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1-150 A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1053 





Context of query
o0201070.001c 1416 dicembre 30 Prohibition to accept recompense for showing or lending the books of the new gabelles and forced loans. Text: petere vel habere ab aliqua persona pro
o0201070.004b 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft stones. Text: omnibus suis sumptibus ab una cava nova
o0201070.004d 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for carriage and purchase of hard stones. Text: omnibus suis expensis ab una cava de
o0201070.004vd 1416/7 gennaio 25 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: in piastris emptis ab eo usque in
o0201070.007vf 1416/7 febbraio 17 Payment for the purchase of tools and hardware. Text: et ferramentorum habitis ab eo pro Opere
o0201070.008vb 1416/7 febbraio 26 Salary set for two masters. Text: laborabunt in Opere ab Opere pro eorum
o0201070.010va 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro libbris
o0201070.010vb 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for purchase of fir boards. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro quadraginta
o0201070.010vb 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for purchase of fir boards. Text: de habete emtis ab eo die ...
o0201070.010vb 1416/7 marzo 3 Payment for purchase of fir boards. Text: quolibet eorum emtis ab eo pro Opere
o0201070.012d 1416/7 marzo 11 Payment for transport of both hard and soft stones. Text: presentis mensis martii ab una de cavis
o0201070.013f 1416/7 marzo 17 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: modiorum calcis habite ab Antonio Vannozi fornaciario
o0201070.013vd 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro saldo
o0201070.013ve 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for rafting of firwood. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro foderatura
o0201070.013vf 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro tractura
o0201070.013vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for work in a house of the Opera. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro manifattura
o0201070.014va 1417 aprile 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. Text: Rabatta debet recipere ab Opere et quod
o0201070.014va 1417 aprile 6 Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. Text: vel sibi satisfieri ab Opere vel iterum
o0201070.015va 1417 aprile 10 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: cassus vel remotus ab eius conducta Operis,
o0201070.015vb 1417 aprile 10 Permission to work outside the Opera. Text: intelligantur propterea capsi ab eorum conducta Operis
o0201070.016vc 1417 aprile 21 Payment for the purchase of lead in plates. Text: tribus lamis emtis ab eo pro Opere
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: quattuor f.p.; et ab inde supra pro
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: unum f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: 3 f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos
o0201070.018vc 1417 aprile 29 Table of the rights due to the notaries of the Opera and of the testaments. Text: quinque f.p.; et ab inde supra soldos
o0201070.019a 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro uno
o0201070.019c 1417 aprile 29 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: omnibus suis expensis ab una cavarum Montis
o0201070.019e 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the carriage of hard stones. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201070.019vc 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro pretio
o0201070.019vd 1417 aprile 29 Payment for the purchase of slabs of sandstone for a spiral staircase. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere per decem
o0201070.021d 1417 maggio 19 Rulings for collection of the three gabelles (wholesale wine, retail wine and butchering). Text: annis sequentibus exigatur ab eisdem et gravari
o0201070.023e 1417 giugno 3 Payment for carriage and purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: omnibus suis expensis ab una de cavis
o0201070.023vf 1417 giugno 3 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: salma calcis habita ab Antonio magistri Gherardi
o0201070.024ve 1417 giugno 16 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: de copertis emtis ab eo pro Opere
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro quingentis
o0201070.025e 1417 giugno 22 Payment for purchase of small wooden beams for the roofs of the houses of the Opera and of the church. Text: quingentis asserellis habitis ab eo in pluribus
o0201070.026c 1417 giugno 30 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: modia calcis habite ab Antonio Vannozi ut
o0201070.026d 1417 giugno 30 Payment conditional on the consignment of a supply of broad bricks. Text: Opere debeat recipere ab Opere dictam summam
o0201070b.003g 1416/7 gennaio 14 Prohibition to the debt collectors outside the city to demand payment without permission, obligation to give back the pawns and order to return. Text: civitatem qui facient ab hodie in antea
