Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1435 giugno 17 |
Authority to the master builder to have the roads prepared for transport of lumber from the forest to the port of Dicomano. |
Text: facere teneatur quasdam vias pro conducendo lignamen |
1429 giugno 16 |
Paving of road and obligation to the interested parties to pay their relative dues. |
Text: maioris fecisse certas vias publicas remurare et |
1436 luglio 30 |
Rulings for the provision of hard stones from the Canigiani quarry. |
Text: offitii claudi facere vias Opere in modum |
1431 aprile 13 |
Order to clear out the lumber of the Sapienza from the roads of the forest and to prepare the lumber cut for the Sea Consuls. |
Text: presentibus debeat disgombrare vias omnes silve Opere |
1426 settembre 12 |
Letter to the men of the castle of Lastra for the repair of the roads devastated by making of moats. |
Text: quod debeant actare vias foveorum castri Lastre |
1426 settembre 12 |
Letter to the men of the castle of Lastra for the repair of the roads devastated by making of moats. |
Title: Lastre pro actando vias |
1435 giugno 17 |
Authority to the master builder to have the roads prepared for transport of lumber from the forest to the port of Dicomano. |
Title: locandi ad faciendum vias pro extrahendo lignamen |