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Context of query
o0202001.155vc 1431/2 marzo 3 Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. Alessandro Arrighi - prefetto (operaio)
o0202001.156e 1431/2 marzo 16 Authorization to sell white marble to private persons. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.156e 1431/2 marzo 16 Authorization to sell white marble to private persons. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.156va 1431/2 marzo 18 Hiring of mason. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.156va 1431/2 marzo 18 Hiring of mason. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Zanobi di Lodovico Della Badessa - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Niccolò d'Ugo Alessandri - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Matteo di Simone Strozzi - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.156vb 1431/2 marzo 23 Authority to a warden for the manufacture of the chains of the church. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.156vd 1431/2 marzo 23 Letter to the Florentine ambassador in Venice requesting information about the mosaic work of Paolo Uccello at San Marco and about the possibility of buying glass. Leonardo Mocenigo, messer - operaio di San Marco a Venezia
o0202001.156vd 1431/2 marzo 23 Letter to the Florentine ambassador in Venice requesting information about the mosaic work of Paolo Uccello at San Marco and about the possibility of buying glass. Marino, messer - operaio di San Marco a Venezia
o0202001.156ve 1431/2 marzo 23 Commission to a warden to attend to the forest. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.156vf 1431/2 marzo 23 Commission to a warden to set the salary for masters. Niccolò d'Ugo Alessandri - operaio
o0202001.156vh 1432 marzo 27 Hiring of a master for construction on the cupola. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.156vh 1432 marzo 27 Hiring of a master for construction on the cupola. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.157a 1432 aprile 2 Letters to the marquis of Ferrara and to the Lord of Mantua informing them of the permission given to Brunelleschi to serve them and of the need for him to return at the end of the period of leave granted. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.157a 1432 aprile 2 Letters to the marquis of Ferrara and to the Lord of Mantua informing them of the permission given to Brunelleschi to serve them and of the need for him to return at the end of the period of leave granted. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.157c 1432 aprile 3 Hiring of masters. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.157c 1432 aprile 3 Hiring of masters. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.157h 1432 aprile 3 Authority to a warden to nominate the next administrator on the part of the Opera. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.157vf 1432 aprile 6 Authority to a warden to set the salary for masters in agreement with the master builder. Matteo di Simone Strozzi - operaio
o0202001.157vl 1432 aprile 8 Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.157vl 1432 aprile 8 Release of a kilnman on condition that he supply mortar in accordance with certain agreements and that he put up surety. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.164a 1432 aprile 9 Hiring of a debt collector. Niccolò d'Ugo Alessandri - operaio
o0202001.164a 1432 aprile 9 Hiring of a debt collector. Zanobi di Lodovico Della Badessa - operaio
o0202001.164a 1432 aprile 9 Hiring of a debt collector. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.164a 1432 aprile 9 Hiring of a debt collector. Matteo di Simone Strozzi - operaio
o0202001.164b 1432 aprile 9 Hiring of two disciples to work on the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius. Niccolò Alessandri - operaio
o0202001.164d 1432 aprile 14 Dismissal of a messenger for theft and bad service. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.164d 1432 aprile 14 Dismissal of a messenger for theft and bad service. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.164g 1432 aprile 14 Release of an arrested debtor. operaio
o0202001.164h 1432 aprile 14 Salary set for masters. Matteo Strozzi - operaio
o0202001.158d 1432 aprile 16 Prohibition to enter the work site of the church for having committed a obscene act in the spiral staircase of the cupola. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.158d 1432 aprile 16 Prohibition to enter the work site of the church for having committed a obscene act in the spiral staircase of the cupola. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.158g 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to pay the days worked by a master. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.158g 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to pay the days worked by a master. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.158ve 1432 aprile 29 Term of payment to a debtor. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.158ve 1432 aprile 29 Term of payment to a debtor. Zanobi di Lodovico Della Badessa - operaio
o0202001.159ve 1432 maggio 1 Drawing of the provost. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - (operaio) preposto
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.159vf 1432 maggio 5 Prohibition to pay allocations of funds and enter monies under expenditure without permit. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.160a 1432 maggio 7 Restitution of pawn. Tommaso di Bartolomeo Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.160a 1432 maggio 7 Restitution of pawn. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.160f 1432 maggio 10 Hiring of masters. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.160f 1432 maggio 10 Hiring of masters. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.160va 1432 maggio 14 Extension of deadline for payment of debt. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.160va 1432 maggio 14 Extension of deadline for payment of debt. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.160vc 1432 maggio 20 Election of two bookkeepers of the amounts due to the Opera from the pardons of the forced loans. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.160vc 1432 maggio 20 Election of two bookkeepers of the amounts due to the Opera from the pardons of the forced loans. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.161vc 1432 giugno 6 Confirmation of the release of an arrested person not duly notified. Giovanni di Domenico Giugni - operaio
o0202001.161vc 1432 giugno 6 Confirmation of the release of an arrested person not duly notified. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.161vc 1432 giugno 6 Confirmation of the release of an arrested person not duly notified. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.161vc 1432 giugno 6 Confirmation of the release of an arrested person not duly notified. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0204004.002d 1432 giugno 7 Drawing of the provost. Paolo di Giovanni Rucellai - (operaio) preposto
o0202001.161vh 1432 giugno 13 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to organize the removal and the transport of lumber from the forest and for three summons. Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.161vh 1432 giugno 13 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to organize the removal and the transport of lumber from the forest and for three summons. Schiatta Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.161vh 1432 giugno 13 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to organize the removal and the transport of lumber from the forest and for three summons. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.161vh 1432 giugno 13 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano to organize the removal and the transport of lumber from the forest and for three summons. Antonio Rucellai - operaio