o0201070b.015vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Letter to the Podestà of Monterappoli instructing him to free a debtor's laborer because his properties, registered in Florence, are cancelled from the parish of San Bartolomeo to Brusciana. Text: Bartolomei Pieri vinatterii ab omni gravamine sibi
o0201070b.016h 1416/7 marzo 24 Dismissal of two debt collectors for having enjoined a citizen to pay who was not a debtor outside the city gates on a feast day. Text: Item cassaverunt et ab eorum officio penitus
o0201070b.016ve 1417 marzo 31 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: facta satisdatione liberetur ab omni gravamine sibi
o0201070b.018c 1417 aprile 16 Prohibition to extend or grant new term of payment if not unanimously approved. Text: alicui qui alias ab eis habuerit terminum
o0201070b.021vf 1417 maggio 19 Letter to the Podestà of Laiatico for demand of payment of the debtors of the new gabelles, with term of payment and under penalty of having the deposit made from said Podesteria entered in the income registers. Text: elapsis quindecim diebus ab hodierna die mictatur
o0201070b.025g 1417 giugno 22 Cancellation of debt to laborer because he does not hold a farm, but only a contract for oxen, and revised taxation on the property and animal contract. Text: podere set tenet ab eo boves ad
o0201070b.050c 1416/7 gennaio 23 Guaranty for debt for butchering and wine gabelles and pardons of the baptismal parish of Remole. Text: pro gratiis habitis ab officialibus usurarum vel
o0201070b.050ve 1416/7 gennaio 27 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the Commune of Prato. Text: ad minutum habita ab officialibus usurarum fideiussit
o0201070b.059va 1417 maggio 21 Guaranty for advance for transport on supply of lumber. Text: lignaminis debet recipere ab Opere libras centum
o0201070b.060vb 1417 giugno 4 Promise of tenant to pay rent of shop to the Opera. Text: apotecam ad pensionem ab Opere et solvere
o0201070b.060vb 1417 giugno 4 Promise of tenant to pay rent of shop to the Opera. Text: solvere dictam pensionem ab hodie in antea
o0201070b.096ve 1417 luglio 2 Annotation of oath of a witness for debtor for herd livestock. Text: Antonium testem tenuisse ab eo ad abbatiam
o0201071.002vf 1417 luglio 9 Payment of rent of a house altered for use as the kitchen of the chapter. Text: quam Opus tenet ab eis ad pensionem
o0201072.016ve 1417/8 febbraio 1 Payment of interest for credit acknowledged for properties demolished. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opera pro certis
o0201072.017g 1417/8 febbraio 5 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: pro solutione piombi ab eo empti pro
o0201072.017vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint Dionysius. Text: Alderotti pro venarcia ab eo empta, videlicet
o0201072.021a 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment of rent of a house for a chaplain. Text: domus quam tenet ab eo Opera prope
o0201072.021f 1417/8 febbraio 18 Rental of a house. Text: pensione unius domus ab eo conducte pro
o0201072.022ve 1417/8 febbraio 26 Term of payment for a wine gabelle. Text: sex annis, videlicet ab anno 1388 usque
o0201072.025ve 1417/8 marzo 10 Obligation of written authorization to make deposits to coffers of the Opera. Text: depositum recipere possit ab aliqua persona, communi,
o0201072.029d 1417/8 marzo 21 Payment for commission to Benozzo Federighi. Text: quos habere debet ab Opera a die
o0201072.030vg 1418 aprile 5 Rent of a road of the Opera for a year with agreement for sale of stones. Text: Rinuccii possit conducere ab Opera viam per
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: in anno Domini ab eius incarnatione millesimo
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: taxationibus et maxime ab anno millesimo quadringentesimo
o0201073.002d 1418 aprile 12 Letter to the Podestà for summons injunction against two inhabitants of Ripafratta. Text: operarii sint contenti ab eis, iterum gravet
o0201073.003f 1418 aprile 15 Revocation of payment of commission to canon. Text: nec dari possit ab hodie in antea
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: de Ganbassio notario ab omni officio, ministerio
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: Operis, ita quod ab hodie in antea
o0201073.003vf 1418 aprile 18 Dismissal of the notary of testaments. Text: quoquo modo ipsumque ab omni eius officio
o0201073.004vb 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.004vc 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.004vd 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.004ve 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.004vf 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro carrectatis
o0201073.005a 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.005b 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.005c 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.005d 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro vettura
