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Context of query
o0201070.020vd 1417 maggio 13 Payment for statues and other work for the portal towards the Annunziata. Text: Fiore qua itur versus ecclesiam Servorum Annuntiate
o0201070.021vb 1417 maggio 21 Construction of the confining wall for a depot of marble with guarantee of passage rights to the Visdomini. Text: muro sue domus versus dictam plateam, quod
o0201072.021vc 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for work on the portal towards the Servites. Text: Fiore que vadit versus ecclesiam fratrum Servorum
o0201073.024e 1418 giugno 28 Payment for marble figures. Text: Marie del Fiore versus viam Servorum, florenos
o0201074.022vc 1418 ottobre 12 Construction of a wall with opening in the shed of the Alessandri and its boundaries. Text: dictum murum fiendum versus Honofrium Biscari etc.
o0201074.038vh 1418 ottobre 12 Payment for marble figures for the portal towards the Servites. Text: Marie del Fiore versus ecclesiam Servorum, in
o0201074.060h 1418 dicembre 23 Payment for statues for the portal that leads to the Servites. Text: Marie del Fiore versus ecclesiam Servorum florenos
o0201075.026d 1419 maggio 10 Order to remove tools and dressed stones from the blind windows in the great hall of the Pope's residence and their recovery. Text: Sancta Maria Novella versus ortum, que nunc
o0201075.027vi 1419 maggio 12 Order to affix shield with arms on the exterior wall of the great hall of the Pope's residence. Text: Sancta Maria Novella versus claustrum ex parte
o0201075.029b 1419 maggio 20 Authorization for the construction of stairs, for the plastering and painting of a wall and for shutters of the windows in the Pope's residence. Text: muri sale magne versus claustrum prout sibi
o0201076.048c 1419 agosto 21 Payment to a painter for "accantonato" in the great hall of the Pope. Text: magne habituri Pape versus claustrum, videlicet bracchiorum
o0201076.053f 1419 ottobre 11 Payment for various marble statues. Text: Fiore qua itur versus fratres Servorum, florenos
o0201077.058vb 1419/20 febbraio 21 Payment for sculpture of the story of the Virgin Mary for Santa Reparata. Text: Reparate que est versus ecclesiam Servorum florenos
o0201078.006b 1420/1 gennaio 19 Permission for tomb monument in Santa Maria del Fiore to member of the Bischeri family, upon permit of the Wool Guild. Text: iusta portam secundam versus canonicis licite et
o0201080.006b 1421/2 gennaio 14 Building of carved ornament, representing foliage over the portal facing towards the church of Santa Maria of the Servites. Text: ecclesie que est versus ecclesiam Sancte Marie
o0201081.021ve 1422 settembre 25 Contract for figure of Saint Stephen to Bernardo Ciuffagni. Text: Fiore que respicit versus ecclesiam fratrum Sancte
o0201081.025vd 1422 ottobre 16 Order to the administrator to have the verses called for by the captains of Orsanmichele in honor of the Popolo inscribed in the Pope's residence. Text: dicte Opere quosdam versus fecit et ordinavit
o0201081.025vd 1422 ottobre 16 Order to the administrator to have the verses called for by the captains of Orsanmichele in honor of the Popolo inscribed in the Pope's residence. Text: et debeat ipsos versus scribi et designari
o0201081.036va 1422 dicembre 30 Commission to Giuliano goldsmith for a marble statue of a prophet. Text: dicte eclesie respiciente versus canpanile eclesie prelibate
o0201081.070d 1422 agosto 14 Payment to silk dealers for a girdle to be placed on the Virgin of the portal towards the Servites. Text: ianuam que est versus ecclesiam Sancte Marie
o0201084.012vb 1424 aprile 4 Order to make two glass oculi in the central nave on design by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Text: dextris, quod est versus nolarium, in illo
o0201086.016vd 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. Text: andito tribune existentis versus domos de Tedaldis,
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: positum in facie versus oratorium Sancti Iohannis
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: posito in facie versus campanile debet fieri
o0202001.035a 1426 giugno 7 Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to permit the transit of white marble suppliers up to the sea. Text: quantitatem marmoris albi versus marinam seu per
o0202001.036vd 1426 luglio 11 Authorization to the master builder to have tomb-size marble slabs cut for the external ribs of the great cupola, restoration of a terracotta figure and of a broken mosaic. Text: Yesue que erat versus domum Luce Pieri
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: turrem de medio versus Nuovoli circumdando prout
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: girat predictum castrum versus Pisas usque ad
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: turris de medio versus castrum Sancti Cassiani,
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: muramenti est porta versus Pisas cum tribus
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: Curradini predicto turrem versus castrum Sancti Cassiani
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: medio a parte versus civitatem Florentie in
o0202001.037g 1426 luglio 24 Partition of work because of litigation between masters at the castle of Malmantile. Text: parte est porta versus Florentiam cum tribus
o0202001.056vc 1427 aprile 8 Tare on price due to masters for 44 corbels made at the castle of Malmantile. Text: muris que respiciunt versus Pisas, videlicet in
o0202001.056vc 1427 aprile 8 Tare on price due to masters for 44 corbels made at the castle of Malmantile. Text: porta que est versus Pisas, non fecisse
o0202001.087vg 1428 luglio 14 Authorization to have a window made to a well between two houses. Text: Opere fieri faciat versus partem domus domini
o0202001.123vd 1429/30 marzo 7 Permission to build a low wall at the expense of the Ricci near the homonymous street with proviso for its possible destruction at the wardens' discretion. Title: domum domini Dini versus viam de Ricciis
o0202001.128vm 1430 giugno 22 Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. Text: dicte ecclesie existentibus versus pergamum predicationis et
o0202001.128vm 1430 giugno 22 Authorization to affix a painting of the Saints Cosmas and Damian on one of the piers between the pulpit and the portal towards San Giovanni. Text: a perghamo inferius versus portam platee Sancti
o0202001.135g 1430/1 gennaio 16 Letter of reply to the Captain of Pisa. Text: affectionem quam habet versus Operam et eorum
o0202001.225g 1434 dicembre 15 Authority to wall up the gate to which lumber is brought. Text: conducebatur lignamen, videlicet versus domus Luce Pieri
o0202001.255vg 1436 giugno 28 Authority for four passages to be made towards the via del Cocomero. Title: faciendi quatuor passatorios versus via Cocomeri
o0202001.255vg 1436 giugno 28 Authority for four passages to be made towards the via del Cocomero. Text: faciat quattuor passatorios versus viam Cocumeri, in
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