o0202001.163a 1432 giugno 27 Order to execute a model of the oculus of the lantern in order to test the real effect of its closing ring. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Giovanni di Domenico Giugni - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.164vd 1432 luglio 11 Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. Paolo di Giovanni Rucellai - operaio
o0204004.005va 1432 luglio 11 Record of the provost in office. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio preposto
o0202001.165vd 1432 luglio 18 Term of payment for pardons of forced loans. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Schiatta d'Uberto Strozzi - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Giovanni di Domenico Giugni - operaio
o0202001.166g 1432 luglio 30 Assignment of a house to a chaplain. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0202001.166vg 1432 luglio 30 Authorization to the master builder to have the roof of the loggia of the chapter put in order. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0202001.167c 1432 agosto 12 Prohibition to purchase broad bricks without the consent of the wardens. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.167vh 1432 agosto 22 Sale of pawns. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.167vh 1432 agosto 22 Sale of pawns. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.167vh 1432 agosto 22 Sale of pawns. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0202001.167vh 1432 agosto 22 Sale of pawns. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0204004.007ua 1432 agosto 23 Order to the master builder to reopen the doorway he had walled up in a house. Andrea di ser Lando - operaio
o0204004.007ua 1432 agosto 23 Order to the master builder to reopen the doorway he had walled up in a house. Paolo di Giovanni di messer Giovanni Rucellai - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Schiatta Ridolfi - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Bernardo Ciacchi - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Giovanni Giugni - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Andrea di ser Lando - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Bernardo Sapiti - operaio
o0204004.008a 1432 agosto 23 Order to the administrator to give the officials of La Verna a piece of marble from which to carve a coat of arms. Lorenzo Michi - operaio
o0202001.168i 1432 agosto 27 Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0202001.168i 1432 agosto 27 Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. Bernardo di Jacopo Ciacchi - operaio
o0202001.168i 1432 agosto 27 Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.168i 1432 agosto 27 Order to have the masters work only on the cupola. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0202001.187m 1432 settembre 19 Authority for the election of the provost. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio preposto
o0204013.042va 1432 ottobre 13 Payment for various expenditures. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.188vg 1432 ottobre 17 Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.188vg 1432 ottobre 17 Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.188vg 1432 ottobre 17 Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. Antonio di Bernardo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.188vg 1432 ottobre 17 Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. Bernardo di Francesco Salviati - operaio
o0202001.188vg 1432 ottobre 17 Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.189c 1432 ottobre 17 Authority for the election of the provost. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio preposto
o0202001.189d 1432 ottobre 22 Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.189d 1432 ottobre 22 Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. Antonio di Bernardo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.189d 1432 ottobre 22 Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.189d 1432 ottobre 22 Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. Giovanni di Niccolò di Manetto da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.189d 1432 ottobre 22 Regulations given to the treasurer for the punctual registration of collections. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Antonio di Bernardo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.190d 1432 novembre 6 Oath of two wardens. Filippo di messer Biagio Guasconi - operaio
o0202001.190d 1432 novembre 6 Oath of two wardens. Antonio di Tommaso di Guccio - operaio
o0202001.190ve 1432 novembre 19 Drawing of the provost. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio preposto
o0202001.191h 1432 dicembre 3 Order to the master builder of have two "vernie" cut. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.191h 1432 dicembre 3 Order to the master builder of have two "vernie" cut. Antonio di Tommaso di Guccio - operaio
o0202001.191h 1432 dicembre 3 Order to the master builder of have two "vernie" cut. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.191h 1432 dicembre 3 Order to the master builder of have two "vernie" cut. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.191va 1432 dicembre 3 Order to register Brunelleschi's account for a supply of marble according to the settlement that two wardens will make. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.191va 1432 dicembre 3 Order to register Brunelleschi's account for a supply of marble according to the settlement that two wardens will make. Niccolò di Manetto da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.192a 1432 dicembre 9 Term of payment for tax debt. Antonio di Tommaso di Guccio - operaio
o0202001.192a 1432 dicembre 9 Term of payment for tax debt. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.192a 1432 dicembre 9 Term of payment for tax debt. Antonio di Bernardo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.192a 1432 dicembre 9 Term of payment for tax debt. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.192a 1432 dicembre 9 Term of payment for tax debt. Giovanni di Niccolò di Manetto da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.193va 1432 dicembre 17 Term of payment given to a debtor with the threat of demand of payment. Bernardo di Vieri Guadagni - operaio
o0202001.193va 1432 dicembre 17 Term of payment given to a debtor with the threat of demand of payment. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.193va 1432 dicembre 17 Term of payment given to a debtor with the threat of demand of payment. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.193va 1432 dicembre 17 Term of payment given to a debtor with the threat of demand of payment. Bernardo di Filippo Salviati - operaio
o0202001.194vc 1432 dicembre 30 Nomination of a stonecutter. Bernardo d'Antonio Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Antonio di Tedice Albizzi - operaio
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Antonio di Tommaso Gucci - operaio
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Alessio di Gherardo di Matteo Doni - operaio
o0202001.195b 1432/3 gennaio 7 Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender. Buono di Niccolò di Buono Busini - operaio
o0202001.195ve 1432/3 febbraio 10 Term of payment and restitution of pawn. operaio preposto
o0202001.196a 1432/3 marzo 12 Approval of the resolutions of a warden who has gone on to another appointment. Agnolo di Bindo Vernaccia - operaio
o0204004.018vza 1432/3 marzo 12 Approval of the resolutions of a warden. Agnolo di Bindo Vernaccia - operaio
o0202001.196va 1433 aprile 3 Term of payment to the Commune of Montelupo. Antonio di Tedice Albizzi - operaio
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