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro tractura
o0201073.005f 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro tiratura
o0201073.007b 1418 aprile 23 Release of a debt collector legally bound to the restitution of wrongful collections. Text: denarios per eum ab Opere iniuxte et
o0201073.009vc 1418 maggio 6 Payment for the purchase of pumice. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro libbris
o0201073.010b 1418 maggio 13 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: quos recipere debent ab Opere pro libbris
o0201073.010c 1418 maggio 13 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro tractura
o0201073.010vc 1418 maggio 20 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro ductura
o0201073.011va 1418 maggio 24 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: quos recipere debent ab Opere pro ballis
o0201073.012b 1418 giugno 1 Letter to the Podestà of Fiesole for information about a contested demand of payment concerning a bequest to the Opera. Text: habuit et accepit ab eo pro expensis
o0201073.012vb 1418 giugno 2 Fees fixed for the demands of payment served by the debt collectors and for the pawns taken from the guardian. Text: soldis quadraginta vel ab inde infra soldos
o0201073.012vd 1418 giugno 2 Letter to the Podestà of Ripafratta with summons for the treasurer of the gabelles of the Podesteria, and obligation that he satisfy the person arrested in his stead. Text: videt litteram contemti ab operariis de novo
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: considerantes quod si ab omnibus sic negligerentur
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: residentie, cui Operi ab uno latere est
o0201073.013a 1418 giugno 2 Conviction of a notary for failing to have executed the court summons that had been sent to the Podestà of Ripafratta regarding the new gabelles and the release of a person arrested on account of the debts of the Podesteria. Text: Fiore de Florentia, ab aliis lateribus sunt
o0201073.015b 1418 giugno 14 Price fixed for work done on the altar of the Madonna. Text: et habere debeat ab Opere pro laborerio
o0201073.015b 1418 giugno 14 Price fixed for work done on the altar of the Madonna. Text: debere tantum recipere ab Opere dicta de
o0201073.015d 1418 giugno 14 Payment for a supply of gutter spouts. Text: quod recipere debent ab Opere pro dictis
o0201073.016vd 1418 aprile 26 Promise to carry out a supply of roof tiles in part already paid for and corresponding guaranty. Text: quos mutuo aquisivit ab Opere super una
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: Operis, quia sic ab eis per eorum
o0201073.017vb 1418 maggio 18 Rent of a house with carpenter's shop for three years. Text: dicto Opere et ab alio non recognoscere
o0201073.018c 1418 maggio 21 Guaranty for a master carpenter to whom payment for work has been advanced. Text: Nannem Elleri receptorum ab Opere et seu
o0201073.022va 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the rent of a house. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro pensione
o0201073.022vb 1418 giugno 17 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: quod recipere debent ab Opere pro eorum
o0201073.022vc 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro resto
o0201073.022vd 1418 giugno 17 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro salmis
o0201073.022ve 1418 giugno 17 Payment for the purchase of bricks. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro mattonis
o0201073.022vf 1418 giugno 17 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro fulcitura
o0201073.024d 1418 giugno 28 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro lignis
o0201073.024e 1418 giugno 28 Payment for marble figures. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere super figuris
o0201073.024f 1418 giugno 28 Payment to an accountant. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro revisura
o0201073.025a 1418 giugno 30 Appraisal of stones to be sold. Text: de Niccolinis habuit ab Opere et seu
o0201073b.004a 1418 aprile 23 Restitution of pawns to whoever has paid or has been given payment deadline. Text: vel habuerunt terminum ab operariis ad solvendum
o0201073b.004d 1418 aprile 23 Payment for writing a book of debtors. Text: seu petere potest ab Opere, libras viginti
o0201073b.006va 1418 maggio 20 Injunction to present to the treasurer the money received from the Podesteria of Calci for the new gabelles. Text: Potestaria Calcis sive ab alio pro dicta
o0201073b.007vg 1418 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Calci to revoke a demand of payment of debt for the new gabelles. Text: fuit prius liber ab operariis quam a
o0201073b.033vb 1418 giugno 15 Promise to make payment of a debt for forced loans through the rent of a shop. Text: ipse Martinus tenet ab eo pro florenis
o0201074.002vb 1418 luglio 6 Term of payment given to all debtors. Text: quinquaginta auri vel ab inde supra quod
o0201074.002vc 1418 luglio 8 Reduction of the commission to the notary of testaments. Text: consuetus est habere ab omni et quolibet
