
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 4 11
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title:
Bastardello di ricordi del provveditore (administrator's personal notebook)
Terminal dates:
1419/20 January 11 - 1426 July 20
Physical description:
register, tall narrow format, 410x143mm, bound with parchment covered boards with leather reinforcements. The register consists of II+92 paper leaves, of which cc. I-1v, 5v-6, 35-64, 78-92 are blank. In the coeval numeration, present throughout the codex, number 47 is missing; from this point there is a discrepancy of one number with regard to the complete modern numeration. Several leaves have been rebound out of order in the final blank section of the register. A slip of paper 170x60mm attached to c. 92v with sealing wax carries the following indication written in a later hand: "N. 364".
The register shows evident traces of water damage (1966 flood) with general fading of ink, particularly severe from c. 73v. The binding has been completely restored.
Person(s) accountable:
wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore
the administrators of the Opera who succeded each other in office
The volume contains annotations in vernacular of various acts of the wardens recorded by the administrators in office during its time span. It is divided into distinct sections kept by the various administrators according to differing criteria: cc. 2-3v, act e - memoranda of terms of payment and guaranties kept by the administrator Simone di Francesco da Filicaia from 15 to 29 January 1419/20 c. 3v, act f - promise of payment of 9 March 1422/3, out of chronological order, subscribed by the administrator Bartolomeo d'Agnolo Ciai cc. 4-7v, act d - memoranda of resolutions, allocations and terms of payment kept by the administrator Paolo di Soldo Soldini from 12 June to 17 December 1422 c. 7v, act e - a term of payment and relative guaranty dated 5 and 8 February 1422/3 written by the administrator Bartolomeo Ciai cc. 8v-15 - memoranda of resolutions, terms of payment and allocations kept by the administrator Bartolomeo Ciai from 18 January 1422/3 to 11 February 1423/4 cc. 15v-34v - memoranda of resolutions kept by the administrator Bernardo Donati from 4 February 1423/4 to 17 April 1426 cc. 65-65v, act e - memoranda of guaranties and terms of payment kept by the administrator Bartolomeo Ciai from 5 July 1423 to 10 January 1423/4 cc. 65v, act f-77v - memoranda of guaranties, terms of payment and contracts kept by the administrator Bernardo Donati from 11 February 1423/4 to 20 July 1426
Details: digital images of the entire codex executed with low intensity ultraviolet light, Department for the Conservation of books and manuscripts of the Fachhochschule of Cologne, 1999. Full pages: digital high resolution color photographs of all the pages of the codex, Perulli, 2004.
Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Poggi 1909, D'Accone 1960, Saalman 1980.
II 4 11 - Original reference texts
"Infrascritti sono quelgli che da l'Opera ànno ricieuto termine e a piè di loro chi à promesso".