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space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts

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1-5v 6-10v 11-15v 16-23v 24-38
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Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore

II 1 73

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Description of the archival unit

Descriptive title: Bastardello di deliberazioni e stanziamenti (resolutions and allocations)
Original title: "1418/ Ser Laurentii Pauli ser Guidonis Gilii/ Quaternus deliberationum/ Opera terzo/ 1418"
Terminal dates: 1418 April 11 - June 30
Physical description: register, tall narrow format, 412x144 mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcement and closing flap, consisting of I+47 paper leaves, of which cc. 19v-21v, 26v-31v 32v-35v, 36v-37v and 38v-47v blank; coeval numeration.
Incipit: transcribed in document O201073.001a
Conservation: The register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink. Cover partially restored.
Language: Latin
Person(s) accountable: wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore.
Scribes: ser Piero di ser Antonio di ser Piero Banchini, notary of the Opera for the Commune, c. 1; ser Lorenzo di Paolo di ser Guido Gigli, notary of the Opera for the Wool Guild, cc. 1v-38.
Contents: The register contains mostly acts regarding the management of the structures entrusted to the Opera, while the material concerning finances for the same period is gathered in a separate "bastardello", II 1 73 bis. The acts are arranged in the volume as follows:
cc. 1-15v - resolutions and allocations from 9 April to 17 June 1418
cc. 16-18v - guaranties from 12 April to 22 June 1418
c. 19 - cancelled act of 25 June 1418
cc. 22-26 - resolutions and allocations from 17 to 30 June 1418
c. 32 - arrests of 13 April 1418
c. 36 - arrests of 12 April 1418
c. 38 - contract of 11 May 1418
Reproductions: microfilm spool no. 15 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999
Editions: Some acts appear in the following publications: Poggi 1909, Settesoldi 1986.

II 1 73 - Original reference texts

Rubrics: c. I:
"Stanziamenti a c. 2
Deliberagioni e sodamenti a c. 20 (deleted)
Deliberationes et stantiamenti a c. 2
Fideiussiones a c. 16
Capture a c. 32
Antonio di Berto a c. 32
Maghe a c. 36"
Titles: c. 16 - "Fideiussiones"
c. 32 - "Capture/ Antonius Berti"
c. 36 - "Capture/ Maghe"
c. 38 - "Locationes marmoris et lignaminis"
Annotations: c. 15v - "Quere a c. 22 in isto pro residuo deliberationum"
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