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Context of query
o0201085.046vc 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile. Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile.
o0201085.046vd 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile. Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile.
o0201085.046vd 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile. Payment to prepare the cart for transporting the doors for the castle of Malmantile.
o0204008.022e 1418 giugno 14 Payment to public criers of the Commune for 6 proclamations. Payment to public criers of the Commune for 6 proclamations.
o0204013.113va 1436 giugno 20 Payment to purse-maker for the purchase of several pairs of assorted gloves. Payment to purse-maker for the purchase of several pairs of assorted gloves.
o0201080.064vd 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment to quarrier for a hundred cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry and that of the Opera. Payment to quarrier for a hundred cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry and that of the Opera.
o0201080.064ve 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment to quarrier for hewn revetment stones from Salvi's quarry. Payment to quarrier for hewn revetment stones from Salvi's quarry.
o0201080.064vg 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment to quarrier for hewn revetment stones supplied to the Opera. Payment to quarrier for hewn revetment stones supplied to the Opera.
o0201079.068vd 1421 luglio 31 Payment to quarrier for stones from the quarry of the Opera sold to various persons. Payment to quarrier for stones from the quarry of the Opera sold to various persons.
o0204008.117ve 1421 luglio 31 Payment to quarrier for stones from the quarry of the Opera sold to various persons. Payment to quarrier for stones from the quarry of the Opera sold to various persons.
o0204012.031ve 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to quarrier for supply of slabs and pietra forte. Payment to quarrier for supply of slabs and pietra forte.
o0201079.081vb 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones. Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones.
o0204009.010e 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones. Payment to quarrier for the purchase of hewn revetment stones.
o0201079.081va 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of stones. Payment to quarrier for the purchase of stones.
o0204009.010d 1421 novembre 21 Payment to quarrier for the purchase of stones. Payment to quarrier for the purchase of stones.
o0201079.068a 1421 luglio 18 Payment to quarrier for 30 days' work with a pair of oxen and a man to transport stones and other things up to the cupola with the new machine. Payment to quarrier for 30 days' work with a pair of oxen and a man to transport stones and other things up to the cupola with the new machine.
o0204008.117vb 1421 luglio 17 Payment to quarrier for 30 days' work with a pair of oxen and a man. Payment to quarrier for 30 days' work with a pair of oxen and a man.
o0201080.064vh 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment to quarrier for 86 cartloads of stones and their carriage from Monte Oliveto. Payment to quarrier for 86 cartloads of stones and their carriage from Monte Oliveto.
o0204012.128vi 1430 marzo 30 Payment to rope-maker for various purchases. Payment to rope-maker for various purchases.
o0204009.056vd 1423 marzo 30 Payment to Rosso for a figure to be placed on the bell tower. Payment to Rosso for a figure to be placed on the bell tower.
o0204012.007c 1426 marzo 26 Payment to sand digger for earth removed. Payment to sand digger for earth removed.
o0204012.106vb 1429 giugno 1 Payment to sand digger for earth removed. Payment to sand digger for earth removed.
o0204013.116vf 1435/6 gennaio 28 Payment to sand digger for supply of sand, mortar and gravel. Payment to sand digger for supply of sand, mortar and gravel.
o0201083.071vd 1423 dicembre 9 Payment to sand diggers for earth removed. Payment to sand diggers for earth removed.
o0204009.074vh 1423 dicembre 9 Payment to sand diggers for earth removed. Payment to sand diggers for earth removed.
o0204012.014va 1426 giugno 20 Payment to sand diggers for earth removed. Payment to sand diggers for earth removed.
o0204012.037vc 1426/7 febbraio 11 Payment to sand diggers for earth removed. Payment to sand diggers for earth removed.
o0204009.102vg 1425 luglio 3 Payment to sand diggers for removal of earth and refuse. Payment to sand diggers for removal of earth and refuse.
o0201080.068f 1422 aprile 21 Payment to sand diggers for supply of sand for mortar. Payment to sand diggers for supply of sand for mortar.
o0201080.068f 1422 aprile 21 Payment to sand diggers for supply of sand for mortar. Payment to sand diggers for supply of sand for mortar.
o0201074.040vd 1418 ottobre 24 Payment to sawyers for boards sawn. Payment to sawyers for boards sawn.
