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1416/7 marzo 11
Election of holiday officials.
1417 aprile 10
Election of the solicitor of the masters.
muri in alto dell'Opera
1417 aprile 28
Salary of the solicitor active above.
muri in alto dell'Opera
1417 aprile 16
Election of the solicitor of workers working up high.
muri in alto dell'Opera
1418 giugno 10
Prohibition to the sacristan to accept cloth hangings that are not hemmed with linen on the side by which they are strung up.
1418 ottobre 12
Payment for a lamp and other ornaments in the chapel of the Virgin Annunciate.
altare della Madonna
1418/9 marzo 9
Authorization to sell offerings of wax.
1419 agosto 7
Authorization to clear out earth close to the foundations.
fondamenta parte posteriore esterna - sgombro di terra
1419 novembre 7
Order to prepare annually a seat where the captains of Parte Guelfa can hear mass on the feast day of San Martino.
1419 novembre 7
Order to the vice master builder to have a strut rafter log replaced on high in the church.
sotto l'arco in alto - sostituzione puntone
1419 luglio 19
Payment for transport of lumber between the Duomo and Santa Maria Novella.
1419 luglio 19
Payment for transport of lumber and of other things from Santa Maria Novella to the Duomo.
1419 ottobre 11
Payment for a marble figure.
- figura di marmo
1419 luglio 14
Promise to respect the terms of consignment for manufacture of gutter spouts in part already paid with guaranty.
cupola minore - docce
1419/20 gennaio 26
Election of holiday officials for Candlemas.
1419/20 febbraio 7
Order to the treasurer accept in his own account the debtors from the previous financial period.
1420 aprile 1
Measures for the celebration of the Candlemas.
1420 aprile 19
Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons.
1419/20 gennaio 18
Payment for the purchase of charcoal.
1420 maggio 18
Payment for stones and lumber transported in several trips between Santa Maria Novella and the Opera.
1420/1 febbraio 12
Appraisal of a sculpture left unfinished because of the death of the sculptor.
- scultura con storia della Madonna
1421 maggio 5
Oath of wardens.
- edificazione
1421 giugno 20
Order of arrest of a debt collector and notification.
entro le mura - cattura di esattore
1421 settembre 15
Ruling to place in church a drum for denunciations to be opened every fifteen days.
chiesa - tamburo per denuncie
1421 dicembre 3
Commission to the administrator to contract out sand for building for five years.
mura - allogagione di rena
1421 dicembre 23
Payment for petty expenses.
fabbrica dell'Opera
1421/2 gennaio 10
Contract for mortar to be made in the Opera for the construction of the Duomo and relative guaranty.
- muramento
1422 settembre 16
Election of the preacher for the feast of San Dionysius.
chiesa di Santa Reparata - elezione dei predicatore
1422 dicembre 2
Summons of a citizen to answer for the sale of unsuitable skins for the repair of the organs.
1422 luglio 7
Payment for supply of white marble for the cornices.
cornici di marmo
1422 agosto 4
Payment for repairs to the organs.
1422 settembre 22
Payment for remaking and mending of the organs.
- rifacimento e aggiustatura degli organi
1422 ottobre 7
Payment for petty expenses.
palco degli organi
1423 giugno 2
Term to master of glass oculi for retrieving the designs.
- occhio di vetro
1423 giugno 17
Balance of payment to master of organs.
1423 luglio 14
Commission to contract out to master glaziers copper wire nets for two oculi.
- occhi di vetro
1423 novembre 6
Registration of the days served by an ox driver to adapt a rope.
1423 luglio 27
Contract for nets of copper wire for two oculi.
- occhi di vetro
1423 luglio 14
Payment for manufacture of two nets for two oculi.
- occhi, 2
1423/4 febbraio 11
Contract for figure previously commissioned to Giovanni di Bartolo, absent from Florence for debts, to Bernardo Ciuffagni with notification to the brother of said Giovanni to declare the expenditures incurred by Rosso in cutting it from the "masso" and transporting it to the port.
- figura
1423/4 febbraio 18
Term of 6 months to Fra Bernardino di Stefano, captured in Arezzo, to respect his contract.
