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Context of query
o0201077.037vc 1420 aprile 19 Letter to the Podestà of Bibbiena for guaranty to be provided by debtors. Text: faciat promissionem atque ydoneam fideiussionem a Meo
o0201078.018vf 1421 aprile 5 Letter to the Captain of Volterra to obtain guaranties for a supply contract. Text: et fideiussionem recipiat ydoneam per unum vel
o0201078.041vb 1421 giugno 13 Revocation of demand of payment for renunciation of inheritance and release of arrested person. Text: de faciendo fidem ydoneam de renumptiatione predicta
o0201086.009c 1425 aprile 3 Authorization to the administrator to sell pawns appraised by various second-hand dealers. Text: eorum notario prestiterint ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0201086.010d 1425 aprile 12 Term of payment for unspecified debt with obligation of guaranty. Text: quod teneatur prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0201086.014b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment from the workers employed at the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Text: ab eo accipiat ydoneam fideiussionem de observando
o0201086.014b 1425 aprile 26 Letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi with prohibition to demand payment from the workers employed at the castles of Lastra and Malmantile and summons for the petitioner of the measure. Text: ac etiam accipiat ydoneam fideiussionem a duobus
o0201086.015vd 1425 maggio 16 Revocation of allocation of funds to a master of glass oculi with obligation of guaranty. Text: quod debeat prestare ydoneam fideiussionem Opere prelibate
o0201086.020a 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for debt with obligation of guaranty. Text: quod teneatur prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.003c 1425 luglio 12 Term of payment to the Commune of Figline of the upper Valdarno. Text: quod teneatur dare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.011vc 1425 ottobre 12 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.013f 1425 novembre 7 Term of payment to the Commune of San Gimignano. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussorem de solvendo
o0202001.038vd 1426 agosto 8 Authorization to the administrator to contract out gabelle and treasurership of the pawns with salary set. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de consignando
o0202001.048c 1426 dicembre 20 Term of payment to the Commune of Buggiano. Text: pecunie ad prestandum ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.049vd 1426/7 gennaio 28 Term of payment to heirs and letter to the Podestà of Prato for alternative demand of the yield of the properties from their laborers. Text: 55, ad prestandum ydoneam fideiussionem infra otto
o0202001.054vb 1426/7 marzo 19 Term of payment to heirs of debtor. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.054vh 1427 aprile 2 Term of payment to chaplain. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.055a 1427 aprile 2 Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. Text: conductores teneantur prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de schomputando
o0202001.106f 1429 maggio 6 Letter about the dismissal of the notary of testaments of Pisa and the price of a rope. Text: eligere unam personam ydoneam, cum hoc quod
o0202001.106g 1429 maggio 6 Hiring of the guard of the forest and contract for cutting of 300 large beech trees. Text: fidem prefatis operariis ydoneam antequam sibi aliqua
o0202001.149a 1431 settembre 27 Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. Text: dare et prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
o0202001.157vl 1432 aprile 8 Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. Text: hoc teneatur prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de observando
o0202001.224a 1434 novembre 9 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: Laurentius teneatur prestare ydoneam fideiussionem de solvendo
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