o0204008.030f 1418 ottobre 24 Payment to sawyers for boards sawn. Payment to sawyers for boards sawn.
o0204012.010c 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to sawyers for days worked at the stable of a canon. Payment to sawyers for days worked at the stable of a canon.
o0201074.040ve 1418 ottobre 24 Payment to sawyers for sawing boards and veneer. Payment to sawyers for sawing boards and veneer.
o0204008.030g 1418 ottobre 24 Payment to sawyers for sawing boards and veneer. Payment to sawyers for sawing boards and veneer.
o0201079.065c 1421 luglio 10 Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding. Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding.
o0201079.065c 1421 luglio 10 Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding. Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding.
o0201079.065c 1421 luglio 10 Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding. Payment to sawyers for sawing five beech trees for boards for the scaffolding.
o0204012.029i 1426 novembre 14 Payment to sawyers for work on house of a canon. Payment to sawyers for work on house of a canon.
o0204008.052vb 1419 agosto 21 Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola. Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola.
o0204008.052vb 1419 agosto 21 Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola. Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola.
o0204008.052vb 1419 agosto 21 Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola. Payment to Scalcagna for expenditures incurred for the model for the main cupola.
o0204011.009vq 1423 aprile 9 Payment to scribe for copy of entries for testaments. Payment to scribe for copy of entries for testaments.
o0204011.009vq 1423 aprile 9 Payment to scribe for copy of entries for testaments. Payment to scribe for copy of entries for testaments.
o0204009.057c 1423 aprile 9 Payment to scribe for copy the entries for testaments. Payment to scribe for copy the entries for testaments.
o0204009.057c 1423 aprile 9 Payment to scribe for copy the entries for testaments. Payment to scribe for copy the entries for testaments.
o0204009.097vl 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons by legislation. Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons by legislation.
o0201086.044e 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons for forced loans. Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons for forced loans.
o0201086.044e 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons for forced loans. Payment to scribe of the forced loans for the compilation of a book of recipients of pardons for forced loans.
o0204012.035va 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payment to sculptor for a figure that he is making for the Opera. Payment to sculptor for a figure that he is making for the Opera.
o0204012.035va 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payment to sculptor for a figure that he is making for the Opera. Payment to sculptor for a figure that he is making for the Opera.
o0204012.056e 1427 settembre 23 Payment to sculptor for a figure. Payment to sculptor for a figure.
o0204012.134ve 1430 giugno 19 Payment to sculptor for a figure. Payment to sculptor for a figure.
o0202001.025a 1425/6 marzo 18 Payment to sculptor for a marble figure, less the advance already drawn. Payment to sculptor for a marble figure, less the advance already drawn.
o0204012.037va 1426/7 febbraio 11 Payment to sculptor for figure for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for figure for the bell tower.
o0204012.037va 1426/7 febbraio 11 Payment to sculptor for figure for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for figure for the bell tower.
o0204009.104g 1425 giugno 26 Payment to sculptor for figure transported to Signa. Payment to sculptor for figure transported to Signa.
o0204012.117b 1429 novembre 4 Payment to sculptor for Lambs of God carved. Payment to sculptor for Lambs of God carved.
o0201086.051f 1425 giugno 21 Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower.
o0201086.051f 1425 giugno 21 Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for marble figure for the bell tower.
o0201080.067f 1421/2 marzo 31 Payment to sculptor for marble figure made for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for marble figure made for the bell tower.
o0201080.067f 1421/2 marzo 31 Payment to sculptor for marble figure made for the bell tower. Payment to sculptor for marble figure made for the bell tower.
o0204012.065vm 1427 dicembre 23 Payment to sculptor for marble for a figure. Payment to sculptor for marble for a figure.
o0204012.065vm 1427 dicembre 23 Payment to sculptor for marble for a figure. Payment to sculptor for marble for a figure.
o0204009.023b 1422 aprile 21 Payment to sculptor for marble story over the portal of the Annunziata. Payment to sculptor for marble story over the portal of the Annunziata.
o0204013.116vg 1435/6 gennaio 28 Payment to sculptor for the block of white marble from which he has made the figure of Habakkuk. Payment to sculptor for the block of white marble from which he has made the figure of Habakkuk.
