Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417/8 marzo 10 |
Payment of a gabelle for towloads. |
Text: pro gabellis 14 traynorum et 2/3, in |
1417/8 marzo 21 |
Authorization to sell logs outside the city. |
Text: ligni abieti quattuor traynorum, in totum pro |
1419/20 febbraio 13 |
Payment for hauling log rafts out of the water and towing of lumber. |
Text: pro tractura XVIIII traynorum dicti lignaminis conductorum |
1421 aprile 7 |
Annulment of lumber contract for nonobservance of agreements and letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with summons of the two contractors. |
Text: dicta Opera sexcentorum traynorum lignaminis sub certis |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Payment of a gabelle for lumber. |
Text: pro gabella tredecim traynorum lignaminis soluta per |
1425 aprile 3 |
Authorization to the administrator to sell two logs to private person. |
Text: duo ligna quattuor traynorum pro quolibet eorum |
1425 giugno 28 |
Balance of payment for transport of lumber. |
Text: pro resto solutionis traynorum viginti quinque et |
1425 agosto 17 |
Cancellation of allocation of funds to lumber supplier because of debt. |
Text: aprilis 1425 occaxionis traynorum quadraginta duorum et |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. |
Text: quolibet trayno quattuor traynorum pro quolibet eorum |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. |
Text: toppo viginti unius traynorum longitudinis blachiorum quinque |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. |
Text: quolibet toppo trium traynorum usque in quattuor |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera and letter to the its guardian. |
Text: in quantitatem triginta traynorum abetis ad rationem |
1427 ottobre 14 |
Authorization to third parties to cut lumber in the forest of Campigna. |
Text: duorum vel trium traynorum pro quolibet ligno |
1430 maggio 11 |
Contract for cutting and supply of towloads of lumber in accordance with quantity and measurements indicated by the master builder. |
Text: incisione dictorum XXV traynorum secundum mensuras sibi |
1430 maggio 11 |
Measurements for towloads of lumber contracted out to supplier. |
Text: Quattuor ligna trium traynorum pro quolibet, in |
1430 maggio 11 |
Measurements for towloads of lumber contracted out to supplier. |
Text: Sex ligna duorum traynorum, in totum trayni |
1430 maggio 11 |
Measurements for towloads of lumber contracted out to supplier. |
Text: 1/2. Quinquaginta quadroni traynorum 12 pro quolibet, |
1432 settembre 17 |
Notification of a debt for lumber cut for other parties without authorization. |
Text: quattuor ligna quatuor traynorum pro quolibet eorum, |
1435 luglio 29 |
Sale of (poplar) stumps from the forest and permission to have lumber cut. |
Text: in quantitatem triginta traynorum lignaminis extra planum |
1435 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to the wardens of the Parte Guelfa to cut lumber in the forest and brand it to distinguish it from that of the count of Poppi. |
Text: in quantitatem sexcentorum traynorum lignaminis, cum hoc |