- lavoro di Bernardino di Stefano, frate predicatore
1424 dicembre 2
Payment for transport of sandstone blocks from the square up to the hoist.
duomo, piazza - trasporto di 32 macigni fino alla colla
1424/5 gennaio 12
Oath of two wardens.
1424/5 gennaio 24
Loan of house to the Lenten preacher.
1425 aprile 14
Order to place a denunciation box in the church, in the customary place, to permit denouncing of all the Opera's salaried personnel that disobeyed the orders.
cattedrale - luogo consueto per il tamburo
1425 maggio 21
Concession to the confraternity of Saint Zenobius to take back the wax of its offering.
chiesa - compagnia di San Zanobi
1425 giugno 19
Permission to bury Gilio Pecori in church at the expense of his heirs.
chiesa - sepoltura di Gilio Pecori
1424/5 marzo 15
Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows.
cattedrale - occhi di vetro
1424/5 marzo 7
Payment to Fra Bernardo for two glass oculi.
- occhi di vetro
1425 maggio 16
Payment for the purchase of glass in Venice to make oculi.
- occhi di vetro
1425/6 gennaio 7
Oath of wardens.
1426 marzo 26
Letter to the master of glass windows ordering him to return to work in Florence, under penalty of demand of payment.
- occhi di vetro
1426 maggio 17
Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed.
1426 giugno 20
Commission to master builder for various repairs and transferral of marble slab from the high altar to that of Saint Zenobius.
palchetto di San Zanobi, buche - muratura
1426 novembre 14
Authorization to the administrator to repair the organs of the Duomo.
1426 dicembre 16
Election of the guard of the Duomo for feast days.
1426/7 marzo 6
Oath of wardens.
- modello
1427 aprile 2
Oath of a warden.
- modello antico
1427 maggio 7
Oath of wardens and authority to the administrator for sale of kiln.
- modello antico
1427 maggio 28
Oath of warden.
- modello antico
1427 giugno 30
Order to the master builder for repairs to marble benches.
muriccioli rotti - acconcimi
1427 agosto 5
Permission to canons to remain in their old residences while considering their real residence to be in the Duomo.
1427/8 gennaio 8
Oath of three wardens.
- modello antico
1427/8 gennaio 14
Oath of a warden.
- modello antico
1427/8 marzo 24
Order to the administrator and master builder to repair the windows and glass oculus.
occhio di vetro - acconcimi
1427/8 marzo 24
Order to the administrator and master builder to repair the windows and glass oculus.
finestre - acconcimi
1428 maggio 14
Authority to the master builder for work on roofs and sinks in the houses of canons, chaplains and clerics.
Duomo, tetti - acconcimi
1428 maggio 18
Authorization to have a platform made for the feast of Saint Zenobius.
- palchetto per festa San Zanobi
1428 luglio 14
Order to the administrator to have the latrines of the Duomo repaired and the wood supports of banners and shields.
necessari - acconcimi
1428 agosto 20
Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused.
Duomo, pressi - marmo
1428 agosto 31
Assignment of a house to a chaplain.
1428/9 febbraio 17
Restitution of arms.
Duomo, sepoltura dei Ceffini - restituzione di arme
1429 aprile 12
Oath of warden.
- modello
1429 settembre 22
Order to the supervisors of the cupola to have a model made of the old church, of the new oratory with the new chapels and of the new facade.
- modello
1429 novembre 29
Salary of carpenter for the model of the new church.
- modello nuovo
1429 dicembre 2
Salary of master carpenter.
- modello nuovo
1429 dicembre 10
Authority to the master builder for sale of stones and pebbles.
muri intorno
1429/30 gennaio 21
Hiring of master carpenter for the model of the church.
- modello della chiesa
1429/30 gennaio 26
Salary set for the master of the model of the Duomo.
- modello nuovo
1430 marzo 30
Registration of the days worked to make a seat on the occasion of the arrival of the relics of Vada.
- sedile per venuta reliquie
1430 maggio 2
Salary set for carpenter who works on the model.
- modello dell'Opera
1430 maggio 2
Appeal to the consuls of the Wool Guild for the model of the chapels and the whole church and for the alterations to the kitchen and the houses of the clergy.
- modello di tutta la chiesa
1430 maggio 19
Registration of the daily wages of masters employed on the seats of the main church.
