
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 1 76
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title:
Bastardello di deliberazioni e stanziamenti (resolutions and allocations)
Original title:
"[...]/ Sextus"
Terminal dates:
1419 July 1 - December 22
Physical description:
register, tall narrow format, 412x144 mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap. The register consists of 78 paper leaves, of which cc. 55v-69v are blank; coeval numeration; cc. 65-68 are bound out of order after c. 76.
transcribed in document O0201076.002a
The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink and lacerations. The cover has been partially restored in the upper margin. Two leaves have been cut away at the end of the register.
Person(s) accountable:
wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore
ser Lorenzo di Paolo di ser Guido Gigli, notary of the Opera
The acts are arranged in the volume as follows: cc. 2-37v - resolutions from 1 July to 20 December 1419 cc. 45-55 - allocations from 5 July to 15 December 1419 cc. 70-78 - guaranties from 3 July to 22 December 1419
microfilm spool no. 16 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999; digital high resolution color photographs of selected full pages, Pineider, 2013
Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Guasti 1887, Poggi 1903, Poggi 1909, Saalman 1980, Haines 1985, Frosinini 1986, Poggi 1988, Bergstein 2000.
II 1 76 - Original reference texts
c. 1:
"Deliberationes a c. 2
Stantiamenta a c. 45
Locationes a c. 65
Satisdationes a c. 70" |
c. 45 - "Stantiamenta"
c. 70 - "Satisdationes"
c. 26 top: "Ista deliberatio cadit retro in isto a c. 23"
c. 46v after the first entry: "Quere pro stantiamento Filippi ser Brunelleschi in isto a c. 48"
c. 46v mid-page after the allocations of 19 July: "Quere pro pluribus aliis stantiamentis factis hac die in isto a c. 49 sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 47v end: "Quere pro stantiamento minutarum facto hoc presenti die in isto a c. 50"
c. 48 top: "Istud stantiamentum supra in isto a c. 46"
c. 49 mid-page: "Ista stantiamenta facta sub hac die 19 iulii cadunt supra a c. 46 sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 50v top: "Istud stantiamentum cadet supra a c. 47 in fine carte ante stantiamentum Laurentii Bartoluccii"
c. 50v end: "Quere pro uno alio stantiamento hodie facto in isto a c. 53 sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 53v mid-page: "Istud stantiamentum cadit in isto supra a c. 50 in fine carte sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"