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DOCUMENT: o0202001.089vaview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1428 agosto 16
stairSUMMARY: stairLetter to the Podestà of Pontassieve instructing him to demand payment of debtors of the Commune of Colognole.
AOSMF stairII 2 1 stairc. 89v a resolutions
stairTITLE: stairPro populo de Colognole
    Item prefati operarii servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod scribatur littera Potestati Pontis ad Sevem quod ex parte eorum offitii gravet et gravare debeat pro debito quod Commune Colognole habet cum prefata Opera certos homines et personas possidentes bona obligata ad dictum debitum et super quibus tale debitum fuit positum.
Transcription: rb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES:  - stairPodestà di Pontassieve
 - stairpossessori di beni
stairPLACES: stairPontassieve
stairINSTITUTIONS: stairComune di Colognole
Guided research
stairgabelle - property
Analysis: ls
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