Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1418/9 marzo 15 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Berto Manni Berti Tinucci pro prestantiis fideiussit |
1419 luglio 12 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans due to registration in two quarters. |
Text: uxor Manni Berti Tinucci que est descripta |
1419 luglio 12 |
Cancellation of debt for forced loans due to registration in two quarters. |
Text: Berto Manni Berti Tinucci previgno suo in |
1423 giugno 9 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle overpaid. |
Text: manu ser Nicolai Tinucci remiss(us). |
1430 settembre 6 |
Authority to excavate the street of the Campanile. |
Text: domum ser Niccolai Tinucci et campanile ecclesie |
1430/1 marzo 23 |
Order of payment for the flagging in front of a house. |
Title: Pro ser Niccolao Tinucci |
1430/1 marzo 23 |
Order of payment for the flagging in front of a house. |
Text: domus ser Niccolai Tinucci prefatus ser Niccolaus |
1432 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for paving made under the house of a private person and threat of a demand of payment. |
Text: facere ser Niccolaum Tinucci ad solvendum Opere |
1433/4 marzo 22 |
Revocation of demand of payment on a house. |
Title: Antonia Berti Manni Tinucci |
1433/4 marzo 22 |
Revocation of demand of payment on a house. |
Text: domo Berti Manni Tinucci que est posita |
1433/4 marzo 22 |
Revocation of demand of payment on a house. |
Text: dicti Berti Manni Tinucci de ipsa domo |