 |
Contract for supply of lumber. |
Text: hactenus per plura tempora lignamina dicte Opere |
1422 settembre 11 |
Guaranty for supply of lumber. |
Text: et infra debita tempora, alias dictam quantitatem |
1422 settembre 18 |
Guaranty for supply contracts for lumber. |
Text: quindecim, infra debita tempora et per eum |
1422 settembre 18 |
Guaranty for supply contracts for lumber. |
Text: ipsa lignamina infra tempora debita vel restituendo |
1430/1 gennaio 16 |
Letter of reply to the Captain of Pisa. |
Text: cum moderatione propter tempora occursa nostre civitati. |
1433 luglio 3 |
Prohibition to pay to the debt collectors 8 denari per lira on debts contracted less than five years ago. |
Text: quibus elapsa sunt tempora quinque annorum et |