Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1419/20 febbraio 3 |
Payment for various expenditures for stationery. |
Text: del vino a minuto e del maciello |
1420/1 marzo 15 |
Payment for transcription of the contractors of the wine and butchering gabelles of the Florentine countryside. |
Text: e vino a minuto de ' contadini |
1421 novembre 6 |
Payment for purchase of stationery. |
Text: lo vino a minuto, per tutto soldi |
1422/3 gennaio 18 |
Payment for purchases of stationery. |
Text: del vino a minuto, per tutto soldi |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Order to the notary of the Opera to gather in a single account entry the debts of each debtor. |
Text: e vino a minuto in più partite, |
1424/5 febbraio 12 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Figline for debt for wine and butchering. |
Text: rigistro vino a minuto per l 'anno |
1425 maggio 28 |
Letter to the podestàs of the Florentine countryside to demand payment of the debtors. |
Text: e vino a minuto. |
1424 (luglio 31) |
Record of the guaranty for the Commune of Gangalandi, debtor for butchering and wine gabelles. |
Text: e vino a minuto, de ' quali |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Pontorme for wine and butchering gabelle. |
Text: e macello a minuto della loro tassa |
1425 agosto 9 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Firenzuola for debt for pardons and for gabelle of butchering and retail wine. |
Text: e vino a minuto. |
1425 ottobre 22 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Montevarchi for retail wine gabelle. |
Text: registro vino a minuto per anno 1421 |
1428 agosto 31 |
Payment for records written for the wine and butchering gabelle. |
Text: e macello a minuto, in tuto monta |
1429 maggio 27 |
Payment for writing of tax registers. |
Text: e macello a minuto, chome apare a |
1430 maggio 2 |
Reimbursement of gabelle on retail wine paid twice. |
Text: a vino a minuto aveva paghato due |
1434 novembre 26 |
Account of an (inhabitant) of the baptismal parish of Ripoli. |
Text: del vino a minuto de l 'anno |