Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1427 agosto 21 |
Advance of payment to carters to convey marble from Pisa. |
Title: Mutuum fiendum carradoribus pro conducendo marmorem |
1427 agosto 21 |
Advance of payment to carters to convey marble from Pisa. |
Text: pagare mutuo illis carradoribus qui volunt ire |
1427 agosto 5 |
Advance on payment to carters to go to Pisa to convey marble. |
Title: Mutuum fiendum carradoribus |
1428 luglio 14 |
Authorization to contract out to carters the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera. |
Text: Opere possint locare carradoribus Opere ad conducendum |
1427 settembre 12 |
Authorization to have white marble conveyed from Pisa with advance on payment to the carters. |
Text: mutuari facere eisdem carradoribus unicuique ipsorum libras |
1431/2 febbraio 8 |
Authorization to pay the carters of broad bricks according to the judgement of the master builder. |
Title: Pro carradoribus |
1431/2 febbraio 8 |
Authorization to pay the carters of broad bricks according to the judgement of the master builder. |
Text: Opere solvere teneatur carradoribus qui conducent quadronos |
1434/5 gennaio 11 |
Authorization to set the recompense for transport of the jambs and door of the corridor of the cupola. |
Text: existentibus faciendi salaria carradoribus qui conduxerunt certos |
1422 aprile 24 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco. |
Text: teneantur et debeant carradoribus qui trahent ipsa |
1421 aprile 26 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of stones to carters. |
Text: cuicumque et quibuscumque carradoribus voluerit semel et |
1421 giugno 16 |
Balance of payment for transport of sandstone blocks and of 4 large corner-pieces. |
Text: et Sandro Bruosii carradoribus pro resto vetture |
1422 marzo 31 |
Concession of help to (kiln contractor) to pay the carters. |
Text: tamen debitis dictis carradoribus persolvendis. |
1427/8 gennaio 14 |
Concession to contract out to carters and bargemen the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera. |
Text: dampno possint locare carradoribus ad conducendum ad |
1421 aprile 27 |
Contract for transport of 200 sandstone blocks from the Trassinaia quarry for chain of the main cupola. |
Text: Cincio dicti populi carradoribus ad conducendum ad |
1424 aprile 7 |
Contract to carters for transport of white marble. |
Text: Laurentii a Grieve carradoribus ibidem presentibus et |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. |
Text: effectu quod a carradoribus conducantur pro iusto |
1427 luglio 14 |
Injunction to carters to convey marble from Pisa and advance on payment to the same. |
Title: Pro carradoribus |
1427 luglio 14 |
Injunction to carters to convey marble from Pisa and advance on payment to the same. |
Text: omnibus et singulis carradoribus prefate Opere quod |
1422 novembre 24 |
Order to administrator and master builder to weigh the marble of a supply delivered and to oversee the payment to the bargemen and carters. |
Text: eis scafaiuolis et carradoribus qui conduxerunt ipsum |
1422 novembre 24 |
Order to administrator and master builder to weigh the marble of a supply delivered and to oversee the payment to the bargemen and carters. |
Text: eis scafaiuolis et carradoribus ut prefertur, etiam |
1417 aprile 6 |
Order to take stones exclusively from the quarry of the Opera. |
Text: omnibus et singulis carradoribus lapidum quod vadant |
1428/9 gennaio 11 |
Order to the administrator and master builder to have 20 cartloads of marble conveyed from Pisa. |
Text: dicta de causa carradoribus facto et pro |
1434 giugno 9 |
Order to the carters to go to Pisa for marble and their salary. |
Title: Pro carradoribus |
1434 giugno 9 |
Order to the carters to go to Pisa for marble and their salary. |
Text: seu precipi faciant carradoribus de eundo Pisas |
1434 giugno 9 |
Order to the carters to go to Pisa for marble and their salary. |
Text: possint facere dictis carradoribus salarium ipsorum, quod |
1417 aprile 6 |
Payment for supply of black marble. |
Text: dando et solvendo carradoribus et vecturalibus et |
1421 luglio 24 |
Payment for the purchase and transport of broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: pro eo solvantur carradoribus qui eos conducunt |
1423 maggio 22 |
Payment for the purchase of stones. |
Text: Operam pro supradictis carradoribus ad rationem soldorum |
1423 marzo 30 |
Payment for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: Pauli, Nanne Michaellis carradoribus pro 2879 quadronum |
1423 agosto 27 |
Payment for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: dando et solvendo carradoribus et conductoribus dictorum |
1421 giugno 5 |
Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. |
Text: et Sandro Bruosii carradoribus pro parte solutionis |
1421 luglio 16 |
Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. |
Text: et Sandro Broxii carradoribus pro vectura carratarum |
1423 agosto 16 |
Payment to kilnman for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: dando et solvendo carradoribus conducentibus quadrones ad |
1423 novembre 18 |
Payment to kilnman for transport of broad bricks. |
Text: et solvere tenentur carradoribus conducentibus quadrones ad |
1424 giugno 16 |
Payment to kilnmen to pay the carters. |
Text: solummodo solvere tenentur carradoribus pro vettura quadronum |
1423/4 gennaio 12 |
Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport. |
Text: tenentur navalestris et carradoribus pro vettura dicti |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Price fixed for carriage of stone blocks from Trassinaia for the closing of the great cupola. |
Text: et debeat omnibus carradoribus qui conduxerunt et |
1434 aprile 20 |
Price fixed for transport of stone blocks. |
Text: pro qualibet lapide carradoribus qui eas conducent |
1435 aprile 11 |
Price set for transport with oxen of a stone slab to cast the pipes of the new organs. |
Title: Pretium illis carradoribus qui conduxerunt lapidem |
1421 agosto 22 |
Restitution of pawns to all the carters with clause that those who are debtors must pay the messengers. |
Title: Pro carradoribus |
1436 luglio 30 |
Rulings for the provision of hard stones from the Canigiani quarry. |
Text: prestari facere auxilium carradoribus qui conducebant cum |
1436 luglio 30 |
Rulings for the provision of hard stones from the Canigiani quarry. |
Text: expensis Opere auxilium carradoribus in faciendo carricari |