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Context of query
o0201070.010a 1416/7 marzo 2 Rulings for collection of rights owed by the treasurers of the salt and wine gabelles. Text: pecunias per eosdem camerarios dicto Operi debitas,
o0201075.011vd 1418/9 marzo 13 Election of the accountant. Text: libra per ipsos camerarios perceptis et solventibus
o0201076.015ve 1419 settembre 13 Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected. Text: rectores cogant quoslibet camerarios suarum potestariarum et
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: quam substitutos olim camerarios gabelle contractuum et
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: denariorum per ipsos camerarios et quemlibet vel
o0201076.027vb 1419 novembre 7 Election of the accountant for the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelle on contracts of the Commune of Florence with salary set. Text: denariorum per dictos camerarios dicta de causa
o0201077.035a 1420 aprile 19 Evaluation of advice and new measures for the 6 denari per lira due for pardons. Text: penalis contra operarios, camerarios et notarios Opere
o0201080.006vc 1421/2 gennaio 19 Oath of the notary and regulations for the registration of the deposits of Pisa. Text: condictione fienda per camerarios quandoque allegantes pecunias
o0202001.074f 1427 dicembre 23 Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. Title: Contra camerari(os) prestantiarum
o0202001.074f 1427 dicembre 23 Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. Text: ipsi invenerint prefatos camerarios prestantiarum recepisse a
o0202001.081vo 1428 aprile 28 Term of payment to the treasurers of the forced loans after the audit of the their account. Title: Contra camerarios prestantiarum
o0202001.104c 1429 aprile 12 Order to the administrator to enjoin the treasurers of the Commune for the amount due to the Opera with term of payment, under penalty of dismissal from office. Title: Contra camerarios; contra provisorem Opere
o0202001.104c 1429 aprile 12 Order to the administrator to enjoin the treasurers of the Commune for the amount due to the Opera with term of payment, under penalty of dismissal from office. Text: mandentur executioni contra camerarios presentes qui haberent
o0202001.146a 1431 luglio 13 Cancellation of debt for pardons of forced loans on account of prior payment. Text: factis per prefatos camerarios prestantiarum camerario Opere
o0202001.193d 1432 dicembre 9 Declaration of debt for two ex treasurers. Text: Bartolomei Lorini olim camerarios dicte Opere in
o0202001.216g 1434 maggio 12 Letter to the Captain of Arezzo about the demand of payment made to the treasurers of the suburbs. Title: de gravando certos camerarios cortinarum
o0202001.216g 1434 maggio 12 Letter to the Captain of Arezzo about the demand of payment made to the treasurers of the suburbs. Text: quod gravet certos camerarios cortinarum Aretii, qui
o0202001.221vm 1434 settembre 10 Order to two ex treasurers of the wine gabelle to consign their books. Text: provisor Opere cogat camerarios qui fuerunt camerarii
o0202001.230a 1435 aprile 8 Order to keep a book for the past treasurers of forced loans from the 1425 onwards and to have the accountants make settlement for the monies transferred. Text: omnes et singulos camerarios qui fuerunt ad
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Title: Contra camerarios, provisorem et notarium
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: debeant, declarantes dictos camerarios fore debitores dicte
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: facere dictos tales camerarios tamquam veros debitores
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: teneatur alios quoscumque camerarios Communis Florentie ad
o0202001.233c 1435 maggio 4 Confirmation of the rulings made against the treasurers whose accounts have been and will be reviewed according to what is decreed. Title: Contra camerarios
o0202001.233c 1435 maggio 4 Confirmation of the rulings made against the treasurers whose accounts have been and will be reviewed according to what is decreed. Text: omnes et quoscumque camerarios qui hactenus et
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. Title: Contra camerarios Opere
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. Text: dicte Artis ipsos camerarios obmictentes et facientes
o0202001.238a 1435 luglio 15 Term for exculpation from debt to the treasurers of the forced loans, in absence of which they will be dispatched to the debtors' registry. Text: de Spinellis olim camerarios prestantiarum de eundo
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