- ingrandimento di due sedili
1430 giugno 22
Registration of the days worked on the decoration of the Duomo for the arrival of the altarpiece of the Madonna of Impruneta and to perforate the stairs of the high altar to affix large candles.
- ornamento per Madonna d'Impruneta
1430 ottobre 5
Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the feast day of Saint Dionysius.
1431 maggio 30
Authorization to carry out minor work on the church.
1431 maggio 30
Confirmation of ruling of expulsion from houses of chaplains guilty of absenteeism.
1431 settembre 25
Order to consign the keys of the spiral staircase to the administrator.
scala a chiocciola
1431/2 gennaio 8
Order to the master builder to demolish the bridge between the church and the bell tower.
duomo - ponte tra chiesa e campanile
1432 luglio 11
Order to prepare a place in which to work on organ loft.
luogo di lavoro per il pergamo
1432 luglio 18
Admission of a stonecutter to the rolls with the obligation to pay off a debt out of his salary.
1428/9 marzo 21
Authority to the sacristans to accept the corpse and designate the burial place of messer Niccolò da Mercatello, ambassador of the Pope.
Duomo - luogo scelto per sepoltura di Niccolò da Mercatello, messer, oratore del Papa
1429 maggio 12
Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera.
1435/6 gennaio 20
Order to have iron and wood chains placed in the church according to the order of the master builder.
- catene di ferro e di legname
1432 settembre 25
Order to put the organ in order.
1432 ottobre 17
Construction of seat in cathedral for the rector and officials of the Florentine Studio.
1432 ottobre 29
Order to the master builder to demolish the worksites of the blacksmith and for making mortar and to transfer the former where the confraternity of Saint Zenobius used to meet.
luogo del fabbro
1432 ottobre 29
Order to the master builder to demolish the worksites of the blacksmith and for making mortar and to transfer the former where the confraternity of Saint Zenobius used to meet.
luogo della calcina
1432 ottobre 29
Order to the master builder to demolish the worksites of the blacksmith and for making mortar and to transfer the former where the confraternity of Saint Zenobius used to meet.
luogo dove stava la compagnia di San Zanobi
1432 dicembre 9
Order to the master builder to demolish the headquarters of the officials and to prepare a new one in the sacristy.
sede degli ufficiali - arricciatura
1432 dicembre 19
Suspension of work for the arrival of the altarpiece of Santa Maria of Impruneta.
uffici solenni
1434 aprile 22
Order slip to the rectors to punish the profaners of the monuments of the church.
1434/5 gennaio 30
Shifting of the banners from the high altar to the nave.
altare maggiore - bandiere, spostamento
1434/5 febbraio 22
Transport from Trassinaia of a stone slab to be used for casting the pipes of the organs, after which it is to be returned to the owner of the quarry.
- costruzione di organi
1434/5 marzo 2
Order to the master builder to have iron chains prepared to fortify the church.
- fortificazione con catene di ferro
1434/5 marzo 24
Paving of the church in the place where logs were kept at length.
luogo dei legni - ammattonatura
1435 aprile 8
Registration of the daily wages of those employed on the chains for the fortification of the cathedral.
- fortificazione con catene
1435 aprile 11
Price set for transport with oxen of a stone slab to cast the pipes of the new organs.
- organi nuovi
1435 aprile 22
Concession to the Figiovanni family to affix their own arms to the tomb of the Ferrantini, since the two families, originally united as one, have traditionally shared the same burial site.
tomba dei Ferrantini - apposizione dell'arme dei Figiovanni
1435 aprile 22
Registration of daily wages of workers who worked for the funeral of Niccolò Tolentino.
- palchetto per onorare Niccolò da Tolentino
1435 maggio 18
Order to repaint a tomb monument damaged by the plastering of the church.
chiesa - sistemazione di sepoltura
1435 maggio 18
Order to repaint a tomb monument damaged by the plastering of the church.
chiesa - arricciatura
1435 giugno 14
Deadline of eight days for revision of models.
1435 luglio 5
Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked on the glass window of Bernardo of Francesco.
finestra di vetro - buche per la finestra di Bernardo di Francesco
1435 agosto 8
Letter of summons to the prior of San Sisto of Pisa for a contract for a glass oculus of the Duomo.
