
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 1 83
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title: | Bastardello di deliberazioni, allogagioni, stanziamenti, fideiussioni (resolutions, contracts, allocations, guaranties) |
Original title: | "Ser Piero di Lorenzo del Chatellaccio 1423/ 1423/ II/ Deliberationes ... Pieri Laurentii ... initiatum [primo iulii] 1423" |
Terminal dates: | 1423 July 1 - December 18 |
Physical description: | register, tall narrow format, 406x141mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap, consisting of 94 original paper leaves, of which cc. 1v, 12-55, 57v-64v, 72v-87v, 90-91v, 93-94v are blank; coeval numeration with number 90 repeated. |
Incipit: | transcribed in document O0201083.002a |
Conservation: | The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink. |
Language: | Latin |
Person(s) accountable: | wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore |
Scribe: | ser Piero di Lorenzo da Catellaccio, notary of the Opera |
Contents: | The acts are arranged in the volume as follows:
cc. 2-11v - resolutions from 1 July1423 to 18 December 1423
c. 56 - contracts of 27 luglio 1423
cc. 65-77 - allocations from 5 July 1423 to 9 December 1423
cc. 88-89v - guaranties from 5 July 1423 to 20 December 1423
c. 92 - arrests from 14 July 1423 to 3 December 1423 |
Reproductions: | microfilm spool no. 18 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999 |
Editions: | Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Poggi 1909, Saalman 1980. |
II 1 83 - Original reference texts
Rubrics: | c. 1:
"Deliberationes c. 2
Locationes c. 56
Stantiamenta c. 65
Sadisdationes c. 88 (number corrected)
Capture c. 92 (number corrected)" |
Titles: | c. 56 - "Locationes et conducte" |
Annotations: |
c. 56 - "In Dey nomine, amen. Anno Domini ab eius incarnatione millesimo quadringentesimo vigesimo tertio, indictione prima (here follows struck out "et") diebus et mensibus infrascriptis".
c. 65 - incipit for the section of allocations: "In huius libri et parte ista continetur et scripti sunt omnes et singuli homines et persone debentes ab ipsa Opera pro causa inferius in stantiamentis annotatis et quantitates ipsis recipere debentis stantiata et solutionis seu in marginationis facte illis quibus solutum fuit prout infra manu mey Pieri notarii per ordinem apparebit".
c. 88 - incipit for the section of guaranties: "In parte ista huius libri continentur et scripte sunt omnes et singule promissiones et satisdationes facte et prestite per debitores dicte Opere mihi notario infrascripto pro ipsa Opera recipienti prout inferius apparebit".
c. 88v - two acts are underwritten by the Opera notary in office the following year, ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio.
c. 92 - incipit for the section of guaranties: "In parte ista huius libri continentur et scripte sunt omnes et singule capture facte de debitoribus dicte Opere, prout inferius per ordinem continetur". |