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DOCUMENT: o0201076.031vbview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1419 novembre 28
stairSUMMARY: stairCancellation of debt for property gabelle paid for forced loans.
AOSMF stairII 1 76 stairc. 31v b resolutions
    Item quod Chiarus Micaelis lignaiuolus sive magister cancelletur pro gabella bonorum, quia solvit pro prestantiis in quibus prestantiis excomputavisset solutionem dicte gabelle bonorum si ipsam solutionem prius fecisset etc.
Transcription: gb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES: stairChiaro di Michele  - stairmaestro legnaiolo
Guided research
stairgabelle - property
stairforced loans
Analysis: gb
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