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DOCUMENT: o0202001.147bview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1431 agosto 16
stairSUMMARY: stairAuthorization to sell two pieces of marble.
AOSMF stairII 2 1 stairc. 147 b resolutions
stairTITLE: stairQuod caputmagister possit vendere duo petia marmoris
    Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister dicte Opere nomine Opere possit vendere duo petia marmoris albi illi persone cui sibi placuerit pro pretio soldorum viginti pro quolibet centinario ed ad rationem soldorum quadraginta pro pianatura dicti marmoris laborati et non aliter.
Transcription: mh
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES:  - staircapomaestro
Guided research
stairother ments. - intern.
capomaestro - vende marmo
stairsale - stone
marmo bianco, pezzi
stairother ments. - stone
marmo bianco - prezzo per spianatura
marmo bianco - prezzo stabilito
Analysis: mh
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