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DOCUMENT: o0202001.094gview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1428 novembre 18
stairSUMMARY: stairElection of stonecutter.
AOSMF stairII 2 1 stairc. 94 g resolutions
stairTITLE: stairPro amico Gualterotti
    Item eligerunt in scharpellatorem Opere et muratorem prout videbitur caputmagistro Opere pro eo salario alias statuendo, Daddum Nofrii de Settignano.
Transcription: rb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES: stairamico di Gualterotto
 - staircapomaestro
stairDaddo di Nofri da stairSettignano  - stairscalpellatore
Guided research
stairappointmts. - workers
stairDaddo di Nofri da stairSettignano, scalpellatore -
stairother ments. - intern.
capomaestro - decide su lavoro maestranze
Analysis: ls
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