
Archivio dell'Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore
II 1 75
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Description of the archival unit
Descriptive title:
Bastardello di deliberazioni e stanziamenti (resolutions and allocations)
Original title:
"[...]/ Ser Laurentii P[auli ser] Guidonis Gilii notarii Operis/ Quaternus deliberationum/ Quintus/ V/ di ser Lorenzo di ser Pagoli"
Terminal dates:
1418/9 January 1 - 1419 June 27
Physical description:
register, tall narrow format, 411x142 mm, with original parchment binding, leather reinforcements and closing flap, consisting of 80 paper leaves, of which cc. 1v, 36-44, 53-64v, 66-69v, 78v-80 are blank. Coeval numeration.
transcribed in document O0201075.002a
The lower part of the register shows traces of water damage (1966 flood), with consequent discoloration of ink. Cover partially restored in upper margin.
Person(s) accountable:
wardens of the Opera of Santa Maria del Fiore
ser Lorenzo di Paolo di ser Guido Gigli, notary of the Opera
The acts are arranged in the volume as follows: cc. 2-35v - resolutions from 4 January 1418/9 to 26 June 1419 cc. 45-52v - allocations from 23 January 1418/9 to 22 June 1419 cc. 65-65v - contracts from 9 January 1418/9 to 17 June 1419 c. 70-78 - guaranties from 12 January 1418/9 to 27 June 1419 c. 80v - a memorandum of 23 January 1418/9
microfilm spool no. 15 of 1958
; digitization of microfilm, PDS, 1999; digital high resolution color photographs of selected full pages, Pineider, 2013 |
Some acts appear in the following publications: Guasti 1857, Poggi 1909, Krautheimer 1957, Saalman 1980, Frosinini 1986, Finiello Zervas 1987, Poggi 1988, Bergstein 2000.
II 1 75 - Original reference texts
c. 1:
"Deliberationes a c. 2
Stantiamenta a c. 45
Conduta et locationes a c. 65
Satisdationes a c. 70"
c. 45 - "Stantiamenta" (corrected from "Satisdationes", struck out)
c. 65 - "Conducta et locationes"
c. 70 - "Satisdationes"
on the cover, other than title - "12", "1416 (corrected to "1418-9"), "76"
c. 4v end - "Quere in facie sequenti sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 5 towards end - "Iste deliberationes veniunt in facie precedenti sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 48v end - "Quere pro stantiamento Luce Bonini et aliis hodie facto in isto a c. 52"
c. 52 towards end - "Quere pro residuo stantiamentorum factorum sub hac diei in facie sequenti sub hoc signo, videlicet (symbol follows)"
c. 52 lower margin - "Nota quod istud stantiamentum cadit ("su" struck out) in isto a c. 49 in fine carte 48"
c. 52v top - "Istud stantiamentum cadit in facie precedenti sub hoc signo, videlicet (segue segno)"