
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 1 77
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title:
Bastardello di deliberazioni e stanziamenti (resolutions and allocations)
Original title:
"Libro primo di ser Dino di Cola/ nel 1419/ I/ 1419"
Terminal dates:
1419 December 29 - 1420 July 9
Physical description:
register, tall narrow format, 410x142mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap. The register consists of I+95 paper leaves, of which cc. I, 48-50, 72-73, 77-79, 87-92, 94-95 are blank; coeval numeration up through 48, thereafter modern.
transcribed in document O0201077.001a
The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink. The cover has been partially restored in the upper margin.
Person(s) accountable:
wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore.
ser Dino di Cola di Cecco, notary of the Opera
The acts are arranged in the volume as follows: cc. 1v-47v - resolutions from 29 December 1419 to 28 June 1420 cc. 51-71v - allocations from 29 December 1419 to 28 June 1420 cc. 74-76 - contracts from 13 March 1419/20 to 15 June 1420 cc. 80-86v - guaranties from 2 January 1419/20 to 9 July 1420 c. 93 - guaranties for workers of 15 January 1419/20 Throughout the register there are acts prepared but not compiled by the notary: see cc. 9v, 24v, 25v, 26, 27, 28v, 31v, 39.
microfilm spools no. 16-17 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999; digital high resolution color photographs of selected full pages, Pineider, 2013
Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Frey 1887, Guasti 1887, Poggi 1903, Poggi 1909, D'Accone 1960, D'Accone 1973, Saalman 1980, Jones 1984, Settesoldi 1986, Poggi 1988, Rubinstein 1995.
II 1 77 - Original reference texts
c. 51 - "Stantiamenta"
c. 74 - "Locationes et conducte"
c. 80 - "Satisdationes"
c. 93 - "Satisdationes operariorum" |
c. 47v - "Ego Dinus Cole notarius dicte Opere subscripsi".
c. 51 - incipit for the allocations section: "In parte ista continentur et scripti sunt omnes et singuli homines et persone qui et que ab ipsa Opera recipere debent seu debebunt pro causis inferius describendis et quibus facta fuerint per dictos operarios stantiamenta manu mei Dini notarii infrascripti pro causis et rationibus in ipsis stantiamentis descriptis et annotatis et primo"
c. 71v - "Ego Dinus Cole notarius dicte Opere subscripsi"
c. 74 - incipit for the contracts section: "In parte ista continentur et scripte sunt locationes et conducte facte per operarios Opere supradicte et per Paulum provisorem dicte Opere ipsorum commissione de infrascriptis lignaminibus et aliis prout infra per ordinem apparebit"
c. 80 - incipit for the guaranties section: "In parte ista huius libri continentur et scripte sunt omnes et singule promissiones (here follows, struck out, 'facte') et obligationes facte per quoscumque debitores dicte Opere quacumque de causa mihi Dino notario dicte Opere pro ipsa Opera recipienti de solvendo in terminis et temporibus infrascriptis et ipsorum promissores, fideiussiones et satisdationes (here follows, struck out, 's-') et obligationes factas eorum precibus et mandatis prout et sicut inferius per ordinem apparebit"
c. 86v - "Ego Dinus Cole notarius dicte Opere subscripsi" |