space Studies
space Sources Dates Indices Topics1 Topics2 Reference Texts

I 1 4

II 1 70

II 1 70 bis

II 1 71

II 1 72

II 1 73

II 1 73 bis

II 1 74

II 1 75

II 1 76

II 1 77

II 1 78

II 1 79

II 1 80

II 1 81

II 1 82

II 1 83

II 1 84

II 1 85

II 1 86

1-5v 6-10v 11-16 16v-22v 23-32 32v-44v 45-49v 50-71v 72-96v 97
II 2 1

II 4 4

II 4 8

II 4 9

II 4 11

II 4 12

II 4 13

II 4 34

VIII 1 1

VIII 1 2

Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore

II 1 86

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Description of the archival unit

Descriptive title: Bastardello di deliberazioni, allogagioni, stanziamenti, fideiussioni (resolutions, contracts, allocations, guaranties)
Original title: "Liber deliberationum in quo sunt descripta stantiamenta, locationes, satisdationes ac capture; inceptus per me Bartolomeum magistri Antonii de Sancto Miniate notarium Opere Sancte Marie del Fiore die primo ianuarii MCCCCXXIIII tempore Iohannis de Corbinellis camerarii dicte Opere/ 1424/ 25/ II"
Terminal dates: 1424/5 January 2 - 1425 June 28
Physical description: register, tall narrow format, 410x143mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap, consisting of I+95 original paper leaves, of which 1v, 26-29v, 34-39v, 41v-42 (crossed out with explanation "per errorem dimisi"), 53-69v, 74-85v, 88-95v are blank; coeval numeration.
Incipit: transcribed in document O0201086.001a
Conservation: The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink.
Language: Latin
Person(s) accountable: wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore
Scribes: ser Bartolomeo del maestro Antonio, notary of the Opera
Contents: The acts are arranged in the volume as follows:
cc. 1-25v - resolutions from 8 January 1424/5 to 28 June 1425
cc. 30-33 - contracts from 30 January 1424/5 to 16 May 1425
cc. 40-52v - allocations from 12 January 1424/5 to 28 June 1425
cc. 70-73v - guaranties from 1 marzo 1424/5 to 21 June 1425
cc. 86-87v - arrests from 26 marzo 1425 to 26 May 1425
A loose leaf with an annotation in vernacular and the date 22 January 1424/5 found in bastardello II 1 82 in 2001was brought to the attention of the Opera archivist because it appeared extraneous to the period covered by that codex. It has been inserted into the present bastardello II 1 86 regarding the first semester of 1425, with which it shares compatibility of date and identity of the scribe's hand.
c. 97 - number assigned to the inside of the back cover with three notes concerning the collection of allocations, transcribed as acts 97a, 97b, 97c
Reproductions: microfilm spools no. 18-19 of 1958; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999; digital high resolution color photographs of selected full pages, Pineider, 2013
Editions: Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Poggi 1909, Saalman 1980, Haines 1983, Haines 1985, Poggi 1988, Haines 2001.

II 1 86 - Original reference texts

Rubrics: c. I:
"Partim MCCCCXXIIII indizione III
Partim MCCCCXXV indizione III
Deliberationes c. 1 usque in c. 30
Locationes c. 30 usque in c. 40
Stantiamenta c. 40 usque in c. 70
Satisdationes c. 70 usque in c. 86
Capture c. 86 usque in c. 95"
Titles: c. 30 - "Locationes"
c. 40 - "Stantiamenta"
c. 70 - "Satisdationes"
c. 86 - "Capture"
Annotations: c. 25v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii notarius Opere subscripsi".
c. 33v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii de predictis fui rogatus ideo subscripsi".
c. 52v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii notarius subscripsi".
c. 73v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii notarius subscripsi".
c. 87v - "Ego Bartolomeus magistri Antonii notarius subscripsi".
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