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DOCUMENT: o0201079.023vaview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1421 settembre 5
stairSUMMARY: stairProhibition to the master builder to absent himself without permission.
AOSMF stairII 1 79 stairc. 23v a resolutions
    Item ut asseruerunt iustis causis moti deliberaverunt quod Batista Antonii caputmagister dicte Opere de cetero non possit ullo modo extra dictam Operam pergere(1) nisi pro factis et negotiis dicte Opere peragendis et non pro aliis sine expressa licentia et consensu eorum officii obtento partito primo secundum ordinamenta dicte Opere; eo tamen excepto quod ad horas docte ire et stare possit prout alii magistri dicte Opere pro libito voluntatis.
NOTES: 1 Segue depennato "nisi" abbreviato.
Transcription: gb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES: stairBattista d'Antonio  - staircapomaestro
 - stairmaestri
Guided research
stairother ments. - intern.
stairBattista d'Antonio, capomaestro - divieto di allontanarsi
Analysis: gb
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