o0201074.004c 1418 luglio 21 Contract for corbels with agreement to produce them in the Opera. Text: Fesulis vult conducere ab Opere beccatellos et
o0201074.004va 1418 agosto 4 Authorization to pay work, materials and transport of a model for the armature of the cupola. Text: modellum spectantibus sive ab eo quomodolibet dependentibus
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: emit contra Opus ab heredibus Pieri Cresci,
o0201074.006a 1418 agosto 6 Cancellation of taxes already paid in another urban district. Text: essent diversa bona ab illis pro quibus
o0201074.006d 1418 agosto 6 Cancellation of debt already paid for tax on oxen already made. Text: bobus, (quos) tenet ab eo adgiogaticum Guidus
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: fondamenta Operis existenti ab heredibus Pieri Cresci
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: de dicta segatura ab ipso Ugone Operi
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: denarios et habebit ab Opere dictum casolare
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: macinatus numquam fuit ab aliquo pro dictis
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: soldis sex vel ab inde infra et
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: f.p. Ac etiam ab eisdem oratoribus et
o0201074.012vb 1418 agosto 31 Sentence to reduce the new gabelles imposed against the Commune of Castiglione Fiorentino, in virtue of the authority attributed to the wardens to examine the protest of immunity advanced by the men of said Commune. Text: possit sibique liceat ab omnibus et singulis
o0201074.017c 1418 settembre 2 Letter to the owner of a house with purchase offer. Text: domum, Opus emet ab eo pro pretio
o0201074.017vd 1418 settembre 5 Dismissal of a messenger for failure to obey an injunction to have a man imprisoned. Text: nuntium dicti Operis ab omni exercitio et
o0201074.019f 1418 settembre 14 Authorization to the master builder, to the administrator and to the notary for the construction of a well in the garden of the Alessandri. Text: quod Opus tenet ab Ugone de Allexandris
o0201074.020vd 1418 settembre 26 Rulings for the division of the dwelling of two chaplains with a wall. Text: habitationes ipsorum unam ab altera separare, deliberaverunt
o0201074.022d 1418 ottobre 8 Term of payment for taxes, release of the arrested person and letter to the Podestà of San Miniato to demand payment from the true debtor. Text: triginta que tenuit ab Andrea Balducci et
o0201074.022vc 1418 ottobre 12 Construction of a wall with opening in the shed of the Alessandri and its boundaries. Text: habent et tenent ab Ugone de Allexandris,
o0201074.024d 1418 ottobre 19 Removal of the master builder on account of age and inability to supervise work above and atop the walls. Text: capomagistrum dicti Operis ab omni officio, exercitio
o0201074.025va 1418 ottobre 22 Salary allowance of a master. Text: pro sua provisione ab Opere etc.
o0201074.026vd 1418 ottobre 27 Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans against the owner of a house bought from the wife of the true debtor. Text: emit dictam domum ab uxore dicti Iacobi
o0201074.028f 1418 novembre 15 Authorization to the wardens to purchase various houses. Text: Item possint emere ab Arte Corazariorum domum
o0201074.030d 1418 dicembre 2 Term of payment for herd livestock gabelle, release of an arrested debtor and his new guarantor. Text: licentiatus et liber ab alia fideiussione Iohannes
o0201074.033a 1418 luglio 6 Payment for the purchase of lumber for scaffolding for the cupola. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro triginta
o0201074.033va 1418 luglio 6 Payment for the purchase of a rope. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro uno
o0201074.033vb 1418 luglio 19 Balance of payment for supply of red marble. Text: quod recipere debent ab Opere super eorum
o0201074.033vc 1418 luglio 19 Payment for an audit of the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: seu petere possunt ab Opere dicta de
o0201074.033vd 1418 agosto 4 Payment for a model of the cupola. Text: seu petere potest ab Opere pro modello
o0201074.034b 1418 agosto 9 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro resto
o0201074.034va 1418 agosto 12 Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for its transport. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere a die
o0201074.034vb 1418 agosto 12 Payment for the transport of tree-trunks. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro trainis
o0201074.034vc 1418 agosto 12 Payment for the purchase of utensils. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro quattuor
o0201074.034vd 1418 agosto 12 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro sprangis,
o0201074.034vg 1418 agosto 12 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: quos recipere debet ab Opere pro tribus
o0201074.034vh 1418 agosto 12 Payment for the purchase of iron. Text: (quos) recipere debet ab Opere pro ferro
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