o0204012.020b 1426 luglio 30 Payment to sculptor for the figure of Isaiah. Payment to sculptor for the figure of Isaiah.
o0201080.071ve 1422 maggio 13 Payment to sculptor for two heads carved for the story over the portal of the Duomo. Payment to sculptor for two heads carved for the story over the portal of the Duomo.
o0201080.071ve 1422 maggio 13 Payment to sculptor for two heads carved for the story over the portal of the Duomo. Payment to sculptor for two heads carved for the story over the portal of the Duomo.
o0201082.069vf 1423 marzo 30 Payment to sculptor to block out marble for a figure. Payment to sculptor to block out marble for a figure.
o0204009.106vb 1425 luglio 20 Payment to second-hand dealer and linen-draper for appraisal of pawns. Payment to second-hand dealer and linen-draper for appraisal of pawns.
o0204013.092a 1434/5 marzo 10 Payment to second-hand dealer for appraisal of pawns. Payment to second-hand dealer for appraisal of pawns.
o0204013.100c 1435 maggio 27 Payment to servant of the officials of the public debt for service rendered to the accountants of the Opera. Payment to servant of the officials of the public debt for service rendered to the accountants of the Opera.
o0204013.124a 1436 aprile 4 Payment to servants of the Signori for nocturnal surveillance of the doors of the Duomo the night of the consecration. Payment to servants of the Signori for nocturnal surveillance of the doors of the Duomo the night of the consecration.
o0204009.035b 1422 agosto 14 Payment to silk dealers for a girdle placed on the Virgin carved by Giovanni di Antonio di Banco. Payment to silk dealers for a girdle placed on the Virgin carved by Giovanni di Antonio di Banco.
o0201081.070d 1422 agosto 14 Payment to silk dealers for a girdle to be placed on the Virgin of the portal towards the Servites. Payment to silk dealers for a girdle to be placed on the Virgin of the portal towards the Servites.
o0204012.051vf 1427 aprile 8 Payment to smith for various purchases. Payment to smith for various purchases.
o0204013.099va 1435 maggio 24 Payment to some carters for carriage of a stone slab for the organs. Payment to some carters for carriage of a stone slab for the organs.
o0204013.099va 1435 maggio 24 Payment to some carters for carriage of a stone slab for the organs. Payment to some carters for carriage of a stone slab for the organs.
o0201070b.015h 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles. Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles.
o0201070b.015h 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles. Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles.
o0201070b.015h 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles. Payment to stationer for the purchase of paper, paper sheets and books for the office of the comptrollers of the Commune for the new gabelles.
o0204012.029l 1426 novembre 14 Payment to stationer for the purchase of single sheets, paper pages, notebooks. Payment to stationer for the purchase of single sheets, paper pages, notebooks.
o0204012.118b 1429 novembre 21 Payment to stone worker for cardinal for the door of the priests. Payment to stone worker for cardinal for the door of the priests.
o0204012.118b 1429 novembre 21 Payment to stone worker for cardinal for the door of the priests. Payment to stone worker for cardinal for the door of the priests.
o0204013.119va 1435/6 febbraio 17 Payment to stone worker for hewn stones. Payment to stone worker for hewn stones.
o0204008.051va 1419 agosto 7 Payment to stone worker for sculpture of three shields for the Pope's residence. Payment to stone worker for sculpture of three shields for the Pope's residence.
o0204008.051va 1419 agosto 7 Payment to stone worker for sculpture of three shields for the Pope's residence. Payment to stone worker for sculpture of three shields for the Pope's residence.
o0204012.037a 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payment to stone worker for the purchase of cornice. Payment to stone worker for the purchase of cornice.
o0204012.010g 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to stone worker for threshold acquired for the stable of a canon. Payment to stone worker for threshold acquired for the stable of a canon.
o0204012.010g 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to stone worker for threshold acquired for the stable of a canon. Payment to stone worker for threshold acquired for the stable of a canon.
o0204008.056vb 1419 ottobre 7 Payment to stone worker for work done in Santa Maria Novella. Payment to stone worker for work done in Santa Maria Novella.
o0204008.056vd 1419 ottobre 7 Payment to stonecutter for carving of a shield for the Pope's residence. Payment to stonecutter for carving of a shield for the Pope's residence.