- occhio di vetro
1435 agosto 16
Threat of demand of payment to a master and his partner in case of failure to execute the glass oculus contracted to them.
- occhio di vetro
1435 agosto 19
Authority to the wardens to attend the ordination of 25 choir boys and their master in accordance with the will of Pope Eugenius IV.
1435 agosto 23
Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir.
chiesa - abbattimento muro tra chiesa nuova e vecchia
1435 ottobre 7
Commission for contract for square stones for the brick pavement of the Duomo.
- ammattonatura
1435 dicembre 7
Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to summon the contractor of the large glass oculus.
- occhio grande di vetro
1435/6 gennaio 24
Authority to the master builder to prepare the church for the consecration.
1435/6 febbraio 17
Election of painters and advance on payment to them for the apostles to be executed for the consecration of the Duomo.
1435/6 febbraio 22
Commission to the master builder for seats for the captains of Parte Guelfa and the consuls of the Wool Guild for the consecration of the Duomo.
1435/6 febbraio 24
Price set for inscription in steel letters for the consecration of the Duomo with obligation to correct the date.
1435/6 marzo 9
Contract to master carpenters for an elevated platform to be built from Santa Maria Novella to the Duomo on the occasion of the consecration.
- costruzione di palco in legname sino a Santa Maria Novella
1435/6 marzo 9
Request to execute the letters for the consecration of the Duomo just as they appear in the text written by Busini.
1435/6 marzo 13
Commission to two wardens to oversee the consecration of the Duomo.
1435/6 marzo 17
Commission to two wardens of transfer credits from the public debt to pay the salary of the new choir boys and their master.
- aumento del culto
1435/6 marzo 19
Registration of a day's work less for six masters absent the day of the donation of the rose with obligation to be available on the day of the consecration of the Duomo.
1435/6 marzo 19
Price set for paintings made for the consecration of the Duomo with request of restoration of the figures and restitution of the left over gold and azurite pigment.
1436 aprile 3
Order to the master builder to build a stairway for the organist.
- costruzione di una scala per gli organi
1436 aprile 27
Order to the master builder to open access to the body of Saint Zenobius and to make a parapet above it.
- apertura dell'accesso al corpo di San Zanobi
1436 aprile 27
Election of the preacher for Lent.
1436 maggio 30
Hiring of a painter to paint the figure of John Hawkwood
- pittura della figura di Giovanni Acuto, messer
1436 giugno 6
Order to make two silver candlesticks to adorn the new sacristy with proclamation of competition addressed to goldsmiths for drawings and prices.
- culto
1436 giugno 6
Authority to a (warden) and to the administrator for the sale of the mantle of Niccolò da Tolentino.
- culto
1436 giugno 6
Prohibition to the masters and to any other person to have himself pulled up onto the top of the walls of the Duomo without permission of the wardens, under penalty of dismissal from his appointment.
1436 giugno 22
Commission for the bronze inscription to commemorate the day of the consecration.
1436 giugno 28
Election of a chaplain inspector of the clergy.
- culto
1436 giugno 28
Prohibition to distribute payment for officiating in the Duomo without permit of the wardens.
duomo - distribuzioni per officiature
1436 luglio 6
Provision for furnishings of the Duomo and preparation of a window for the Body of Christ with devotional lamp.
1436 luglio 24
Registration of the daily wages of masters and unskilled workers who are working on the chains.
- fortificazione con catene
1432 luglio 11
Order to prepare the closed space for making organ loft.
chiusa per il pergamo
1432 settembre 17
Authorization to work in the lower part of the Opera, limited to the (masters) listed.
parte bassa
1433/4 gennaio 9
Payment for the manufacture of two screws.
1434 aprile 20
Payment procedures for the design of the oculus of the Coronation and term for its execution.
- occhio dell'Incoronazione
1435 maggio 4
Note of that which must be discussed with the consuls with regard to the chains of the Duomo and the reconfirmation of officials.
1436 marzo 31
Registration of full day's work for masters who worked on the eve of the consecration of the Duomo.
1433 marzo 26
Election of the organist.
1433 marzo 26
Payment to a preacher for travel expenses with limit of 20 lire.