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Context of query
o0201072.014d 1417/8 gennaio 19 Term for payment for a debt and corresponding guaranty. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Vannes Duccini del Manghano
o0201072.018vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Salary set for workforce. Text: Giusti soldos XIIII Vannes Stefani soldos XIIII
o0201072.040a 1417/8 gennaio 10 Arrests for debts. Text: et recomendatus exequtori. Vannes Ducini del Mangano
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: quindecim s. 15 Vannes Stefani soldos quindecim
o0201074.024va 1418 ottobre 22 Salary set for masters, unskilled workers and boys. Text: quattuordecim s. 14 Vannes Stefani soldos quattuordecim
o0201075.024a 1419 aprile 29 Salary set for workforce. Text: f.p. s. 15 Vannes Stefani soldos quindecim
o0201076.023va 1419 ottobre 24 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: f.p. s. 14 Vannes Stefani soldos quattuordecim
o0201077.006b 1419/20 gennaio 9 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle. Text: deliberaverunt quod ser Vannes Romuli recthor ecclesie
o0201078.010vb 1420/1 marzo 3 Term of payment for forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. Text: Item quod Vannes Larii de Gambasso
o0201078.024va 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: XIIII denarios otto Vannes Stefani soldos XIIII
o0201078.025a 1421 aprile 8 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Angemi s. XVI Vannes Stefani s. XV
o0201078.037va 1421 giugno 6 Use of masters or stonecutters to work to the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Guardini Meus Naldini Vannes Stefani Renzius Stefani
o0201079.027c 1421 settembre 17 Admission to the rolls and registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and stonecutters. Text: Stefani Meus Naldini Vannes Stefani Iohannes Naldini
o0201079.035vb 1421 ottobre 27 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Giusti s. quindecim Vannes Stefani s. quattuordecim
o0201080.024va 1422 aprile 21 Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. Text: quattuordecim denarii sex Vannes Stefani soldi quindecim
o0201081.024va 1422 ottobre 16 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: Pasquini soldi quattuordecim Vannes Stefani soldi quattuordecim
o0201082.011b 1423 aprile 23 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Berti s. 16 Vannes Stefani s. 15
o0201083.009ve 1423 novembre 6 Salary set for masters. Text: 15 d. 1 Vannes Stefani s. 13
o0201084.014b 1424 aprile 13 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: 16 d. 6 Vannes Stefani s. 15
o0201085.004va 1424 dicembre 2 Registration of the daily wages of masters and setting of salary for the workers at Trassinaia. Text: tredecim s. XIII Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0201086.012va 1425 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: quattuordecim s. XIIII Vannes Stefani soldos quattuordecim
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: XIV d. IIII Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0202001.032vd 1426 maggio 15 Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. Text: Pieri Marchion Pasquini Vannes Stefani Et quod
o0202001.034vb 1426 giugno 7 Authorization to pay the salaries of the stonecutters, despite another resolution to the contrary. Text: Pieri Marchion Pasquini Vannes Stefani Chechus Mei
o0202001.044g 1426 ottobre 25 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Fancielli s. XIII Vannes Stefani s. XIII
o0202001.055d 1427 aprile 4 Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. Text: quattuordecim s. XIIII Vannes Stefani soldos quattuordecim
o0202001.065b 1427 agosto 18 Rehiring of master stonecutters with registration of work days and customary salary for the summer. Text: Caprette Chechus Andree Vannes Stefani Bertus Papalis
o0202001.069vn 1427 ottobre 20 Salary set for masters. Text: XIII d. X Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0202001.082vc 1428 maggio 12 Salary of masters for the summer. Text: Antonii s. 14 Vannes Stefani s. 13
o0202001.094va 1428 novembre 23 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: XIII d. VIII Vannes Stefani s. XIII
o0202001.104ve 1429 aprile 15 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: XIIII d. VI Vannes Stefani s. XIIII
o0202001.114vc 1429 ottobre 15 Salary of masters for the winter. Text: XIII d. VI Vannes Stefani s. XIII
o0202001.125g 1430 aprile 8 Salary set for masters for the summer. Text: Antonii s. XIIII Vannes Stefani s. XIIII
o0202001.130va 1430 settembre 18 Salary set for ordinary masters, masters assigned to the Trassinaia quarry with their administrator, unskilled workers. Text: tredecim s. XIII Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0202001.140vc 1431 aprile 18 Temporary revocation of demand of payment for pardons of forced loans and new demand of payment or summons of the holders of the debtors' properties. Text: della Luna et Vannes Niccolai ser Vannis
o0202001.141b 1431 aprile 26 Salary set for masters. Text: Salvadoris s. XVI Vannes Stefani s. XIIII
o0202001.153vc 1431/2 gennaio 29 Salary set for masters. Text: Mei s. XIIII Vannes Stefani s. XII
o0202001.160vd 1432 maggio 20 Summer salary set for masters. Text: quattuordecim denarios sex Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0202001.207g 1433 novembre 19 Hiring of masters to work at Trassinaia. Text: Nannis Nannes Monis Vannes Stefani Iustus Dominici
o0202001.209a 1433/4 gennaio 8 Salary set for the winter for masters in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: duodecim s. XII Vannes Stefani soldos tredecim
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Title: Quod Vannes Stefani et socii
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: duodecim denarios quattuor Vannes Stefani soldos duodecim
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