o0204008.056vd 1419 ottobre 7 Payment to stonecutter for carving of a shield for the Pope's residence. Payment to stonecutter for carving of a shield for the Pope's residence.
o0204013.123a 1435/6 marzo 22 Payment to stonecutter for corbels made for the Parlascio gate of Pisa. Payment to stonecutter for corbels made for the Parlascio gate of Pisa.
o0204013.123a 1435/6 marzo 22 Payment to stonecutter for corbels made for the Parlascio gate of Pisa. Payment to stonecutter for corbels made for the Parlascio gate of Pisa.
o0204013.134e 1436 agosto 3 Payment to stonecutter for dressed stones and quoins for the wallworks of Vicopisano. Payment to stonecutter for dressed stones and quoins for the wallworks of Vicopisano.
o0204013.134e 1436 agosto 3 Payment to stonecutter for dressed stones and quoins for the wallworks of Vicopisano. Payment to stonecutter for dressed stones and quoins for the wallworks of Vicopisano.
o0204013.126vb 1436 aprile 30 Payment to stonecutter for emptying a kiln full of broad bricks. Payment to stonecutter for emptying a kiln full of broad bricks.
o0201077.052vb 1419 dicembre 29 Payment to stonecutter for having registered the days worked at the Pope's residence. Payment to stonecutter for having registered the days worked at the Pope's residence.
o0204009.104vm 1425 giugno 26 Payment to stonecutter for loan requested by him for the dowry of his daughter. Payment to stonecutter for loan requested by him for the dowry of his daughter.
o0204009.104vm 1425 giugno 26 Payment to stonecutter for loan requested by him for the dowry of his daughter. Payment to stonecutter for loan requested by him for the dowry of his daughter.
o0204012.120vh 1429 dicembre 30 Payment to stonecutter for recovery of lumber in the Arno. Payment to stonecutter for recovery of lumber in the Arno.
o0204012.054e 1427 agosto 12 Payment to stonecutter for red marble conveyed to the Opera. Payment to stonecutter for red marble conveyed to the Opera.
o0204012.037vf 1426/7 febbraio 11 Payment to stonecutter for reimbursement of expenditures incurred for the trial firing. Payment to stonecutter for reimbursement of expenditures incurred for the trial firing.
o0204012.037vf 1426/7 febbraio 11 Payment to stonecutter for reimbursement of expenditures incurred for the trial firing. Payment to stonecutter for reimbursement of expenditures incurred for the trial firing.
o0204012.053a 1427 luglio 3 Payment to stonecutter for rent of horses for trips of the master builder to Malmantile and Lastra. Payment to stonecutter for rent of horses for trips of the master builder to Malmantile and Lastra.
o0204012.053a 1427 luglio 3 Payment to stonecutter for rent of horses for trips of the master builder to Malmantile and Lastra. Payment to stonecutter for rent of horses for trips of the master builder to Malmantile and Lastra.
o0204012.102vd 1429 aprile 12 Payment to stonecutter for stones prepared and sent to the Opera. Payment to stonecutter for stones prepared and sent to the Opera.
o0204012.054vg 1427 settembre 12 Payment to stonecutter for supply of white marble. Payment to stonecutter for supply of white marble.
o0201082.070ve 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks. Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks.
o0201082.070ve 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks. Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks.
o0204009.057h 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks. Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks.
o0204009.057h 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks. Payment to stonecutter for the lumber used for the trial firing of broad bricks.
o0204013.134f 1436 agosto 3 Payment to stonecutter for work at Vicopisano. Payment to stonecutter for work at Vicopisano.
o0204012.054b 1427 luglio 23 Payment to stonecutter for work on a trough. Payment to stonecutter for work on a trough.
o0204012.054c 1427 luglio 23 Payment to stonecutter for work on a trough. Payment to stonecutter for work on a trough.
o0201077.069f 1420 giugno 15 Payment to stonecutter for work on the tabernacle of the Pandects. Payment to stonecutter for work on the tabernacle of the Pandects.
o0201082.070vf 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter to place the broad bricks for the trial firing in the kiln. Payment to stonecutter to place the broad bricks for the trial firing in the kiln.
o0204009.057i 1423 marzo 30 Payment to stonecutter to place the broad bricks for the trial firing in the kiln. Payment to stonecutter to place the broad bricks for the trial firing in the kiln.
