Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1416/7 marzo 18 |
Arrest for unspecified debt. |
Text: Pro Tommaso Ubertini Rosselli et fratribus, |
1435 agosto 19 |
Authority to the wardens to attend the ordination of 25 choir boys and their master in accordance with the will of Pope Eugenius IV. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Francischus Giachinotti de |
1432 luglio 18 |
Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. |
Title: Pro Iacobo Ubertini de Strozis et |
1432 luglio 18 |
Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. |
Text: quas apparet Iacobum Ubertini de Strozis debitorem |
1432 luglio 18 |
Authority to the wardens to cancel debts for forced loans, with restitution of pawns. |
Text: predictis rigistris Iacobum Ubertini de Strozis debitorem |
1433 maggio 15 |
Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Nerius Gini de |
1427 agosto 4 |
Construction of houses in the cloister for new canons and permission to two of them to live outside until the completion of the work. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Antonius Bartolomei de |
1433 aprile 8 |
Drawing of the provost. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini pro edogmoda proxime |
1417/8 gennaio 5 |
Guaranty for debt for balance of property gabelle. |
Text: laborat in apotecha Ubertini de Risalitis populi |
1427 luglio 25 |
Letters to the Pope, to the college of the cardinals and to each of its members asking for dispensation from the canonicate for the vicar of the archbishop of Florence. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini et Antonius Niccolai |
1435 maggio 4 |
Oath of warden and reconfirmation of the master builder, the administrator and the scribe. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Simon Mariotti de |
1435 maggio 27 |
Permission to master to work outside the Opera. |
Text: Luce Gregorii Fecti Ubertini expensis ipsius Luce. |
1435 agosto 25 |
Permission to master to work outside the Opera. |
Text: Luca Gregorii Fecti Ubertini suis expensis, et |
1433 maggio 13 |
Permit to the Sea Consuls to cut lumber. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Andreas Veri de |
1433 giugno 4 |
Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini et Francischum Benedicti |
1419/20 gennaio 19 |
Salary of the accountants to be determined in accordance with the ordinances of the Wool Guild. |
Text: Luce Gregorii Fetti Ubertini qui reviderunt rationem |
1419/20 gennaio 31 |
Salary of the accountants. |
Text: Luce Ghirighorii Fetti Ubertini et Antonio Luce |
1433 aprile 29 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Nerius Gini de |
1433 giugno 15 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Niccolus Mattei Corsini |
1435 agosto 19 |
Term of payment to the Commune of San Savino. |
Text: Lucam Gregorii Fecti Ubertini. |
1433 giugno 15 |
Term of payment. |
Text: Lucas Gregorii Fecti Ubertini Niccolus Mattei de |
1435 luglio 29 |
Term of payment. |
Text: Lucam Gregorii Fecti Ubertini. |