o0204004.017r 1432/3 gennaio 16 Payment to stonecutters for contract. Payment to stonecutters for contract.
o0204012.112a 1429 luglio 20 Payment to stonecutters for cornice of white marble. Payment to stonecutters for cornice of white marble.
o0204013.135e 1436 agosto 17 Payment to (stonecutters) for hewn blocks of sandstone. Payment to (stonecutters) for hewn blocks of sandstone.
o0204013.049vg 1432/3 marzo 4 Payment to stonecutters for stones in Trassinaia. Payment to stonecutters for stones in Trassinaia.
o0204013.066p 1433 dicembre 17 Payment to stonecutters for working sandstone blocks. Payment to stonecutters for working sandstone blocks.
o0201074.043a 1418 novembre 16 Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori. Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori.
o0204008.033vf 1418 novembre 16 Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori. Payment to stonecutters of the Opera for work in the palace of the Signori.
o0201080.071vd 1422 maggio 13 Payment to supplier for cutting and trimming of 508 towloads of lumber. Payment to supplier for cutting and trimming of 508 towloads of lumber.
o0201080.066va 1421/2 marzo 11 Payment to supplier for cutting and trimming of lumber of the forest. Payment to supplier for cutting and trimming of lumber of the forest.
o0204013.102vl 1435 luglio 29 Payment to supplier for the carters to transport marble from Signa. Payment to supplier for the carters to transport marble from Signa.
o0204013.103a 1435 luglio 29 Payment to supplier for the carters to transport marble from Signa. Payment to supplier for the carters to transport marble from Signa.
o0204013.127vn 1436 aprile 30 Payment to supplier for towage and trimming of lumber of the forest of the Opera. Payment to supplier for towage and trimming of lumber of the forest of the Opera.
o0201080.073g 1422 giugno 16 Payment to supplier for towing lumber from the Alps. Payment to supplier for towing lumber from the Alps.
o0204013.140vb 1436 novembre 6 Payment to supplier for towloads of fir trees conveyed from the forest of the Opera to Dicomano. Payment to supplier for towloads of fir trees conveyed from the forest of the Opera to Dicomano.
o0204013.127f 1436 aprile 30 Payment to supplier for towloads of lumber. Payment to supplier for towloads of lumber.
o0201082.071ve 1423 aprile 9 Payment to supplier for transport of chestnut trunks. Payment to supplier for transport of chestnut trunks.
o0204008.121ve 1421 agosto 14 Payment to supplier for transport of fir lumber. Payment to supplier for transport of fir lumber.
o0201082.073vc 1423 maggio 7 Payment to supplier for transport of lumber. Payment to supplier for transport of lumber.
o0204013.098g 1435 maggio 4 Payment to supplier for work done in the forest of the Opera. Payment to supplier for work done in the forest of the Opera.
o0204009.073i 1423 novembre 18 Payment to supplier of corner-pieces of oak for the chain of the cupola. Payment to supplier of corner-pieces of oak for the chain of the cupola.
o0201086.043vf 1424/5 febbraio 14 Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra.
o0201086.044vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra.
o0204009.097ve 1424/5 febbraio 12 Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the works at Lastra. Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the works at Lastra.
o0204013.115l (1435 dicembre 31) Payment to supplier of marble for a carter. Payment to supplier of marble for a carter.
o0204013.126vc 1436 aprile 30 Payment to supplier of marble for the bargemen. Payment to supplier of marble for the bargemen.
o0204012.045h 1427 maggio 28 Payment to supplier of white marble for several trips to Lastra for the dressed stone. Payment to supplier of white marble for several trips to Lastra for the dressed stone.
o0204012.045h 1427 maggio 28 Payment to supplier of white marble for several trips to Lastra for the dressed stone. Payment to supplier of white marble for several trips to Lastra for the dressed stone.
o0204012.029c 1426 novembre 14 Payment to supplier of white marble for the bargemen. Payment to supplier of white marble for the bargemen.
o0204012.018f 1426 novembre 6 Payment to supplier of white marble for the ferrymen. Payment to supplier of white marble for the ferrymen.
o0201080.063c 1421/2 gennaio 19 Payment to suppliers and bargemen for supply of white marble. Payment to suppliers and bargemen for supply of white marble.
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